New Grower Chandys Virgin Grow :)

congrats on your first harvest! :clap:

Tanks man!! :-D Harvesting is always a bit of a double edged sword, IMO. It's like your sitting there with the plant, shears in hand, almost feeling bad for having to cut it down. Especially when they're so freakin pretty lol
How did you go about it? And by that I mean, did you trim wet or are you going to trim dry??

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was times. I didnt dare trim it wet in case i got too scissor happy. Trim it when its dry and i know exactly what im dealing with then :)

350g wet, eh? Not too shabby at all :) The buds will indeed shrink up considerably once they start to really dry...(remember when I showed you and J the bit I had hanging in the closet a while back, and J said something to the effect of it looking like poop on a string lol) If I recall correctly, I remember reading somewhere that the dry weight will become 25% of what it was wet. Which is 87.5g for you...then you gotta take account for the serious stemmage but you should still be in good shape (:
Do you have circulating air in your drying area/cupboard?

I bloody hope not! If i dont get 5 ounces off 5 plants im switching t photos!! lol. [EDIT: Just realised i forgot how t maths... and then i remembered! Things are DEFINITELY not as bad as they first seemed :-D HOORAH!! :-D ]

....snook. hahaha <3

I mean snuck! haha. Had t check the dictionary t see if it was a real word then... thought my brain was lying t me... it often does, lol.

screw top an applesauce jar or something?? As long as it's air tight, it should be fine...obv. make sure you wash them out real good and, IMHO, I would let them air dry vs attempting a towel dry, I wouldnt want any moisture in the jar with my buds or any type of lint. I have a reasonably sized glass candy jar with a rubber seal on the lid that I like to use if my mason jars are MIA or occupado.

Like apple sauce/jam/dolmio/peanut butter/gherkins/pickled onions/chocolate spread/ragu/lemon curd.... the usual jarred goods :-p My fellas grandad give them t me. He has loads o seperate jars in his kitchen f different money things like rent, savings, christmas, etc and he give us some t do the same... but we never have any money so i shall use them for my goodies instead :-D They are the ones that when you open them that poppy bit comes out with i assume makes it not completely air tight. Hopefully air tight enough though... not that itll need t be if i only get half ounce of a plant :-/ ....aint no way that stuffs lasting long enough t dry up!! lol. Never thought about sweet jars (you americans and ur candy :-p lol). Bet theyre well cheaper than mason jars and larger too! On it like Sonic :) Cheers mate.... look at you aiding me in grow stuff you aider you! :-p lol.

"Attention all shoppers, attention all shoppers. We need a panty check in isle 5...It seems we got a leaker..."

LMAO! We call em knickers round these parts.... and id say it more of a gush than a leak! PMSL!!! :brow: (<--- couldnt resist when i saw these brows ;) haha)

Ready for some MORE sentimental shit?? haha
Never once, since joining AFN did I imagine that I would find someone like youhere.
Someone who can not only understand but relate to almost every single thing I could bring up about (my) life. Someone you can have a genuine connection with, without having ever stepped foot in front of the other.
It just makes me sad that we live so far away from each other. Because in the few short weeks we've known each other, I feel like we've gotten to know one another on a level that can take a lifetime to achieve.
And for that, I will be forever indebted to AFN. :bow:
Funny to think that the basis for this friendship all started with an old womans uterus....and a dream :roflcry:

I hear ya! If we lived in the same country wed of well met up by now! God damn the sea getting all in the way of our friendship!!... I hate salty water f what its doing to us! lol. Youre like the only person in life who when i mention my dislike f my mother hasnt said, "ya cant say that about your mum!" Dem fools dont know shit! Even Jay thought i was horrible the way i spoke of her.... and then he heard a few phone calls and realised what a dick she is! lol. That uterus! :-D Mary Jane brought us together in more ways than one :) lol. We also owe thanks to AM2? (i think) f growing them nanas... or that crazy uteri would never even of been thunk about! :) The one plus about living the other side of the world to each other is that there aint no chance of falling out... not that i would. Itd be all you.. it always is ;) haha..... the other person that is. Between fleas, fake pregnancies, movers, compulsive liars, belated weddings and violents (ive not spelt it wrong.. just mean violent people) all my mates have turned out t be a bunch o knobs! lol. Not that you would.... but they all have so far. Hopefully our friendship will break the friendless habit of a lifetime... and if it doesnt you will break my heart! (Just so ya know ;) )

PMLMAO!!!! hahahaha - because they arrrrrrrr! I told that to K right after I read it, he chuckled shook his head and said ' babe. That was pretty bad' hahahahah.

