Indoor Down the KNF Rabbit Hole

The Jewels of Durban
The Jewels of Durban

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Day 80 Durban Sunrise ?????
Day 80 Durban Sunrise
I got so excited seeing all the colors in the purple girl I forgot to take an overall shot. I"ll get it tomorrow. It does bring up a question though. Do purple or other color trichs count the same as amber trichs when figuring ready for harvest? @Twenty20 Adam
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Durban Sunrise Krew Update
Finally got this one done.
First up is the 1 gallon girl at day 39. She's doing ok. Got some nice little budlings going on. Possibly a bit of nitro deficiency going on.

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2nd up is another 39 day old in the 27 gal sip. I don't know if the soybean aminos lost their flavor on the bedpost over night but she definitely showing signs of nitro deficiency. I upped the soybean in foliar fed her last night. Despite that, she seems happy otherwise . She too has some buds going on.

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Last but certainly not the least are the "twins" at day 82. The gal with the purple hair do will probably come down Sunday. Being sativa dom, I don't want them going into couch lock mode. Her sister with the white streaks is packing on the trichs but not much amber yet, Got to keep a close lens on her.

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That's it for this week. Thanks for stopping by.

@Twenty20 Adam
Durban Sunrise Chop Day
Day 88, week 12 for the 2 Durban Sunrise gals in the eb.
Today is chop day. Buds have all tightened up, trichs are about where I want them, only took in 1/2 gal of water after 5 days (usually 2 gal) #2 even started a fade. These are the first gals that I've actually had "other" colors. I think this may be cause I can't keep the temps consistently down. Need to get a bigger ac in this room.
Quite noticeable with these 2 is how #1 has purple buds with green leaves and #2 is more of white buds with purple/black leaves. Will be interesting to see what the smoke is like from both.

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All for now

@Twenty20 Adam
Durban Sunrise #3 Day 45
Durban Sunrise #3 Day 45
Been doing some lst on this gal. So far, it is a lot easier to manage just 1 gal in a pot. Hoping that with better light penetration, yield will be as good if not better than the 2 gals crowded into 1 box.
Recharged the soil with some lobster composte, worm castings, and bokashi. Fed the worms with avocado bomb.

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All for now