i have only ever used biobizz nutes
my feeding dont vary from this by much,if i remember to fill it in.
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the half strenght of photo schedule...i think its a funny one,funny as in yes thats good advice for a first timer,as theres umpteen different nute lines and none for autos(maybe one now ..canna ?) i then think its upto us to adapt or tweek the schedule ourselves to suit.
sorry for the dud/vague useless information
burnt tips and a clawing leaf dont scare me now like they used to,if it happens i give em a drink of water the next day,never panic never flush.keep it simple and all that.
this any good to you
i grew an original amnesia,moby dick and a blue cheese at the same time.other two gave me some issues along the way,blue cheese just kept trucking on,not the biggest yield but the prettiest plant and the nicest buds,effects where bang bang to.
this struck a chord with me.
experimenting is great.its great fun for a start,cant learn without trying new things.topping,fimming and all them other things wouldnt exist without it.and sometimes reading about it in a book isnt good enough.the suck it and see syndrome.chances are if ya tell me not to touch something its hot,im gonna do the unthinkable
eejit nature i spose.
an analargy fuck spelling
ya know what i mean....trying to get a car to go round a track faster,never make more than one adjustment or change because you wont know what did what,only if it went faster/slower/same.
street weed is shit,no weed is real shit.keep it simple stupid,less is more,and my fav the less you do the less can go wrong
get a couple of harvests in,a bit of stock.or if ya got the space set aside an area or donor plant for experimenting,and do all the crazy shit ya can think of
i should dtop now thats a total ramble.