Tell him hes not allowed t slag of my jokes until he tells me a better pirate one.... without the use of google! lol.

Wait, you ready for this one?

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring??

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahaha. i love that one. wait wait wait - i got one more lol

What do you call cheese that isn't yours??

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mz. W, stop- you're killing me LOL

I know of nacho cheese but that pilgrims one has gone straight over my head. We dont get pilgrims round these parts... just foreigners, lol. Did you know the first native the pilgrims spoke to spoke English? You probably do as schools in your country actually teach the students stuff.. unlike ours. Everything i know the now i learnt after leaving school. Theyre dog shit in this country. Most kids these days cant even spell?! What the bloomin heck is that all about!?

Heres one of my faves i saw on a carrier bag once... are you prepped.........

Why was 6 scared of 7?

.......because 7, 8, 9!! pmsl.

This is my fave joke of all time!!!.. and one of the only ones i can remember. You have t guess (if you dont already know it that is) but NO GOOGLING!!.........

Whats red and smells like blue paint?.........

Anyway, lol
as for skype today, as much as I would love to see your sleep deprived self I, A- strongly recommend sleep lol and B-cant because K is finishing up the 24 hours of Le Mans where I would normally skype. In addition to that, since its not like I dont have 3 other floors of house to choose from lol, he's got the tablet occupied with some stupid app with different in car views and radio and crap. Hes such a nerd lol I used to think it was AMAZING that I found a guy who wasn't into sports like football and basketball (after living with my dad and brother for so long if i'd never heard the word football again i'd be ok with it lol), but I soon realized that with every LOSS of something, he makes up for 10 fold with something else lol. Ok so he doesn't watch football, dodged that bullet. But instead of football? Its racing....times 30 lol.
It (skype-ing) seems like it works out better when we plan on a day and time vs trying to wing it like there isnt a 5 hour time difference lol.

Well youve missed out there then my friend as i am all sleeped up :) Gettin too old for all this all night malarkey!... should leave it t the yoots! lol. Reckon id prefer a football fan who cried when their team lost as opposed t never seeing my fella cus he was always upstairs in his pretend car, lmao. I was well chuffed when i knew jay wasnt in t sports. I was even more chuffed when i found out he was a gamer as ive always been a gamer at heart. We both have our own xboxes (only one xbox one f the now though) so we can either play together and go online with our other gaming mates or just do out own thing. We can both excited f the new releases and tings too. Tis brilliant. If i was with anyone else theyd be all, "all ya do is play on your xbox, when you gonna let me watch the footie" Bunch o gaylords! lol. If i wasnt a gamer though id absolutely hate it! At least footballs not always on... unlike the xbox. The one downside is that we have t buy 2 copies of every game! Gets well expensive. None o that on the one though as ya can share ya games with another console :-D Hoorah!.... Not that ya care, lol. Ill shut up before ya befriend me, bet ya get enough o this game talk at home, lol.

So... Skype! Give me a time n a date and i shall be there.. or here.. or over there :-p My ability t make a plan and stick to it is pretty none existant... other peoples plans however i can deal with.... so get on it woman! :-D

- - - Updated - - -

Did you like my little attempt at cockney/Brit vernacular there? ;) (I had a roommate who's GF was from was always "kin-hell" this and "mingen" that...LOL:)

Why aye man! Bravo! :-D lol. Glad you didnt you use the word mingin.... youd of made me cry! haha
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Mz W pointed out that when my initials are rearranged they spell out THC :-D Me and weed were meant t be oh how I love the THC :-D (<-----I'm a poet and didn't know it, lol)
lol see now, I dont wait until its dried, I trim that shit right after the chop lol

From what I've read (ive never trimmed dry before) its easier to trim while wet, there is less chance of trics dropping off, and the leaves end up hanging down over the buds, and you want airflow to get to the buds.

I mean snuck! haha. Had t check the dictionary t see if it was a real word then... thought my brain was lying t me... it often does, lol.
Haha, you're usually a rather decent speller. Ive actually gone to google a few times just to double check you lol. Most notedly, i cant remember what it was, but you said something hadn't fazed whatever it was that you were talking about lol. and in my head I went 'chandy chandy chandy. Phased not fazed'. and then i went to google and it turns out you were right lol.

