Completely new to everything!

Bought a $25 WiFi microscope Off Amazon and can now see some amber at the top of one of my plants. Does it make sense to do a staggered harvest top-to-bottom?
I’m a newer grower but a couple things I’ve learned:
1. Whole-plant pics help everyone at AFN give you better advice, along with the close-ups of trichs
2. Don’t look at trichome color on leaves, only bud. Leaves have amber changes before the actual bud.
3. Always look at pistil color, too. They should (generally) all be brown before the plant is ready for harvest.

As with everything having to do with growing cannabis, these are guides only, not hard-and-fast rules, but good things to keep in mind.

Regardless, you’re doing great! Keep it up!
Bought a $25 WiFi microscope Off Amazon and can now see some amber at the top of one of my plants. Does it make sense to do a staggered harvest top-to-bottom? View attachment 1350904

yup, the amber that tellz the true tale, and whatcha wanna be lookin for, will be on the budz themselvez, not the leavez, cuz the leaf trichz mature faster than the bud trichz ;) that said however, in a case of top-level budz showin amber, but not mid-to-bottom yet, then ya, a staggered chop is entirely doable :thumbsup: ppp

edit: oopz, forgot to mention that yes, for the most part, the pistilz (hairz) will turn turn brown & shrivel back more towardz harvest time, buuuut, plz take note that plantz can & do continue to push out new white pistilz right up til harvest,'z simply a built-in survival trait of the plant is all ;)
This place is AWESOME! Ha! thank you all! I’ll take full plant pics next week. I’m waiting on seeds to arrive and will start a proper grow journal next week for plants I’ll start outside and likely finish inside if it gets too cold...I’m setting up WiFi thermometers to monitor things now! Hahaa it’s too much fun!
This place is AWESOME! Ha! thank you all! I’ll take full plant pics next week. I’m waiting on seeds to arrive and will start a proper grow journal next week for plants I’ll start outside and likely finish inside if it gets too cold...I’m setting up WiFi thermometers to monitor things now! Hahaa it’s too much fun!
I think you have the addiction. Proper treatment for it is to grow more plants! :thumbsup:
Alright I lied. I have this week off to do stuff around the house and I was thinking of top cutting along the red line to start a harvest. full plant and bud close up. I see amber. I have no Idea what I’m doing, and I’m totally fine possibly ruining it if it’s ready to harvest. Gotta start somewhere right?!
This is week 9 for this batch.
To my idiotic brain with zero experience I still have weeks to go. I’m upping the nutrients and watering as I may be stingy and limiting their potential. I split a gallon of molasses & tiger bloom with a pinch of grow big between the three of them today and it seemed like they still want more.

Deer fencing is to protect them from those giant rats people call deer.

did a test harvest last week and it’s still drying in my workshop. Excited about all the future steps I will likely mess up!

Week 10 and it looks to me like they are close!

How dumb am I thinking they are close?!

Full plant, phone zoom, and microscope view of trichomes-all of which look cloudy to me.
The plants have responded well to the increased feeding!!!!

Hindu Kush:


gorilla glue:



Candy Kush: (earlier harvest was moot-I messed up But so glad I did a test run!)

