Lighting DIY COBs 1000w or very close 2

Yo, smo, what up bro? I bought mine on Amazon canada... There all over the place man.. The bay has them as well.. Here's a screenshot of the one i bought..

If u type in part of the description up top you should find a wack load buddy.. The bay ones come direct from china.. Cheaper but longer wait...
There has been a learning curve for sure.. I was so used to hps that watering, nute schedule, light height and temps, all had to be relearned and tweaked.. I was always trying to get rid of the heat, now im trying to keep it.. Im only running 1 panel right now though, so heat shouldn't be as much of a problem when i have 2 hanging.. I was always happy around 22c with hps.. But i was seeing very slow growth with the cobs at that temp(also some overwatering, very little evaporation), once i raised the light some and bumped the temp upto 25c they seem to be much happier.. Not alot of stretch though..
Check em out..

And this girl just couldn't wait,

The link should be in my sig, if u wanna have a closer look.. I think the light was too close and too intense for them.. Its at 3' now.. 350w-for heat issues.. Got a temperature controler and heater and exhaust fan hooked up to it, so everything is dialed in now... But it was a hell of a start...
Cheers bro