(you americans and ur candy :-p lol)
really? is that an american thing? lol i eat candy pretty much 24/7. I forever have a box of mike and ikes at my side lol (still sending you some in your care package btw lol), but i thought pretty much everyone enjoyed candy once in a while lol.

LMAO! We call em knickers round these parts.... and id say it more of a gush than a leak! PMSL!!! :brow: (<--- couldnt resist when i saw these brows ;) haha)
LMAO. ok. well if it was a GUSH, then you probably need to see a doctor about that hahahaha ;)
I thought knickers were pants? lol :dunno: they're mostly referred to as underwear round here, but some people still say 'panties' when referring to girls or womens underwear. I personally try to avoid saying panties at all costs - its such a dirty old man word.
'hey little girl, lemme see your panties' *cringe*

Why was 6 scared of 7?

.......because 7, 8, 9!! pmsl.
PMLOL!!!!!! I love that joke myself- I used to work in a call center where we set up appointments for real estate agents. Every time I spoke with someone and the numbers 7,8, and 9 came up, I would always say 'man..didnt you know? Thats why 6 was afraid of 7!' they never got it and I always found myself wasting time having to explain the joke lol

I know of nacho cheese but that pilgrims one has gone straight over my head. We dont get pilgrims round these parts... just foreigners, lol. Did you know the first native the pilgrims spoke to spoke English?
Lol I probably did know that about the pilgrims but have since forgotten, so it was like new knowledge to me lol
I CANT believe you dont get the pilgrims joke!!! lol
The Mayflower is the ship that brought the pilgrims to the new world!
If april showers bring may flowers, what do may flowers bring?
PILGRIMS hahahahahahaha are you laughing yet? cause that is a good one lol.

Whats red and smells like blue paint?.........
I have not googled therefore i do not know lol what?

or that crazy uteri would never even of been thunk about! :)
ok chandy. don't make me un-friend you...
what is wrong with that sentence? lol For someone who lives in a country where they throw a random 'U' into just about every single word, you sure don't know how to use the proper tense of a word, ya knuckle head ;)

The one plus about living the other side of the world to each other is that there aint no chance of falling out... not that i would. Itd be all you.. it always is ;) haha..... the other person that is. Between fleas, fake pregnancies, movers, compulsive liars, belated weddings and violents (ive not spelt it wrong.. just mean violent people) all my mates have turned out t be a bunch o knobs! lol. Not that you would.... but they all have so far. Hopefully our friendship will break the friendless habit of a lifetime... and if it doesnt you will break my heart! (Just so ya know ;) )

There aint no. lol. Im just going to point out all of your grammatical errors from now on lol ;)
Lol, you know, i was actually just thinking about this the other day. how every single friendship ive ever had, no matter how insignificant, has had its own falling out. Im a bit of a pessimist though so of course then I think about ways that you and I could have a falling out lol. K and I break up and i'm homeless, no phone no internet then before you know it a year has passed and WDWA who? Chandyside who? lol and our entire friendship is just a memory. le sigh lol.
Way to go Chandy! Massive congrats on your first harvest - there's nothing better than partaking in your own killer bud. Hopefully you have now ditched the dealer once and for all.
MsW has you covered on the curing. Any airtight container will do, but Mason jars are made for long term storage of perishables so that's what I'd recommend for the future. I just had to pick up some more big ones myself and I hate spending the money, but they'll last you forever unless you break them (which would take some serious effort). Do you have a hygrometer to put in the jar? I just don't trust myself to wing it so I always like to have one in there to keep my eye on. Just spent a few hours cleaning jars and calibrating hygrometers myself as I'm reaching the end of my first batch of drying. I'm pretty anal retentive about my drying and curing, since it has a huge impact of the quality of the bud. Just take it slow and ask any questions along the way. I'll be along a few days too late to answer them... :roflcry: :dance2:
lol see now, I dont wait until its dried, I trim that shit right after the chop lol

From what I've read (ive never trimmed dry before) its easier to trim while wet, there is less chance of trics dropping off, and the leaves end up hanging down over the buds, and you want airflow to get to the buds.

I got rid o the big stuff but not the little uns. I read its best t keep em t stop buds drying out to fast... slow and steady is the key so i hear.. but not to slow obviously. Have no humidity issues where im at so dont reckon it'll take long. will try doing it wet though with APWC and see which way i prefer :)

Haha, you're usually a rather decent speller. Ive actually gone to google a few times just to double check you lol. Most notedly, i cant remember what it was, but you said something hadn't fazed whatever it was that you were talking about lol. and in my head I went 'chandy chandy chandy. Phased not fazed'. and then i went to google and it turns out you were right lol.

