Indoor CO's Organic Auto Jungle

not so broken down manure can be used as a top dressing, outdoor this is cool, so much going on to keep the balance, indoor I would be worried about bringing blue meanies in, so, well composted

What are blue meanies? (nothing good i guess..yes im a genious)
Good, good. I would do the same.
If the product is not completely degraded, the process continues.

Today I got more lactic acid bacteria. Cucumbers, mustard and radish has been shown to increase in growth and crop when inoculated with lactic acid bacteria. A gift from my nute sponsor.
lactic acid causing bacteria are what make my sauerkraut, they increase the efficiency of my digestive tract
SO now this part isnt so much fun to look at as the Micron...a little fuckup here with calmag i think and of course the height problem. I topped the BB even i applied some jungle bending earlier but she still was growing like funk. Please share your opinion, i topped her few days ago and may top a few side branches cause they get to long...just not sure cause shes already flowering and i dont want to kill her vibe, but here we go...

ah yeah and the white spots is just fly shit i ignore that totally

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looks like shit right here
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the side branches still let me hope since ther wont be a top cola i really underestimated the grow on this one.............................................
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poor girl, gives me a headache