So i did exactly the same thing (1 by one just in case) and its worked. Stupid technology screwing with my melon! Wants t sort its life out!! :fist shake:
Without further ado..... my update
Update time :-D
So CC was hung early Sat (350g wet)

(THE MAIN COLA! Was gonna leave them popcorns on f a bit but i chopped em)
My method so far has been (after 72 hours of hanging)

to put her in this newspaper filled lunch box f an hour t see what the RH is saying.
After about an hour she goes back on t the newspaper lined shelf

(as ive had t make space f APWC - 410g wet HOLLA!! :-D You can see my wee fan in this pic too)
Ive just reshelved after an hour in the box that was 74RH when i got her out. The outside feels nice and dry but shes still smelling very green!!
Going t leave her another 12 hours in the cupboard then whack her in the box again.
Now an update on my Northerns. Tbf there isnt much of one. Its been a week since my last update (pics on page 17) and nothing seems too have changed. Tis like theyve stopped growing. My main issue now with these though is that because of the height difference and light issues i had when they were nippers theyve got ridiculously tall! My light is as high as it can possibly go but its still too close and causing light burn

Its hung on the cross bar so ive pushed that as far back as it will go and moved the NLs as close t the front of the tent as i can.
Could really do with some suggestions because if it stays the way it is by the time it comes t chop theyre all gonna be mega cremated!

And thats not what i want f my babies. They should suffer the slow, long, drawn out, painful death of their older siblings! TIS THE ONLY WAY!!
Short of chopping their tops off i have no other ideas what i can do. So any ideas will be gratefully received!!
Thanks f reading, scrolling, participating, replying... and all them other thread related tings "AFN smoke out"