Aint fazed be nuffin me mate :-p lol. Most o the time i spell sutin wrong its on purpose. I like t get a bit o me in me words ya see... tis the way i roll, nah mean? lol.

really? is that an american thing? lol i eat candy pretty much 24/7. I forever have a box of mike and ikes at my side lol (still sending you some in your care package btw lol), but i thought pretty much everyone enjoyed candy once in a while lol.

Candys and an american thing... and sweets are f the first o the world. Same thing different name. Like diapers and nappies. Pavement/path and sidewalk! You crazy mericans and your aluminum. TIS ALUMINIUM MY FRIENDS!! :-D lol.

LMAO. ok. well if it was a GUSH, then you probably need to see a doctor about that hahahaha ;)

Nah. Hate t use the phrase again but..... thats how i roll :-p
I thought knickers were pants? lol :dunno: they're mostly referred to as underwear round here, but some people still say 'panties' when referring to girls or womens underwear. I personally try to avoid saying panties at all costs - its such a dirty old man word.
'hey little girl, lemme see your panties' *cringe*

First things first..... WHY ON EARTH are you asking little girls if you can see their underwears?! :-o I knew you were slightly paedo but i thought it was only f the boys ;) haha.

Knickers are under garments... to cover vaginas and/or penises.. dependant on whether your a bird or a bloke who likes wearing womens wotsits :-p

PMLOL!!!!!! I love that joke myself- I used to work in a call center where we set up appointments for real estate agents. Every time I spoke with someone and the numbers 7,8, and 9 came up, I would always say 'man..didnt you know? Thats why 6 was afraid of 7!' they never got it and I always found myself wasting time having to explain the joke lol

Lol I probably did know that about the pilgrims but have since forgotten, so it was like new knowledge to me lol
I CANT believe you dont get the pilgrims joke!!! lol
The Mayflower is the ship that brought the pilgrims to the new world!
If april showers bring may flowers, what do may flowers bring?
PILGRIMS hahahahahahaha are you laughing yet? cause that is a good one lol

Ah i see. We dont get taught anything about other folks history in our schools, we barely get taught our own, tis shocking. Forever shall i know of the mayflower... until i forget, lol.

I have not googled therefore i do not know lol what?

OK, are you sure youre ready f this?...............

Whats red and smells like blue paint?....................

RED PAINT! :-D LMAOROTFPMSL! hahahahahahaahaha!

ok chandy. don't make me un-friend you...
what is wrong with that sentence? lol For someone who lives in a country where they throw a random 'U' into just about every single word, you sure don't know how to use the proper tense of a word, ya knuckle head ;)

Dont start mincin my words mo fo or theyll be handbags at dawn! lol. I like t mix it up man, if you can say it its a word.. it just aint been whacked in a dictionary yet. Selfie f instance. If someone had o said that word a decade ago they would o been shunned.. but now its their. A few years the word thunk will be there and youll be begging for my forgiveness :bow: haha. I also love the word stod, "jack stod on me toe". Has got a nice ring to it :-D lol.

PS - I think youll find it wasnt us who chucked random U's in, it was you lot who threw em away. Tis the English language you speak friend... this is where it all began... all your words are just cheap, badly made imitations, like fake Dolce and Gabbana... spelt Golce and Dabbana, haha.

There aint no. lol. Im just going to point out all of your grammatical errors from now on lol ;)
Lol, you know, i was actually just thinking about this the other day. how every single friendship ive ever had, no matter how insignificant, has had its own falling out. Im a bit of a pessimist though so of course then I think about ways that you and I could have a falling out lol. K and I break up and i'm homeless, no phone no internet then before you know it a year has passed and WDWA who? Chandyside who? lol and our entire friendship is just a memory. le sigh lol.

I think i have an idea of how it happens......................... you point out all of my grammatical errors from now on ;) haha. If you and K break up you can just come and live in ye olde england with me :-D Win win!.. in fact i say you should give him the elbow now t get things moving along a bit :devil:haha.
Way to go Chandy! Massive congrats on your first harvest - there's nothing better than partaking in your own killer bud. Hopefully you have now ditched the dealer once and for all.

