I found a bottled water with EC 0.3. Its been aerating since yesterday.
What was the temperature when you took Ec ?, and at that temp, the Ph ?..................
your bottled water white'ty, what make is it ?/.............. 5ltr bottles, is it ashbeck ?/..........150ppm = Ec0.3 Ph 6.5 straight out of the bottle.................. shame it didant come out of the tap (fawcet) that good ! There only one thing that cab beat it, and its free, but irregular, !1 "Rainwater"............... it's 100% naturally gassed up....... and theres something else special about rainwater, and how it says hello, to a plant !!
Photos A&B are DP Ultimate's 1&2 (
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has the lime)
the first two photo's of the ultimates, they are larger than the others due to 2 day head start on the critical and amnesia............. but have greened up well quick, after the first treatment.................. no2 got the draw with the lime, so we have an ultimate doubled buffered, at a sensible dose though, in the lightmix, added by hand of white'ty,....................... we have a comparison grow, Lime +1, vs no Lime !............... the ultimate from memory, is very greedy as a fem, 70% of that will have gone across with the Ruderalis mixed in ..... the Hybridization chiasma........... she will still eat like Henry the 8th !!!
keep the same temp in the roots...this is what i understood from previous lesson)
That is correct, as above conversation, re infra red hand held thermometer............... 21-22c at soil top, which is where your "Mercury" type, horticultural come green house "Max & Min" temp gauge, should be placed, perched on the plant pot top under the plant....................
accordingly, this is where your extractor fan thermal speed control probe should also be positioned. So when the temp at the root top hits 25c the fan kicks in to full speed, and keeps the temp bang on....... if the temperature at the canopy hits 32c.................... it is not a problem for the plants............ being of tropical strain, sub equatorial strains......... they love the heat a good sativa............ and can handle the higher VPd........ most canna VPd projections are based on "Temperate Climates"............. not relevant to the tropics, which this group of plants originate from............... except a few species like high altitude kush and snow bud.......
these are tropical 28c higher primordial plant species, "Cannabinium's",............... here is the brother, literally, of our known Cannabinium........ Cannabis & the Canna's;
Eupatorium "Cannabinium", i got 3 in my garden the pink pistils are sweetest aroma........ bee fly quite a way to get to it !1.......... it was here before cannabis

, the full "Anemophylic" factor of distribution !! seeds cab be blown into hemisphere, land in a back garden on the gold cost, bobs your Eupatorium".......... millions and millions of years, it's been at it in the wild, survived all sorts of cataclysmic events.............. born survivor this weed !!...............pretty thing aint it the original !!...............
The 4 dames are looking fully automated !!............... perked up like a light came on !!................. nice work there white'ty............... in fact nice work all-round so far................... the results are beginning to show......
In the Tent:
600w mh distance 83 cm (32.5 inches)
Room temp: 26-28 C
RH: 50-55%
*Lights out i have it the same...26-28 C..
with room stats like those, it's no wonder !1........................ they are in bio heaven............... what we do white'ty is store the res water in the space, that then heats it to the right temp to feed it at................. post making up your 10ltr res. These dames by wk6 to wk8 probly earlier, will need a 16ltr res, and 2no 25ltrs standing water, standing ready for use, post aeration............ why 2no 25ltrs ??.................. if we need to flush or do run off as we have the capability "At Hand"..................
Re mixing nutes in the 16ltr bucket ?/ get a 25ltr bucket (That 3 in all).......... and make up 16ltrs in that when the time comes. You may be using a 25ltr bucket to make 10ltrs up in white'ty right ??.......... the thing is, mixing salts into water, whic is saturated with co2 and oxygen, aint as easy as you would think............ so this is what we do;...........
Into a 25ltr (Wine or beer makers) "Fermentation Bucket" HDDP, so wont degrade under strong light, and UV & IR, (Eventually cracking), i digress, into that bucket 25ltr put a 1500ltr/hr water feature pump to turrn over, spin over, mix water fast, in the reservoir bucket, as you are adding nutrients.
We have all stood there for 25mins mixing water with the "Blue Lab Truncheon!)............. and ending up with a wrong reading on the meter due to incorrectly mixed nutrients...................
