Lighting Cobkits Light Engines!

Which drivers does it have Pop? The mars kinda suck with their 88-100v drivers. 2 1812's just barely fit on paper but I don't trust it. Or 2 1212's per driver but super low wattage. I wonder if these companies would sell the shells without leds. Probably wouldn't save much though. 2-3$ worth of leds lol
I'll have to look. Its 435 true watts though, just too damned blue! Be nice if they were 100 volt drivers.... I've got 5 1812s that need something to!

Which drivers does it have Pop? The mars kinda suck with their 88-100v drivers. 2 1812's just barely fit on paper but I don't trust it. Or 2 1212's per driver but super low wattage. I wonder if these companies would sell the shells without leds. Probably wouldn't save much though. 2-3$ worth of leds lol
I'll have to look. Its 435 true watts though, just too damned blue! Be nice if they were 100 volt drivers.... I've got 5 1812s that need something to!
2 switches you could have a good veg then flower light
as an active heatsink that would run a lot less than 400 watts, so I'd use that stock heatsink and fans. I figure it would even be worth a driver, something like the HLG120H-48a and I could run 4@35 watts each on one, $32 driver. Still be a damn cheap upgrade! chips plus a drivers about $100 Thats less than I paid for my old mars hydro light and 4 times the photons!

I got a Mars Hydro old style 100x3 I just stripped. Got some CXA 2530s to mount on it when I get to it.

I'll have to look. Its 435 true watts though, just too damned blue! Be nice if they were 100 volt drivers.... I've got 5 1812s that need something to!
But I don't think I will do the Vipar, I'll ebay it and by parts with the money. I'm thinking 4 more light engines on a frame for this tent, leave those other as side light. Put them on an
HLG-320H-54B run at 75 watts each.

I'm juggling efficiency vs. PPFD going for a sort of midpoint between them. Budget demands it if I'm to upgrade all my lights. But I'm looking at it as they may not max out my tents, but they are much more efficient and pumping out a LOT more photons than my previous lights. Then I can work on adding more chips at lower wattage and upping efficiency
So addicting. I can tell your having fun and that's a huge part of it too. Still debating on the 30 1212 light at 10w each. Do you think 1/8 alum spaced 6" apart with no fixture mounted fans will work? I have above head fans
Might work, worth a try, you can always just the number of cobs.

So addicting. I can tell your having fun and that's a huge part of it too. Still debating on the 30 1212 light at 10w each. Do you think 1/8 alum spaced 6" apart with no fixture mounted fans will work? I have above head fans
Took some temps on the light engines. I picked up an infrared temp probe. Ambient in the tent 73F. The light to the right 82 near the cob, 81 at the inner core of the heatsink, measured between the fins. The light to the left, 78F!! This is at 50 watts too! the heatsink doesn't even feel warm to the touch, feels cool in fact! THIS is what I'm looking for!

And these should be about 50% efficient at 50 watts. Got to love it!
led light bulbs have a very small heatsink. That's also sealed in the housing. Incandecent light bulbs don't have a thing and they don't blow up either. These 10w of cobs are like 2.7w of heat since the efficiency is so high. I bet that would be the best 500$ 300W light out there. 70ish% efficient.
If you build it, we will all be very interested in your results. Hmm I have 15 2530s..........

led light bulbs have a very small heatsink. That's also sealed in the housing. Incandecent light bulbs don't have a thing and they don't blow up either. These 10w of cobs are like 2.7w of heat since the efficiency is so high. I bet that would be the best 500$ 300W light out there. 70ish% efficient.