Indoor CO's Organic Auto Jungle

@Dr. Babnik[/USER] feel ya, i got myself some Ball Mason jars since i saw them here and thought i have to get some to see if they are that good...
I reuse the jars I buy with duck fat (perfect size for me), in addition to some commercial jars.

:nono: dude, these are not pests to ignore! At this point you have a full generations cycle going, meaning they're established in plant and soil; they undergo a sort of pupation there, not feeding, but emerge as adults--which can fly BTW! They black glop is their shite, and they can create bio-debris of their molts, eggs, and dead that will contaminate your buds! :yoinks:
... there are foliar spray products you can use during bloom that leave little residues behind: pyrethrum and something with Spinosad in it,.... both are very effective on thrips, and are food safe pesti's! Pyrethrum is derived from chrysanthemums, and spinosad is derived from an obscure bacterium,...both are neurotoxins! :amazon: They don't kill right away on contact, but they sicken quickly and go off feed, dying a day or so later,... if you want to war on them, let me know and i'll go into more detail,....
I reuse the jars I buy with duck fat (perfect size for me), in addition to some commercial jars.

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The good ol' duckfat jars...who doesnt know them! :crying: I reuse jars 2, but sometimes i am a sucker for new stuff...:cheers:

:nono: dude, these are not pests to ignore! At this point you have a full generations cycle going, meaning they're established in plant and soil; they undergo a sort of pupation there, not feeding, but emerge as adults--which can fly BTW! They black glop is their shite, and they can create bio-debris of their molts, eggs, and dead that will contaminate your buds! :yoinks:
... there are foliar spray products you can use during bloom that leave little residues behind: pyrethrum and something with Spinosad in it,.... both are very effective on thrips, and are food safe pesti's! Pyrethrum is derived from chrysanthemums, and spinosad is derived from an obscure bacterium,...both are neurotoxins! :amazon: They don't kill right away on contact, but they sicken quickly and go off feed, dying a day or so later,... if you want to war on them, let me know and i'll go into more detail,....

Of course! I would take them 2 war if it is not unsafe for my health, i read the Pyrethrum is most effective absorbed via Inhalation (on humans) and can be toxic, i dont know yet wich way is more unhealthy....
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No on neem, you got it-- too much residues from the oils,... pyrethrum will break down on it's own, spinosad too,... firstly though, I'd get a good close-up look at the buds themselves to see what debris is there,.. they don't like the resins and terp's, it's toxic and entrapping to them, but debris will of course stick to it,... Pyrethrum isn't that kind of toxic, or it wouldn't be labeled food safe, right? Short of breathing conc. aerosols of it, there's nothing to worry about! If you're going to treat the plants, you'll need a wetting agent to use with the the spray to increase it's penetrating power and coating coverage,... in fact, it's even more effective to use an alternating treatment of two pesticides, and you will need to treat repeatedly at this point,.. it's a shitshow and a beating, but there's little choice now IMO,...
I found one with 0,25 % (1,2 g/l Pyrethrum; 1,3 g/l Pyrethroide) 500 ml in spray bottle around 13 bucks. The other Pyrethrum spray i found is a spraycan with 400ml and 14 g/kg Pyrethrum; 24 g/kg Piperonylbutoxid ingredients for 20 bucks. I wonder whats the better choice... @Waira
Overkill- had to shut down, not because of the pests. Secured the not full ripended plants by cutting 'em down pull the seeds i found and threw the plant parts in the freezer for a day. From there directly to the Ethanol 96% bath for 48 hours and now if ran it through coffee filters and left it sitting in pyrex type of bowl. Shit got really green, I tellya the broke down plant matter went yellow and the ethanol juice is green. I am doing this with the Micron first, and after i do the Blueberry. If you wonder how come so much talk and so less pix, well, my camera decided to die a few days after emergency chop...crappynew year :face::crying: next you see me I will use the new LED'si copped. Sorry for all who followed this mustbe as disappointing to you as to me.
Maybe i can get a few pics of the finished extractand the saved seeds at least next time. Keep it up, I'll stick around again when i got my shit fixed.

It doesn't take long w/ the Etoh to get the concentrates to change colors.. Most of mine comes out almost black in color, but when you thin it out, it's amber-ish w/ a hint of green and I soak mine for about 30-60min..