Solve that, with this;
sit it the bottom of the tall bucket remove the fountain. it will pump water upwards to the surface............... mixes 25ltrs in 1500ltrs/25=60seconds..................... so you wait one minute for an "Accurate Ec & Ph reading right......... next update is on the 10th white'ty..................... ok...........
One last thing;
Have you been on the ;
As you havent mentioned it since i posted the schedule from it for you to follow white'ty............ 2nd =
In your right up of specs you gained a 70% assessment !!................ would have been 85, but you forgot to post, add to the spec, the "Ec" you have and are feeding the plants, and in mls................. = this is your current feed regime for the AN nute "Complete Set" you have bought white'ty............ i have halved the dose, so these are actual mls in 10ltrs ok............ so a total of 35ml in 10ltrs white'ty ok...........then add root stim & then Ph it to 6.4 now ok............. wonder WTF is in "Voodo doo do juice !"................ we will find out............. as i am off the get an NPK count before the shit slides !!!!!!!!
Grow Micro Bloom (Vegetative) - Vegetative Growth
Base Nutrients Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Grow 5 mL 10 mL 20 mL 20 mL 55 mL
Micro 5 mL 10 mL 20 mL 20 mL 55 mL
Bloom 5 mL 10 mL 20 mL 20 mL 55 mL
Vegetative Growth
B-52 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL 40 mL
Voodoo Juice 10 mL 10 mL - - 20 mL
What Ec did you feed the last feed white'ty my friend, like this ??
In 10ltrs = base nutrients =
2ml grow ?
2ml micro ?
2ml bloom ?
to hit Ec 0.4 ?
then add b53 + voodo 1ml ?/ to hit our target feeding Ec at day 7, 8, &10, off Ec0.6 nutrient only so plus water Ec 0.3............... = 0.9................. so next post white'ty add the EC to this same spec ok;...
UPDATE DAY 15 ! Auto Ultimates, Amnesia & Critical Automatic Grow; hers how it is;
In the Tent:
600w mh distance 83 cm (32.5 inches)
Room temp: 26-28 C
RH: 50-55%
*Lights out i have it the same...26-28 C...I should take it to 23 C? (i have the oil radiator on the inkbird temp control and i dont change the temp before light out to keep the same temp in the roots...this is what i understood from previous lesson)
Photos A&B are DP Ultimates 1&2 (
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has the lime)
Day 10 since wet
7 cm height
Photo C is Critical + 2.0
Day 8
6 cm height
Photo D is Amnesia xxl
Day 7
4cm height
Add; Ec of feeds = combined Ec grow + Micro + Bloom + B52 + VOOOODO DOO do juice ok
Photos A&B are DP Ultimates 1&2 (
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has the lime) Ec 0.6
Day 10 since wet
7 cm height
Photo C is Critical + 2.0 Ec 0.5
Day 8
6 cm height
Photo D is Amnesia xxl is on additional nitrogen so Ec is 0.7 at the mo, you get the drift White'ty tea......
Day 7
White'ty my friend, i am in England, tee is in, well, somewhere "Down Under" Queensland, where are you my friend ??............. are you in China "China" ?????????? or Thailand ??? Bangkok Hilton ?? if you get nicked are you looking at 25 ? or 25wks ?................... or is it legal in your home town ?/
Hence the, wonderful glee and glow of a first grow can, and will bring................. how long have you been smoking canna / vaping / do you smoke tailor made cigarettes white'ty friend ??/?? or do you want it for personal medicine ??................ or a cure for insomnia !! ????....................... best to all my friend.......ALR
'I hope only canes to be the problem"
You better get 1.5mtr plastic horticultural plant support sticks white'ty ok................ the plastic covered ones ok.................... do not buy cheap bamboo from, god knows where, as certain insects hatch from the inside at 28c !!!............................ from experience !!................... and some rubber flexible 3mm horticultural tie back wire, to tie the bows to when the weight become to the bows..................... for this reason, i had trouble with this strain; 'Kalisnapple" i ran out of 3mtr stick

........... However, 'Tony" from Dutch Passion, flew some in double sharpish as you can imagine !!............ along with the new 02vape
nice kit that corker