Indoor CO's Organic Auto Jungle

I'm sorry to hear. My last grow included a long war with fungus gnats , then thrips. Its a though fight! Chemical warfare is the only solution.
My main tent for autos is clean. There still may be bugs in my photo tent, but I am not sure. To be on the safe side, I drop some Zyklon B in there.

How do you recover oil from the EtOH?
I have turned my attention to bubble bags. I have never had better hash than the stuff I made myself, or more correctly, that we made at The @Slowmo Labs.

If i got the meaning right i just dissolve (Ethanol or iso) the frozen chopped up plant matter and let it sit for a while (i used to wait 1-2 days now i really believ 15-30 min is right and enough) then i let it run thru unbleached coffee filters. I take one pot fill it like half way with water and one stainless steel 'cup' where the dissolved fluid Comes in. Then i let it cook until the eth/iso is gone. Best is to let the extract sit in the freezer for a few hours before you scrape it off because it easier to handle. Hope your question is fully answered Doc.

Please share the products you found (via link or the name of the product) :) Thank you!

Sorry, i forgot...
@ClockworkOrange, great to see you! I've missed you, dude!

Well i had some issues and did focus on moving things forward, i did miss the whole afn thing pretty hard! Nice to hear! I'll soon drop my Sanlight Review. I may wait until i am totally thru with this run (running photos only at the Moment) but it will be worth the wait. Hope you been good so far, will check you thread in a Minute, am sure theres some new info i can feed on :bighug::cheers:

We interrupt our current program for a breaking news story - after beeing away for a few days, not really checking his tent, AFN member ClockworkOrange was shocked when he opened his tent on christmess eve for a quick look on his swelling buds, it seemed that the MicronTao had a moldy leave sticking out of her main cola. Even in a hurry, he decided to quick pick the leave out when he recognized it was more than a litlle leave the mold had been on....

We have some live footage from this horror. Parental discretion is advised. Anybody sensitive to gore and violent material shoul NOT view this material.

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The moldy tissue was removed, the stem was then cleaned with an alcohol wipe to kill the last mod spores. ClockworkOrange says he was hit hard by this accident, but now will pay more attention to his plants so this never wil happen again.

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In every shade of death is a little sample of life...this is what CO found when he was removing the dead tissue of his loved one...
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One single seed, as a symbol for the never ending fight for life, and also a symbol for hope and NEVER giving up!

We asked CO what he thinks made the bud mold, he replied:
'It problably was due to the cold outside warm inside condensating water paired with the lack of proper air movement since i did not turn the fan on for a week. I am ashamed this happened because I took my pleasure more serious than my duty to the Tao...I will not let this happen again if I can avoid it!'

He seemed honest about his pain, and his word will be a monument to all those who struggle but take the be continued.

AFN NEWS - Independent Cannabis Research Labs

The fight goes on!