Lighting DIY Cob Building. Safety first! [ELECTRICAL SAFETY ADVICE]

So the yellow is on the power cord to the wall?

From you picture, it looks like there should be a place to hook it up. Is there a screw or something maybe on the underside of the driver on that end?

I'm pretty sure this is showing a place to hook up ground:

This is what I have.

On right side of driver, red and black goes to COB.

On the left side of driver, wires goes to wall. Well, on other cable and then in the wall. Like picture below:


This cable have wires: yellow/green, blue and brown. Like my driver. But on driver, this yellow does not lead to anything in driver.

Sorry about language and pictures, but I don't know how to say these things in english.
The longer side with the cut ends is for a plug with a ground. The one with the connector should go to the frame, just make sure your in direct contact with metal. Painted surfaces don't work.
The longer side with the cut ends is for a plug with a ground. The one with the connector should go to the frame, just make sure your in direct contact with metal. Painted surfaces don't work.

Ring to metal? This metal will not kill me if I touch it? :biggrin:
Interesting that the driver itself doesn't need a ground. Or I wonder if they're assuming the driver will be touching whatever you do connect it to? *shrugg*
Interesting that the driver itself doesn't need a ground. Or I wonder if they're assuming the driver will be touching whatever you do connect it to? *shrugg*
Since that wire is coming from a grounded plug and entering the driver then back out to be grounded I would bet it is. Speaking of grounding stuff I noticed my dimmer on this meanwell has a ground and if attached I lose about 15 watts.