My youngest plant turned the leave like this. She is 3 days old...This means something?
To make sure i understand well, i need to have a temp 27-28c while lights on and to keep the same temp when light is off?
I am using only bottled water atm.
i have ordered a 2 stage filter to use on my tap water.
When you say mix tap water with bottle water you mean distilled water? Because our drinkable bottles here are ph 7.7 and ec 0.6 average and after the aeration for the chlorine ph climbs to 8+..!
I should water the soil colump? What that means is to water all the pot until water runs off the pot? And then water again every other day 1.5ltr? I feel this is too much, maybe it will never dry like this?
I will begin nutrients after 5 days.
-Tomorrow propably the soil will be dry on the top
My next watering it will be bubbled drinking bottled water of ph 8 ec 0.6 but i will use botanicare ph down to bring the ph to 6.5?
So how much water each plant should take? I have 4 plants 3, 4, and two of 5 days old
plant turned the leave like this. She is 3 days old...This means something?
Ph down in veg period needs to be a "Nitrogen" based Ph down, such as "Nitric Acid".................. in flower we use a "Phosphate Po4" based Ph down which is good for flowers, where nitrogen is not so good for flowers....... asd a Ph down..............
White'ty................ if i am to guide you through the journey to harvest, from now till end............... i will need you to post your nutrient pack and bottles or what ever you are using, up hetre.
feed an Ec of 0.4 nutrient only to the seedlings right now ok................ room temp is up so all good there......... using bottled water for now is good also for now.................... make sure your feed water is pre warmed to root temp before you feed your 200ml to 500ml............ water volume at the moment ok...................... when you soak your dry grow medium to the bottom do it with the low nute Ec0.3, at same temp as grow medium adding in the "ROOT STIMULANT" last to the water when you make your feed,........... Ph it to 6.3 then feed it........
At 4no 500ml feeds you will be attempting to Ph 2ltrs of feed water................. better to make 5ltrs, use what you need "FRESH" then tip the rest away..................... as root stim cant be kept for days in water.............. as its a bacterial feed also !!............................always make "FRESH FEEDS", feed them fresh and refill res with new clean water for aeration as you are now ok.............................. re-read this, so it can be "Digested"...... and remembered ok white'ty.................................will be back in, every time you post a response and like my post, i will get notice you have been back in ok................. ALR
Feed them as instructed above.................. every other day 200 to 300ml nute Ec at 0.3 to 0.4 is fine at the moment ok............
you have a "Dutch Passion" grow master, assisting you.
The two pots you added, highly alkaline, slake "lime" to, they, those pots affected with lime, may still throw issues yet, as we move along ok......(We can flush this out though if need be)................
White'ty............. i cant see where you have actually named what strain and type (Sativa / Indica)? your 4 seedlings are ??............. same as the ones you pulled up and binned ?? or different ??...... post yup ok........... i need to reed on their peculiar perpendicularity's etc.....!
I was lucky to germinate in cold water (about 15 C). After a day in glass of water i added them to the paper towl and into a nylon bag. After 2-3 days small roots and straight to the final pot. Until now i have 100% germ rate. (atleast i mastered the first level)HOW DID YOU GERMINATE ON PAPER TOWLS ??.......... IN WATER ?? HOW White'ty
(20ltr_pot=3ltr water?)(15ltr_pot=2ltr water?) with root stimulant
@ ph 6.3 Correct?
How many ml per litre of root stimulant to add here ALR?
.In the schedule i am following from Atrain the first 10 days its plain ph'ed water and after he adds base nutes with root stimulants...
You work in Dutch Passion Labs ALR?
i copy his grow journals added garden lime
Also he said its working with light mixes soil mediums including Biobizz...
i didnt add the lime to the other pot. Lets see how it will turn out...
seeds from dinafem
lucky to germinate in cold water (about 15 C).
You work in Dutch Passion Labs ALR? I want to say a bigfor being here and helping me out!! Good karma to you and your family my friend.
I am one of only 7 show growers to be selected to present, and represent Henk van Dalen gene lines, in the dutch passion gene banks. Accordingly, strains he hunted personally from round the world, before 1980 came along !! And my work on cannabis growing, was recently chosen, for the 20th anniversary of Dutch Passions legendary "Power Plant", as i grew, for show, the Power Plant for the 20th anniversary occasion.
The 5 thumbnail pictures in the link below, are all my handywork.................
So not so much work for, but a whole part of it, in every way possible, it's not so much me, as the thing me do !!
feed an Ec of 0.4 nutrient only to the seedlings right now ok................ room temp is up so all good there......... using bottled water for now is good also for now.................... make sure your feed water is pre warmed to root temp before you feed your 200ml to 500ml............ water volume at the moment ok...................... when you soak your dry grow medium to the bottom do it with the low nute Ec0.3, at same temp as grow medium adding in the "ROOT STIMULANT" last to the water when you make your feed,........... Ph it to 6.3 then feed it........
I am one of only 7 show growers to be selected to present, and represent Henk van Dalen gene lines, in the dutch passion gene banks. Accordingly, strains he hunted personally from round the world, before 1980 came along !! And my work on cannabis growing, was recently chosen, for the 20th anniversary of Dutch Passions legendary "Power Plant", as i grew, for show, the Power Plant for the 20th anniversary occasion.
The 5 thumbnail pictures in the link below, are all my handywork.................
So not so much work for, but a whole part of it, in every way possible, it's not so much me, as the thing me do !!
White'ty, how are you getting on with the AN nute calculator app !! or online calculator ??............. just halve the 1ml per litre dose to 0.5ml.............. and build nute pack as AN schedule, i will take care of the remainder of the variables approaching you ok...................... ALR
confused again. What i should add to the water to water the soil columb? Only Root Stim? OR i should make micro grow bloom, root stim and ph to 6.3?
10 Litres of Bubbled bottle water with 0.5ml/L m-g-b, 2ml/L voodoo juice and 2ml/L piranha.
-EC 0.8 after nutes and ph'ed down to 6.3 (bottle water EC is 0.5)
I soak them really good and i took reading of the run offs. Here is the result:
Plant 1 = EC 2.1 PH 5.9
Plant 2 = EC 3.0 PH 6.0
Plant 3 = EC 2.1 PH 6.2
Plant 4 = EC 2.0 PH 6.1