Lighting DIY COBs 1000w or very close 2

Amp donut will come with your ac volt/amp meter. Make sure it has one as there are many with out.. Check the 80 vs 90 cri battle.. 90 kills it.. Its not all about photons my friend, spectrum plays a big part.. In the side by side 90 has bigger flowers and finished 2 weeks earlier.. Same clones, res, temps and humidity.. Same room just divided in half.. One plant per side.. I have been monitoring the thread religiously on another site and been posting pics here.. Its in the diy thread.. 3000 or 3500 90cri is the best all-around spectrum... Hands down... Take a look bud..

Well shit... My chips are already on the way. I based my decision on what a lot of other experienced people have been saying, like Growmau5 and others. I think perhaps many of them were basing the logic around this;
"The YPF curve was developed from short-term measurements made on single leaves in low light. Some longer-term studies with whole plants in higher light indicate that light quality may have a smaller effect on plant growth rate than light quantity."

Originally my plan was to go along with 90cri 3000k and 80cri 4000k mixed. Have two chips side by side and controllable during the various stages of growth. I don't have a dedicated veg light you see, so I would be using this fixture for the whole grow. I really wish you had documented your build with more photos of the wiring, its such a great system!
You should give the full thread a check its on riu called 1812 3500k 80cri vs 1812 3500 90cri , a very interesting read.. Man things change so fast in the led world.. growmau5 actually has a bloom booster kit through cutter which is a vero decor 1750k chip.. And now is doing cool things with adding single diode photo red and far red chips. Having deeper reds is always a good thing in my eyes.. I run 6 80cri and 2 90cri, and am. Happy with it..
But when i upgrade i will be getting 3000/90's for sure..
Check these
80 cri peeks at around 600nm

And the 90cri peaks around 640


Problem is most of the older par meters mq-100/200, and cheap ones today weren't really designed for white led application and only test between 410ish-660ish nm instead of the real 400-700 par range.. But even then the 90s are tapering inth the 750ish range.. All i know is journals of 90cri chips are killin it.. If u poke around a bit u will find some..
To me that yellow 3000k/90cri line is sexy...
There is a mq-500 apogee now that is designed more for white leds, but still drops the ball just under 700nm..
To me a spectral report is what it says; a report. It is data gathering under certain conditions. Those two graphs for instance are tested at different mA, 80cri being 1080Ma and 90cri at 2250mA. It's not exactly an equal comparison. What really matters is what you said before about the real world tests, if 90cri is outperforming 80 under the same test conditions then it is clearing superior. Personally the graphs and reports dont really mean jack, they are merely a benchmark, only real world testing can give a true indication of what is better suited.

It truly makes my head spin, but this is cutting edge tech, these guys who pioneered this tech and diy for horticulture are truly exploring something unknown territory. All of this will be obsolete in 6 months.

"The red curve in the graph shows that photons around 610 nm (orange-red) have the highest amount of photosynthesis per photon. However, because short-wavelength photons carry more energy per photon, the maximum amount of photosynthesis per incident unit of energy is at a longer wavelength, around 650 nm (deep red)." 600-680nm is where its at imo. If 90cri is outperforming 80cri in terms of harvest at the same current and same conditions it would surprise me, because it basically goes against what everyone in the industry has been saying.
Spectrum is all those charts are for.. It doesn't matter if you run a 3500k/80 at 1050ma or 2100ma, the spectrum will be the same, the intensity or ppfd will change but spec will remain constant.. If you haven't already, check out the thread on riu and make your own decisions. The best thing about diy, is we all get to build, try, and do things the way we want. And if you dont like it u can always change out chips, or upgrade next year when the new chips come out.. Once you start you cant stop..
You will find everyone in the diy world of leds has there own opinion on what is best or worst.. Fact is any cob from 1750k-5000k 80/90 will grow weed..
My recommendation is to read through cob grow threads.. Actually look at the plants under different spectrums.. Then make your choice if unsure..
Finally some real talk! Jimmy I have followed that thread since day 1. It's a hard pill to swallow. Deeper in far red will make the plants finish sooner and the red could equal richer buds. I'm not 100% sold even though I should be. Photons vs spectrum has been the question for years. If I could find the thread I'll pm you. It was more towards the opposite end of this showing spectrum was much less important.

Either way a cob being 80 or 90 Cri will produce the best results of any other light source for the wattage.
Finally some real talk! Jimmy I have followed that thread since day 1. It's a hard pill to swallow. Deeper in far red will make the plants finish sooner and the red could equal richer buds. I'm not 100% sold even though I should be. Photons vs spectrum has been the question for years. If I could find the thread I'll pm you. It was more towards the opposite end of this showing spectrum was much less important.

Either way a cob being 80 or 90 Cri will produce the best results of any other light source for the wattage.
You said it buddy.. I read so many threads on efficiency, lumen/watt, par, ppfd, and spectrum b4 building my rig. I was so caught up in the lumen/w (because spectrum really wasnt as important) that 90cri just looked like a loss on paper, then that 80vs90 just blew me away.. I swapped out 4 of 16 chips because of that thread.. Now the shitty thing is i am constantly rotating my plants to spread that 90 love... Hahahaha

But this is the great thing about diy, now i have 4 spare chips for a veg light, side light, spare panel, shit mabe ill hang them in the shop and take out the floro's..

Cheers buddy,
good to see ya over here