So, i will add 2 x 25ltr buckets with my water inside the tent so the water can get a sweet temp.
I will add water pumps to this buckets to keep the water oxygenated right?
You can use two pumps, as i do, one for turning over = mixing the fresh reservoir as you are making it up, the 2nd is in the bucket you intend to use for next res build (15ltr).........
so 3no 25ltr bucket, 2no with standing water one of these has a pump in which is on a timer, this spins over mixes the water for 2x 15mins in 24hrs, to oxygenate and gas it and bring it up to "ROOM TEMP" before you take 15ltrs out into you 3rd empty 25ltr 'Reservoir Bucket".............. to make the fresh feed up in before you feed it fresh amde....
in this bucket you make feeds up fresh and feed them and leave this bucket empty between feeds................. you have 2no 25ltr standing buckets to make fresh feeds........... when one is empty, refill with bottled water.............. and move the conditioned one forward for use, a rotisserie of water moving through a treatment and conditioning process before you use it for feeding ok........... in the res bucket use the 2nd pump to spin over / mix / agitate the water while you are making up the feeds adding nutes etc.........
Master how i use this pump? I put my nutrients into the bucket and then i ph and then i hit the pump for a minute? This will not unstabilize the ph of the water after i added my ph down psosphate H3PO4??
use one pump to turn over a standing water bucket twice in 24hrs for 15mins in the grow space to get heat in also......
second pump in the 25ltr "Reservoir" bucket you make the 10ltr nutrient complex in before feeding fresh there and then after Ph'ing etc................ 2ltrs every other day in the 20ltr air pot, 1.5ltrs in the 15ltr pots, also every other day................. as you have pre whetted right to the bottom the whole pot will now remain moist for fine root fibers to explore nutrient possibility's !!
at the start of a grow it is fiddly making small amount of feed.................. when they get going they will scoff 20ltrs every other day..................... when young making up small amounts is tricky...............
as you need to mix the feed properly with the pump small amounts of water are a pain when using the mixing pump (Saves hrs Of Hand Mixing !)....,
i would put 15ltrs in the 25ltr res bucket, take the no nute Ec of water, then add nutes as halved schedule to hit the required Ec for the feed at that age........... (currenty nute only feed is Ec0.6) are at 0.3 nute only at the mo.......... so up your base nutrients grow, micro, bloom, add extra mls, 'Evenly" same for each one ml of each..... a tadd to shift Ec up......... add one or 2 extra ml's of .....of the base nutrients evenly, one ml of each move Ec nute only up to 0.6 + bottled water Ec0.3 = total 0.9 final Ec........... it's at 22-23c............. it's Ph'ed to 6.4
in veg we use "Nitric Acid" Ph down as it is nitrogen based, good for veg, in flower we use phosphorus / phosphorus pentoxide........ Ph down, as phos is good in flower, helps growth................(drop voodo now), add any thing else the AN schedule say's..... Ph to 6.4 water temp is 22-23c................... your good to feed it now right fresh made.................... they love that.............same temp as soil they love that too....... bang on the nute bliss point, the sweet spot, they like that tooo...
you made 15ltrs of feed up................... you used only 8 to have 5ltrs left over !! the 25ltr res bucket ??.......... what to do with it ??????????? it will go stale right ? yes it will............... you can bin it,............. toilet, or you can just make the bucket back up to 15ltrs, when you make the next fresh feed......... make the stale water back up to 15ltrs you need to feed,
take the "Total"...Ec................ say it says.................... c stale nute,........... we know 0.3 is bottled water so 0.2 is "Residue Nute Ec" right.............
so we add nute to the Ec0.5 inc stale nute, in the 15ltrs of water, and add new nute 1ml of each etc...............untill TOTAL Ec "Re-Hits" 0.9.......... that is then the stale nute Ec lifted back up with new nute 'On Top" of stale, to our total target feed Ec = 0.9 inc bottled water Ec @0.3
ok............ hope you can take that in ok................. making up new nute on top of old left over stale nute in bucket from last feed leftovers !!.....................
Master one more question that is been in my head but couldnt find answer...What is the correct way to add my nutrients in the water? At what order?