Cheers my man :-D Cant wait t get in my lungs... that way she can be a part of me forever, haha. Them dodgy dealers can go suck eggs the shady so and sos. That £10 a gram nonsense is looong gone. Oh happy day :woohoo:

MsW has you covered on the curing. Any airtight container will do, but Mason jars are made for long term storage of perishables so that's what I'd recommend for the future.

I plan t get some mason jars next week.. in plenty o time f me northerns t come down :-D

I just had to pick up some more big ones myself and I hate spending the money, but they'll last you forever unless you break them (which would take some serious effort).

Thanks f that Andy.. youve defo jinxed me now. They call me landslide in my local because i leave a wake of destruction t everything that crosses my path. If i go out f a pint im guaranteed t knock at least 3 drinks over, minimum, lol.

Do you have a hygrometer to put in the jar? I just don't trust myself to wing it so I always like to have one in there to keep my eye on. Just spent a few hours cleaning jars and calibrating hygrometers myself as I'm reaching the end of my first batch of drying. I'm pretty anal retentive about my drying and curing, since it has a huge impact of the quality of the bud. Just take it slow and ask any questions along the way. I'll be along a few days too late to answer them... :roflcry: :dance2:

Haha. I like your style :-D I dont really... it makes me sad, lol. I do indeed have a hygrometer :) 3 little ones f the different strains and a bigger one f the tent. No messing. I really want t do this proper until the end... Reckon im gonna leave it curing f at week before i even smoke any. Want her at her finest. Shes been good t me, so i should repay the favour.... Its what she deserves, lol.
I got rid o the big stuff but not the little uns. I read its best t keep em t stop buds drying out to fast... slow and steady is the key so i hear.. but not to slow obviously. Have no humidity issues where im at so dont reckon it'll take long. will try doing it wet though with APWC and see which way i prefer :)

May i make a recommendation for when the time comes to scrap those bud leaves?? Read it in one of Waria's grows and havent gone back since - cuticle scissors. And I shit you not- those tiny curved edges are awesome at getting into tiny spaces to get at the leaves. You say theres no humidity issues where you are, and it shouldnt take that long to what is the RH in your drying area?
you don't want the humidity to be too high because you run the risk of mold, in addition to the bud taking longer to dry since there is so much moisture in the air. But in the same breath, you dont want the humidity too low because then the bud dries too quickly and cant do its drying thang lol. you also want airflow around the buds, not blowing directly on them, to ensure even drying. (dunno if you noticed, but in the closet we do the drying in, Ive got a little oscillating clip on fan hanging on the clothes bar- facing the opposite direction, a bit away from the hanging bud..that way the air hits the wall and bounces off back to the bud. Airflow around, no direct.) I got my best dry at 46%RH and what was it, 75F in there? I think waira said the 'ideal' dry conditions are 50% RH and 70F? Idk, its floating around somewhere in my journal lol.

Candys and an american thing... and sweets are f the first o the world. Same thing different name. Like diapers and nappies. Pavement/path and sidewalk! You crazy mericans and your aluminum. TIS ALUMINIUM MY FRIENDS!! :-D lol.
A nappie?
no i dont need a nappie, i only just woke up. Thank you though ;)
Here in this neck o' the woods, I frequently hear them referred to as 'pampers'.
"that no good dead beat dad sperm donor didnt even buy ONE pack of pampers for HIS baby!"
HAHAHAH.(i watch WAY too much daytime TV....JERRY JERRY JERRY! hahaha) but pampers is just a brand of diapers. i hate when people call diapers pampers. lol
Your accent makes me laugh. A lot. al-you-min-yum. hahahaha

tis the way i roll, nah mean?
you forgot to throw son at the end..maybe even cuz. the store i work at is in the hood( hood as it can get for this area anyhow lol), so I've pretty much got the ebonics down pat lol, nom sayin? yes. I do believe I know what you are saying! :roflcry:

First things first..... WHY ON EARTH are you asking little girls if you can see their underwears?! :-o I knew you were slightly paedo but i thought it was only f the boys ;) haha.

Ah i see. We dont get taught anything about other folks history in our schools, we barely get taught our own, tis shocking. Forever shall i know of the mayflower... until i forget, lol.
I mean....its kind of your history...the pilgrims were English Puritans. When I posted that joke, I actually wondered if you would get it, and then i remembered that the pilgrims were english. then once google confirmed that for me, lol, i went ahead with posting it assuming you knew the pilgrims were English and that the "first" people to America were English (quotes on first because the native americans were technically here first lol). Lesson on assuming learned....for the billionth time over lol ;)

OK, are you sure youre ready f this?...............

