Indoor CO's Organic Auto Jungle

All the bottles come to use at different life stages of the plants and the more I learn to read each individual baby.

I make fun of it but i seriously dig it. Always learning from everybody. The lactic acid bacteria sounds intersting bro, share me what you think when u used it! How are you gonna apply it to the plants?
I make fun of it but i seriously dig it. Always learning from everybody. The lactic acid bacteria sounds intersting bro, share me what you think when u used it! How are you gonna apply it to the plants?
I don't know yet. The product is not for sale.
The Big Boss is very interested in traditional korean farming. They have used lactic acid bacteria (from now on LAB) foe centuries.

The scientific litteature is scarce. There is a paper I can't even find where is published, but I have asked the authors for a copy.
You can read the abstract and a few qoutations below it.
I will keep you posted on new knowledge. It will appear in my News Journal and I'll tag you when I have stuff that may interest you. I always share knowledge when people are interested. Knowledge does not belong to any human. Knowledge is without any use if it is not conveyed and acting accoringly.
SO now this part isnt so much fun to look at as the Micron...a little fuckup here with calmag i think and of course the height problem. I topped the BB even i applied some jungle bending earlier but she still was growing like funk. Please share your opinion, i topped her few days ago and may top a few side branches cause they get to long...just not sure cause shes already flowering and i dont want to kill her vibe, but here we go...

ah yeah and the white spots is just fly shit i ignore that totally


looks like shit right here

the side branches still let me hope since ther wont be a top cola i really underestimated the grow on this one.............................................
She is a sexy gal!

Ah, wonderful stem!
I love it when I see it like that. Nettle brew is capable of building such a strong, corky stem.

Yes it is my man, but the common horsetail should have beneftited that stem 2 since its ingerdients benefit strong cell walls, even works as a tea for humans...talking tea again :coffee2:
just looked it up its called silicic acid/orthosilicic acid.:thumbsup:
I don't know yet. The product is not for sale.
The Big Boss is very interested in traditional korean farming. They have used lactic acid bacteria (from now on LAB) foe centuries.

The scientific litteature is scarce. There is a paper I can't even find where is published, but I have asked the authors for a copy.
You can read the abstract and a few qoutations below it.
I will keep you posted on new knowledge. It will appear in my News Journal and I'll tag you when I have stuff that may interest you. I always share knowledge when people are interested. Knowledge does not belong to any human. Knowledge is without any use if it is not conveyed and acting accoringly.

Just reminded me i wanted to give bokashi a try..u may already know it but ill drop a link since anybody viewing this thread doesnt.
This link is just random to show what bokashi is/can look like
Right here a view of the whole area


i also got 3 BigAuto Taos standing inbetween and one photo in the front just because i didnt want to waste all that light. They are developing quite slow because they don get much light and the distance is too far, one crazy bitch started flowering already...quite interesting may i pollinate it to see if the babys become superfast supertiny strain

Horse manure- you mean shit in water? :crying: I think it can, ill try horse shit sometime but havent until now. I hear i should be composted if you use the shit in soil but some people make a lower layer of fresh stuff outdoors when its cold the rotting process will heat the soil and benefit the roots if they are not in contact from the beginning. @Dr. Babnik you may try and tell me how it works!? :biggrin::d5:
all shit should be well composited, fewer probs in the long run, my experience
all shit should be well composited, fewer probs in the long run, my experience

Next year outdoor run i will use it. Fortunately i can choose the aging grade since theres always one big rotten dump and one big fresh dump of horse shit i have acces 2

Nice u found the time 2 stop by and i am glad @The Elvis was in the building 2..i may be using the 2 2 extensively...but i am 2 lazy 2 be honest 2 swich from that habit :nono:
I can get as much horse shit I can carry.
Unfortunately I can't compost in an appartment building. But you are right, it probably needs composting. It's full of hay. However, it would add air to the soil.

My dogs love to eat it....

What do you make?
straw, uncomposted, if mixed with soil will require nitro from the soil to break down, a more efficient use of straw is as mulch, naturally breaking down at the soil surface where biological activity is booming during the growing season, or grow period indoors