Personally i add first Micro->Grow->Bloom->Voodoo->Piranha->B52 Is ok like this to mix?
""""i add first Micro->Grow->Bloom->Voodoo->Piranha->B52 Is ok like this to mix?"""""""
that is correct order, as AN schedule, start at the top of list, so micro 1st and so on, add this to your 15ltrs of bottles water in your 25ltr res bucket, which is being turned over / mixed / spun over / mixed by the pump on it's side in the bottom of the feed res bucket....................
add nutes take Ec as you add................. leave Ph'ing till the end............(veg Ph down use nitric acid, during flower use phosphorus Ph down ok)................water is correct temp as been in 26c grow space.............. hit the required Ec then Ph down....................when 6.4................... let em have it white'ty mate......... they will smile at you dad !!!!! for that feed
when dose "Infra Red" handheld thermometer arrive white'ty mate ?????????? many many use in our work
What update you mean??? Photo update???
You said to make photo update every 4 days. The 10th of March will be the 5th day.
every 4 to 5day, no later then 6, no earlier than 4 days.... is a sufficient 'Interval" for me to spot any issues.............. and prescribe accordingly.... and to watch the pheno type develop, and "Sex"'s sex around 3wks 21 to 28 days we should see the first female organs appear, the calyx and pistils......... of gender determination.............
we have to watch for 'Staminate" this is a female that throws male pollen organs, as she is "Differentiated" gender confused............. if we get a male sex organ on a female plant........................we pinch it off as soon as it appears, there is zero harm done to the female automatic.................... as pollen did not get time to develop.................... as ALR spotted it and pulled it !!
2 days ago i added in 10Ltrs of water:
5ml of Micro, 5ml of Grow, 5ml of Bloom (0.5ml per Litre)
Then i added 20ml of Voodoo juice and 20ml of Piranha (2ml per Litre) then i ph'ed to 6.3
*Water before adding the nutes was EC 0.5 and after it was EC 0.8 = 0.3 EC
Bottled water Ec0.3.................................we need Ec0.5 to 0.6 max at the mo "Nute Only Ec"............. so final Ec is .........................0.3 bottled water plus nute 0.5 = total 0.8 to 0.9.............. spot on at the mo..........
make up as instructed above ok white'ty....... enjoy feeding them they will give you feed back in kind............. every time you go in with a fresh feed, or to get a warm bottled water bucket out to make a fresh feed............ you will look at them and think.................. they are bigger !!!!!!!!!!
calculator says that voodoo stops on the 2nd week. That means i will not use it anymore after the 14th day?
what i did with the AN calculator is this.................... i want half dose the litres box................... you want to make up 15ltrs in you 25ltr bucket,................... great in the litres drop down box on AN nute calculator just put in........... 7ltrs.......... that will give you the half dose figures, you want to make 15ltrs of feed............. put 7ltrs in the drop down box will give you the safe half dose for 15ltrs of feed...........................all nute company's double the nute dose to sell more nute faster...........................
when half doses are dont want high Ec's......................leaving un-used nute in the root matrix......................this will eventually swing the Ph negative or acidic........................locking out nutes and causing lots of over feeding issue................. nute is easy dose it, you can put in, but you cant take nute out !!!!!!!!!
Master B-52 will raise my feed propably by EC 0.2 if i add 1ml per litre. Is it ok to go with EC 0.8 feed at this stage? I could do it only to the DP Ulties and later to amnesia and criti...
Ec0.8 to 0.9................ TOTAL Ec is fine so your nute onl;y Ec is "0.5 to 0.6" make sure your Ec pen is calibrated correctly with the correct calibration fluid for that pen ok............. same for Ph pen................. every week once, check calibration...........................we need to know exactly what ewe are feeding........
Master i hope everything good right? They seem to love their new feed. The Ultimates are flyyyyyyyying so far!!!
feed back, always a joy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................... what they love is the overwhelming factors of the environment and food, and light o2 and co2 that have swung into alignment, with their genetic programmed needs !!!!!!!!! we like this place........... lets get on and hope we can get fertilized and drop seed every where here !!!!!!!! they end up not fertilized, massive aroma and no insects or pollinators.............. just stack of trichome sugars shifting to resination !!.............. and final 'Fruitification" of trichome masses...
