Indoor CO's Organic Auto Jungle

Horse manure- you mean shit in water? :crying: I think it can, ill try horse shit sometime but havent until now. I hear i should be composted if you use the shit in soil but some people make a lower layer of fresh stuff outdoors when its cold the rotting process will heat the soil and benefit the roots if they are not in contact from the beginning. @Dr. Babnik you may try and tell me how it works!? :biggrin::d5:
I can get as much horse shit I can carry.
Unfortunately I can't compost in an appartment building. But you are right, it probably needs composting. It's full of hay. However, it would add air to the soil.

My dogs love to eat it....

What do you make?
My recipe is: 5 Gallon Bucket filled up with fresh cut stinging nettle to at least 2/3 of the bucket to improve the mix i add comfrey and put some common horsetail (dired plant/amount around 200g) in it and this has to be filled up with water and placed in the sun or under warm lightsource for around 1-2 weeks and stir at least once a day. Not really recommended to do this inside its smelly as helly but you can add valerian extract (not the root extract, the flower one) to keep it 'low'. This is most likely done in summer but i guess will work right now too but takes longer. Mix it 1:20 or 1:10 ratio with water depending on the plant and there you go. In flowering time i add guano tea and/or stone flour. Thats it. I hope this answer fits the question as i am not sure if you meant this by asking what i do, but thats what i do.

I may try horseshit outdoor next since i can get fresh and compsoted both from the dumpspot. But right now i stuck to reuse my soil because its already here and i am lazy. But i think you can definitely go for a horseshit grow even if fresh. I would mix it with the soil, and it will be beneficial through the fact it got so many bacteria innit. :eyebrows:

If there is some further questions to the recipe i am willing to share it all. If not for the smell i think you will love it!:gassy:

I can get as much horse shit I can carry.
Unfortunately I can't compost in an appartment building. But you are right, it probably needs composting. It's full of hay. However, it would add air to the soil.

My dogs love to eat it....

What do you make?
My recipe is: 5 Gallon Bucket filled up with fresh cut stinging nettle to at least 2/3 of the bucket to improve the mix i add comfrey and put some common horsetail (dired plant/amount around 200g) in it and this has to be filled up with water and placed in the sun or under warm lightsource for around 1-2 weeks and stir at least once a day. Not really recommended to do this inside its smelly as helly but you can add valerian extract (not the root extract, the flower one) to keep it 'low'. This is most likely done in summer but i guess will work right now too but takes longer. Mix it 1:20 or 1:10 ratio with water depending on the plant and there you go. In flowering time i add guano tea and/or stone flour. Thats it. I hope this answer fits the question as i am not sure if you meant this by asking what i do, but thats what i do.

I may try horseshit outdoor next since i can get fresh and compsoted both from the dumpspot. But right now i stuck to reuse my soil because its already here and i am lazy. But i think you can definitely go for a horseshit grow even if fresh. I would mix it with the soil, and it will be beneficial through the fact it got so many bacteria innit. :eyebrows:

If there is some further questions to the recipe i am willing to share it all. If not for the smell i think you will love it!:gassy:

I known it's smelly, but my girls love nettle.
In the summer,I plan to make stinging nettle brew. I can do the fermentation in our friends garden.
I use GH General Hydroponics Urtica every week and buy it by the gallon. What is the shelf life of home brew? It would be very cost efficient if I could make 50 l during summer and stored.
It seems to me Urtica continues to rot when the container is opened.
I known it's smelly, but my girls love nettle.
In the summer,I plan to make stinging nettle brew. I can do the fermentation in our friends garden.
I use GH General Hydroponics Urtica every week and buy it by the gallon. What is the shelf life of home brew? It would be very cost efficient if I could make 50 l during summer and stored.
It seems to me Urtica continues to rot when the container is opened.

There are different opinions on shelf life, me myself and i are using it till its gone... :baked: if it still stinks it still delivers, may lose a little potency, not sure about that. (and mine was made months ago still stinks and i still use it)
There are different opinions on shelf life, me myself and i are using it till its gone... :baked: if it still stinks it still delivers, may lose a little potency, not sure about that. (and mine was made months ago still stinks and i still use it)
Good, good. I would do the same.
If the product is not completely degraded, the process continues.

Today I got more lactic acid bacteria. Cucumbers, mustard and radish has been shown to increase in growth and crop when inoculated with lactic acid bacteria. A gift from my nute sponsor.
Good, good. I would do the same.
If the product is not completely degraded, the process continues.

Today I got more lactic acid bacteria. Cucumbers, mustard and radish has been shown to increase in growth and crop when inoculated with lactic acid bacteria. A gift from my nute sponsor.

When i look at your nute collection the should have gifted a rolex :biggrin:
When i look at your nute collection the should have gifted a rolex :biggrin:
Big Plant Science gives me a lot and I purchase a bottle when I have some extra money.
The Big Boss likes my scientific and biochemical approach to feeding.
All the bottles come to use at different life stages of the plants and the more I learn to read each individual baby.
Update time some fresh shots just taken

Micron top cola in flower


she seems happy with her feeding and here we got an exclusive stemshot for @Dr. Babnik