Lighting DIY Cob Building. Safety first! [ELECTRICAL SAFETY ADVICE]

Hey, can I just take that ring between heatsink fins?
Sorry, I have no knowledge for electricy so I want be 200% sure. Better check twice, right?
I'm not sure what you mean. Sorry. It should be a solid connection to the light itself. It's not an energized wire it's just a ground
Would it be worth while for someone with little electrical knowledge to build a cob, im seeing fantastic grows off 120w cobs, making me think i might be able to save money on a light and bills i want max wattage 300 so with an led lets say 200 since there meant to be so efficient.
Im always told lil knowledge is worst then none so im very unoptomistic, but also i dont wana pay someone say 300 pound if i can make one alot cheaper.
Whats y'all thoughts ?
Wow scary thread, I would recommend ANYONE who is going to attempt any kind of DIY to at least buy a simple electronics book, failing that seek advice from a professional. Don't guess with electrics, honestly-I've seen places burnt to the ground. :bighug:

Okay, thank you guys! :thanks:

Edit: I know, @Dazed ... it's tricky and hard to advice through internet. I place more pictures because I don't speak english and don't know electrical terminology. I think this will work. Red is red and yellow is yellow, right?
But I think we can do it with that help like here in this thread and in DIY forum. Great community and members!
Wow scary thread, I would recommend ANYONE who is going to attempt any kind of DIY to at least buy a simple electronics book, failing that seek advice from a professional. Don't guess with electrics, honestly-I've seen places burnt to the ground.