Yes, in my next update im going for the 85%!!
you will be 110% by the end of this grow.......... "White'ty" my friend.......... i am looking forward to seeing how much i can pack onto those ultimates,................... final fruiting Ec will be nute only with them dames = "0.9"...... + 0.3 = total 1.2................... plus Bud candy additives as no Ec just sugars............. you didant post pic of bud candy specs white'ty....
voodo juice is bacteria for soil.....= no Ec.......................piranna is microryzol & root micro Ec..........b52 is vitamin and mineral pack........................low level Ec given off................. as some salts are in the vit & min pack........... b53 add all the way through ????
Im in middle east europe
get his interrest on how to heal and how to improve CBD
better than someone else giving him other worse ideas !!!!!!!!............ better the softer, medical devil you know well right !!............................. sounds common sence, as they will find out anyhow !!!!!!!!! we will have to talk bio security white'ty....................... get a duct "Y" piece and add a second carbon filter the the "Y" duct piece ok..................... double you exit carbon filter capacity for now.......................... i will do flow check as soon as i can ok................ that is dose the fan out put match the flow handling capability of the carbon filter on the outflow of the extractor fan ???????????????/ better to have twice the carbon filtration capability, to the flow out put..............................using a "Y" shaped ducting piece with two filters attached top the Y............. one on each leg, double you safety................. so no risk of smell being pumped to next doors roof space or under floor or where ever no aroma leaks = safe............
make sure no light can get into the grow cab, when lights are out............................. you need to be inside to cab to see any light leaking into the cab................. from outside when the inside light grow lights are off.............................. no ligh can be allowed toleak into the cab during lights out white ok..........
in the market (they keep the good staff) is very expensive for me now that i have a hole house and family to support. I took the decision to quit smoking.
They might keep, what they call the good stuff....................... thay can only dream of the smoke you are going to end up with..................... that shite dry, brown crisp, Columbia field grow cac low power, block weed.................. is shite........
Im seriously thinking on starting vaping when i dry my first BUDS!!!!!!!!
o2vape !!!!!!......................... i packed in smoking nicotine with roll ups 1.5yr ago now......................... went onto pure weed blunts............................. but then found the BHO juice (Home made) into my vape pen................ is pure and clean....................and you feel the proper THC and CBD medi benefits.................... is stronger than a blunt its condensed cannabis resin in a liquid you can vape......................... read up on MCT C8 oil to make your BHO into a vape juice.........................
read re "MJMix" BHO liquidizer liquids............. PEG400 juice...........PEG400 = polyethyleneglycol dissolves BHO shatter / crystal........... i would not have it any other way nowadays........................ love the vape as no smell from it..............................can use anywhere with a bit of stelth !!!!!!!!!!!! no way they know you are getting stoned , it just looks like a vape pen !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will do ALR. With all this experience you must be growing for ages! Even the sticks are important!
I am a qualified scientists you see, in this order................... H.nd. B.Sc. M.Sc. Phd........... my B.Sc. is in "Fish"................... that means "Limnology"...................... !!!!!!!! then "Biology" of mammals and plants...... i can breed any fish, mammal or plant on the planet.................. and prescribe for health accordingly....... Fish is my 1st love in science.........
they was asking 0.50 c per 1
0.50cents......................... central eastern Eu !!!!!!!!!!!!............. France i recon !!!! swiss alps still on the cents also though.............
However, we need 4 1.5mtr long plastic coated plant support canes, per pot, and a 1.5mtr coil of rubber tie back bendy horticultural wire.......... to tie bows to canes before they flop over under the weight of fruits............. ask tee about that one !!!!!!!!! some of his fruits weigh in at 2lb wet !!!!!!!!!!!
