Completely new to everything!

progress report!

moved to sunnier position & top Coated with worm castings and kelp meal. watered with a mix of tiger bloom today. Noticed a massive difference thus far! Curious to see what tiger bloom does!
Thank you all!

I have no idea what I’m looking at but see “more” things growing!


gorilla glue progress


Hindu progress


candy update
I’m a bit late, but welcome. I started my first grow early this year - AFN is the best community out there. I’m now beginning to harvest my second successful grow: SO MUCH BETTER than the first. You learn so much with every plant.

Good luck, and prepare to get completely sucked in to this new hobby. So much fun.
i have a loupe, and I don’t fully understand what I should be looking for. I assume these still have several weeks to go-right?

I just started molasses last week as well. A lot of bugs are eating seedlings that I’m trying for a second round! learning what to do for my third round, right?!
oh yes they do still have a while to go, they look to be still in stretch from where i'm sitting
edit: although the last picture is really throwing off my age estimation

good methodology btw, commendable.

fyi: I wouldn't top(foliar) feed once they go into flower, especially if you want to make edibles. teeeechnically minerals are water soluble and the good stuff isn't but your cookies might end up tasting like wormies. If they reacted well to the nutients it might be worth considering giving them a little more of those to see if that wouldn't boost their growth
Welcomes btw. Your blooms look great! I could be wrong but I think you've got a ways to go. The trichomes should be white and beginning to shift into yellows and ambers. I grow in a greenhouse using organics so I don't know when you should begin washing them with water. Wondering if your growspace has vents on the bottom?
Man-I’m so clueless with whatever is happening with the plants i just laugh! It’s so alien looking!

I have two plants that were damaged heavily by animals that I’m trying to nurse back to doing something. I have 17 seeds arriving Monday. I’m trying 2-3 more outside and then plan on growing in a closet over winter. It’s a competition to do better now-and that means I won’t stop anytime soon! Thank you all for your help. its helping my other gardening as well.
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