Whats red and smells like blue paint?....................

RED PAINT! :-D LMAOROTFPMSL! hahahahahahaahaha!

THAT, my friend. is why WE'RE friends pmlmao.
My vote for the most entertaining thread on AFN!! :clap::clap::clap: :roflcry:

- - - Updated - - -

My vote for the most entertaining thread on AFN!! :clap::clap::clap: :roflcry:
May i make a recommendation for when the time comes to scrap those bud leaves?? Read it in one of Waria's grows and havent gone back since - cuticle scissors. And I shit you not- those tiny curved edges are awesome at getting into tiny spaces to get at the leaves. You say theres no humidity issues where you are, and it shouldnt take that long to what is the RH in your drying area?

Im using these bad boys WP_20140617_006.jpgTheyre well good. Extreme precision man!! :-D Its 52-55% temps are 22-25c... thats 71-77 f you guys over the pond :)

you don't want the humidity to be too high because you run the risk of mold, in addition to the bud taking longer to dry since there is so much moisture in the air. But in the same breath, you dont want the humidity too low because then the bud dries too quickly and cant do its drying thang lol. you also want airflow around the buds, not blowing directly on them, to ensure even drying. (dunno if you noticed, but in the closet we do the drying in, Ive got a little oscillating clip on fan hanging on the clothes bar- facing the opposite direction, a bit away from the hanging bud..that way the air hits the wall and bounces off back to the bud. Airflow around, no direct.) I got my best dry at 46%RH and what was it, 75F in there? I think waira said the 'ideal' dry conditions are 50% RH and 70F? Idk, its floating around somewhere in my journal lol.

I have a wee fan in there. Im gonna do my update in a mo and you can see where its at in there :)

A nappie?
no i dont need a nappie, i only just woke up. Thank you though ;)
Here in this neck o' the woods, I frequently hear them referred to as 'pampers'.
"that no good dead beat dad sperm donor didnt even buy ONE pack of pampers for HIS baby!"
HAHAHAH.(i watch WAY too much daytime TV....JERRY JERRY JERRY! hahaha) but pampers is just a brand of diapers. i hate when people call diapers pampers. lol
Your accent makes me laugh. A lot. al-you-min-yum. hahahaha

No my friend... a nappy!! :-p lol. We have pampers and huggies... i give Jack Aldis own brand though... only the best f my boy! haha. Our version of Jerry is Jeremy Kyle. Ya get some right scumbags on there. Check this guys teeth!.... Jezza.jpg lmao. Its twot all over again.... al-oo-min-yum!!!! lol.

you forgot to throw son at the end..maybe even cuz. the store i work at is in the hood( hood as it can get for this area anyhow lol), so I've pretty much got the ebonics down pat lol, nom sayin? yes. I do believe I know what you are saying! :roflcry:


Gad damn! Aint about fgettin the son son! All day son!! Nah mean son? Next time we Skype youre defo gonna have t show me how you talk black. If you show me yours illl show you mine ;) haha. Dont know if you have a name f people that talk black that aint but we call em wiggers (white ******s, lol) Not being a racist there... if anything im defending heritage... or sutin, lol.

I mean....its kind of your history...the pilgrims were English Puritans. When I posted that joke, I actually wondered if you would get it, and then i remembered that the pilgrims were english. then once google confirmed that for me, lol, i went ahead with posting it assuming you knew the pilgrims were English and that the "first" people to America were English (quotes on first because the native americans were technically here first lol). Lesson on assuming learned....for the billionth time over lol ;)

Them pilgrims are fibbers. They werent the first t rediscover it at all... twas the vikings. I only know that from a documentary, 'Mankind, the story of all of us'. Its actually really good and gripping. That shows the only reason i know anything about history... which is not a lot. Did you know horses had been hunted t extinction til the Europeans sorted you some out.. you shady sods. What did they ever do t you?! lol. The reason i talk of horses is because i have yet another lame (<--lol) joke f ya.

What do gay horses eat?

(said in a gay way--->) HAY HAY HAY!! :-D Lmao!!!

Reckon we should leave them history jokes alone. Learning isnt funny!! lol.

THAT, my friend. is why WE'RE friends pmlmao.

<3 Besties fo life fo sho homes!! <3 Hollaaaaa!!! :pighug: