...oh, no no no, I'm no "legend" mate, thanks just the same! I consider myself competent, no better...
Optic Foliar is good stuff for sure. I use the Transport alone for a variety of uses with other products. It's especially good at dealing with stubborn micronute defc.'s like Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu... immobile nutes, meaning the plant can't translocate them from other older established tissues to new growth, this is why they show there first and worst,... Transport is the product that allows temporary penetration through the cuticle layer, allowing whatever is in the solution with it to get hauled directly in, instead of going through the stomata alone.... I like to spoil the girls some during veg' with a foliar spray of pure fulvic (Ful-Power), Si, mild dose of micro's (Earth Juice Microblast is me fav', much of it compounded with sulfates so you get a nice boost of S as well), just to keep on tops of demands, prevention! (BTW, if you use Transport, don't use a wetting agent along with it, not needed, and Dinesh the owner says it's not recommended)...
Yeah, too much lime can cause more trouble than help! One of my friends who grows in Canada, in-ground, over-limed a couple spots and ended up battling B defc. for a little while....... too much Ca screws with uptake of certain other cation nutes.... worse, it doesn't show the more obvious toxicity symptoms on the leaves like many others do! Usually it shows itself in other lock-outs, which in turn becomes a little tangle to figure out what's causing the lock-out: plain lack-of, off pH, bad cross reaction with other nutes, antagonistic/competitive uptake issue... Ca (ionic and carbonate) can build up, becoming a cumulative thing, very sneaky-
Waira i didnt want to sound too much...I personally have a legend meter...For example i consider Valentino Rossi a legend on motogp because he helped make motogp what it is today. In this way i feel the same for you because you are doing the same thing...It is people like you with their results that make us want to push more and become better.
This time i learned my lesson with lime. Im sure that this is whats going on in the soil right now. There is excess Ca (or mg?) and a lockout has started. Hopefully this light flush with 8-10ltrs of plain water will have the extra salt removen and make the soil's nutes and ph active for her roots again? Propably yes. I will update on the way. ALR aka Master aka The Doc sures knows something on this. Soon i will take the run off ph and see what the Doc has to say..
Have you read up on chelation, and humic-fulvics yet? There's some good introduction artiles in Reference section,...
What is Reference section? Where is it here in AFN you mean? No never heard of what is chelations or humic fulvics?
Thanks for the reference. I will study tonight!
Goodmorning to all. Have a great day!
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