Its very importand for me to understand the part with the 1500Ltrs/25Ltrs=60 seconds part.
your water feature pump will have on many ltrs of water it can pump in one hour................. i have said i use a pump that can pump, shift, 1500ltrs of water per hour.................... an "Oase 1500ltr hour water feature pump or similar........................ i say "Oase" as a make as it is "very Quiet" in the 25ltr res bucket......................... sat on foam to dispel vibration into the floor people can hear it ok............
so how long to mix 25ltrs with a 1500ltr per hour pimp !!!!!!!!!! 1500 divide by 25ltr = the pump will pump all the 25ltr over in the bucket in 60 seconds.....................= 1500 divide by 25 = 60 seconds ok.............. or 1500ltrs divide by one hour "60". = 25 ltrs moved yes...................
1500ltr pump will shift the whole 25ltr bucket over in one minute......................... when you gotta make dinner after the feeding of the dames early in the evening just after lights on at 6Pm in the evening....................... they go off the following day at midday - 18/6........
a pump with a capacity of 1000ltrs per hour will do just as good....................
You are very optimistic person my friend.
I have been a "West ham United" Supporter all my living day's...................... that will teach from a young age top be optimistic !!!!!!!!!!!!! ....................... last time we won the FA Cup was 83 right tee ??? i have been a self employed entrepreneur all my day's also......... fundamentally though a "Carpenter" !! turned scientist !!!!!!
You really think i will ever grow a bud like in the photo above??
It is true, no one has been to the moon....................... but it is perfectly possible, if we wernt going to top those ultimate's, a donkey dick of those proportion would develop..................... using DP's gene bank !!!!!!!
I hope i make you a proud mentor one day my friend.
Like tee said.................. enjoy the ride throught the deep forest of science and knowledge required to get to the 'Ultimate" goal.................. top class cannabis, lots of it......................... 100 days grow right, you need 2g a day to get beetween each you need 200g dry.................. from 4 = 50g dry from each right............... you will get 120-150 dry from each white ok..................... you got your 200g dry to smoke 'ill correct that "VAPE" between grows !!......................... the rest you can make BHO and store it in the freezer for years man................. then get out the ultimate BHO crystal and make some vape juice !!!!!
My wife says that you are a great person because people dont treat people like this in our days...Positive vibes
When you see these plants at the end of the grow, you will know why i do it !!!!! a pretty sight it is !! and a good feeling, knowing you taught someone the right way to do it....................... another life student !!!!........... you will allaways grow your own after the experience...................... it will cost you no more that 40 franc an oz........... 1g per watt of electricity used.................. = efficient !!
Waira the wizard of canna! Hello @Waira and nice to see
This man posses the "Nordle"........................ and a good know how, how to grow decent kit...... and is a born canna "Altruists" at heart, selfless canna information warrior......... like TeeTee, and our man Shabbas, joly decent sorts, salt of the earth................
nice work so far white'ty mate................... ALR
am living in a tropical climate myself..In a couple of months we will hit the 25C and then 30C and in summer mode we hit the 40 but 35 is average during summer...So this strains would thrive as an outgrow...
eastern Eu @35c............. on the cents..................... i am getting the picture white;ty man.......... could be Spain right..........................they hit near 40c last year....................... southern spain i wouldant bet...............
goodness of people that characterized my ancestors....Grandma ganja was growing different kind of amazing plants including mj in her traditional house using only goat manureI feel like i was born in the wrong timeline.....
growing's in the blood then white'ty mate................ peculated steeped 'Goat manure"................. those was some monster plants mate !!!!!!!!!!!.................. grandma new the score................... made her own to score !!!!!!!!!!! and put in her cakes no doubt......................... then give goat a piece of the cake >>??!!!! nice, what goes round come round in nature right

Dioscorides ( has named the generation of Eupatoriums to honor Mithridates VI Eupator Dionysius of Pontus ( who beside a King he was also a botanologist and a healer especially with Eupatorium species''
Eupatorium................ reportidly, some of the first plant groups to colonize soil on earth right................. you donrt need to know anymore than that.........Dionysius was a cracking the kit, wrote about it...... and it healing affects........ old has the hills white'ty.................. nice article man............ !!!!!!!!!
looking forward to the update pics.................. tommorow or day after !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice work white'ty........... get the infra red thermometer if you can...................... we need to take temperature at the soil top of the pots............... make sure we are hitting the 22-23c range for lightmix soil temps ok....................... top work mate........................they are looking well white;ty.................ALR
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