Indoor Down the KNF Rabbit Hole

Day 74 Durban Sunrise
She hasn't grown any more, buds are tightened up, plenty of amber, so she got dropped today. Don't see a huge yield but I have a feeling it may be a stellar smoke.

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She surprised me. Buds were quite firm, very sticky and gave up just under 3.5 z's. Currently curing in Grove bag.
Green Crack Day Day 63
Green Crack Day Day 63
Been a minute and a half and she's almost all grown up. Glad I changed over to 1 plant per container. I no sooner get her trimmed up to let in light and air and she just fills right in. She would have taken over the whole 3' wide space if I let her.

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"new" Orange Bud
This is Day 13 for Dutch Passion Orange Bud. She's in 27 gal tote with the Viparspectra xs2000 watching over her. Along with the knf nutes, I'm going to try some of the HomeGrownBokashi nutes at least in veg cause the plants all took off for the first 4 weeks. Not sure if this one will be as objective since I started her seed in water with FulPower and Vam. 18 hours in water and she already had a stubby. Put her in the coffee filter in the same water and by the end of the day, she had a 3/4" tail and the shell was half off.

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Day 3 Red Congolese
Day 3 Red Congolese by DNA Crew.
Started her in Vam/Ful Power laced tap water. After 10 hours she went into wet coffee filter. 12 hours later she had a 1/2" tail so I put her in a solo cup while the re-amended 27 gal sip cooks a bit. So far, I'm really impressed with the Vam/ Ful Power for starting seeds.
Once again I'll be using the KNF regimen along with some Homegrown Microbe Bokashi. Adding the HMB seems to fatten/strengthen up the main stems. The Green Crack that was in this box, I would have needed big azz loppers to cut the base with so I just left it all there so as not to disturb the soil.
I was wondering how this was gonna work out sharing the light with her neighbor but the Auto wreck in bloom is getting 1000 while the seedling is at 400. I expect she'll grow into the brighter light as she grows. Should be fine.

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Day 51 Orange Bud
Day 51 Orange Bud
Been a minute for updates. She's grown quite a bit since last seen and budding along quite nicely. She's close to 3' tall and seems to be still going. Need to pull out the bamboo to spread out the back area some. If she goes another 3-4 weeks, should be massive.

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Day 51 Orange Bud
Been a minute for updates. She's grown quite a bit since last seen and budding along quite nicely. She's close to 3' tall and seems to be still going. Need to pull out the bamboo to spread out the back area some. If she goes another 3-4 weeks, should be massive.

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I see "Mass Quantity" of bamboo in your future!!