Lighting Cobkits Light Engines!

It is amazing isn't it. I have a new 5x5 tent, the above picture with the photo plant. It got cold last night but I also have a total of 300W of my cobs in a 5x5 tent. Inside a fully insulated shed/garage. The exhaust vent is set at 70 degrees and blows into the shed. I even covered the tent with a dozen drop cloths and moving blankets. I walked in this morning and temps in the shed were 55 in the shed and in the tent 60.
Took some temps on the light engines. I picked up an infrared temp probe. Ambient in the tent 73F. The light to the right 82 near the cob, 81 at the inner core of the heatsink, measured between the fins. The light to the left, 78F!! This is at 50 watts too! the heatsink doesn't even feel warm to the touch, feels cool in fact! THIS is what I'm looking for!

And these should be about 50% efficient at 50 watts. Got to love it!
I had mine a Then I got the 5 1812s. If I can find someone to do some soldering for me, I'll mount them on these Iceled coolers.

lol I have 15 blown up 2530's gotta start somewhere. Crazy before I noticed the citizen cobs I bought dozens of the 2530's
I had mine a Then I got the 5 1812s. If I can find someone to do some soldering for me, I'll mount them on these Iceled coolers.
I have my 2530's on 1/8th aluminum 3"x7' 6 cobs at 20W each powered by mars hydro. temps behind the cob is 90f and between the cobs is 85f $6 cobs on a chunk of metal with the cheapest drivers available. Unbelievably bright. For your 1812's have you considered the splayed square heatsinks from ngl? you may be able to put 2 per heatsink
I may upgrade my Mod420 with them, but I'm going active with a purpose. I'm going to build a vertical rack using these active heatsinks to save weight. My goal is 2 vertical racks in one 4x4 tent.

I have my 2530's on 1/8th aluminum 3"x7' 6 cobs at 20W each powered by mars hydro. temps behind the cob is 90f and between the cobs is 85f $6 cobs on a chunk of metal with the cheapest drivers available. Unbelievably bright. For your 1812's have you considered the splayed square heatsinks from ngl? you may be able to put 2 per heatsink
I may upgrade my Mod420 with them, but I'm going active with a purpose. I'm going to build a vertical rack using these active heatsinks to save weight. My goal is 2 vertical racks in one 4x4 tent.
Will you do 1 or 2 plants in the 4x4? I have a wall that I run 2-4 plants on. 8' wide by 6' tall. I'd love to do a net and run these bitches up it. Lots to learn.
I'm going to start with one plant. Once I get the technique down, I'll do two, one on opposite walls.

Will you do 1 or 2 plants in the 4x4? I have a wall that I run 2-4 plants on. 8' wide by 6' tall. I'd love to do a net and run these bitches up it. Lots to learn.
In a 4x4 I'd be nervous. I suspect you need air movement behind the plant plus the plant itself. I bet 2 plants will take up 2 feet of width. If you run the lights like normal it would work but check ttsti he is going vertical with lights as well
I've been following ttystyk on RIU for a long time. This guy is pulling 2lbs per light, one 16 cob light per screen. I've taslked with him a bit and he feels it is feasible. Screen will be 6" from the wall with a box fan at the floor blowing up, or a tower fan suspended from the ceiling over top of the screen, Yes, I don't know if I'll have space for 2, we'll cross that bridge after a grow or 2. I want to see if we can maximize the use of a 4x4 space. Can we grow 2 - 4 pounds in a 4x4? I may never hit that goal, but the point is to show people with low plant count how to get the most from their space and plants

In a 4x4 I'd be nervous. I suspect you need air movement behind the plant plus the plant itself. I bet 2 plants will take up 2 feet of width. If you run the lights like normal it would work but check ttsti he is going vertical with lights as well
I'm with you. I have been thinking allot about it too. Before you get setup we should chat more as I'd like to see how things are going. I also have some have some ideas, thoughts and concerns. The benefits I Haven't really weighed out yet. For a tent it may work best compared to a big open space.