New Grower Chandys Virgin Grow :)

Here's my two shekels worth. CC looks ready any time from those pics. Not all autos amber, but if you see nothing but cloudy and it's not putting on more weight, it's time. Especially if you want to get high rather than couchlock stoned. AP looks pretty darn close as well, though she's still popping out some new pistils and doesn't seem quite as shabby. Maybe try checking the trichs on some lower buds and if those are getting cloudy, you could go ahead when ready. Those NLs have what appears to be a serious underwatering droop. Are they really dry? If so, they'll perk up pretty quick after some water.

Great job with your two finished girls, especially for a first grow! :grat: Now you get to move on to stressing about properly drying and curing them!!! :rofl:

I thought I'd read not ambering was a thing but had a gander on google and couldn't find anything. CCs f the chop tomorrow then :-D ill be so sad t see her go but I'm more than happy t send her on her merry way :-D I shall check APs trichs tmoro and see what they're saying. Tbf I haven't really paid much attention t the bottom ones, didn't really think of it. A slight lack of common sense there on my part, lol. They were ridiculously under watered. They got fed right after I took them photos yesterday though. The feed before that though I didn't have enough water f all of em so I concentrated on AP and CC being as they're my first borns and I didn't want t mistreat them in anyway, especially as they're so close t the end... Couldn't begrudge a last(ish) supper, lol. Cheers man. I thought it may o been chlostrophobia or sutin? Lol.

Thanks man :) I am quite proud o meself f my first go... Although its not over yet :( This next bit is what in pooing my pants over! Be just my last t kill it all in the last hurdle! On a plus note in regards t Northerns.... no PH issues so far :-D Couldn't o done it without ya Andy :) You've been an absolutely legend through my entire grow, really appreciate all your help!!! :raises glass:To you sir! :tiphat:
lol... we were... and then my update tok longer than anticipated... as always.... and know Js sisters here with boyfriend issues... the one who 'attempts' commiting suicide constantly :-/ Weirdo! lol. Guessing youve gota go t work soon. Will be on after maybe if not i shall have t wait t be graced with your lovely face tmora. Will defo get on it tomorrow if not this eve though. I posted on your journal the other day about skyping and you ignored (didnt see) the post so this is inadvertent payback.. or sutin ;) lol.

So. I wish I'd seen this 2 days ago haha. cause no, i didnt have to go to work, I took off cause of that know...getting a tooth pulled thing lol
I fucked up Jack's flip flops trying to make them wearable (to where they wouldn't fall apart) so I went to the store to get another pair, but the store had caught fire (random right? lol) a few days prior and was closed, so I went to 3 other stores lookin for the right size for his little bitty feet (haha) but failed to find any. However came back with MORE stuff for your care package and spent most of the night working on it lol
lol - i did see the post about us skyping....I didnt ignore know how scatter brained I am lol
So. I wish I'd seen this 2 days ago haha. cause no, i didnt have to go to work, I took off cause of that know...getting a tooth pulled thing lol
I fucked up Jack's flip flops trying to make them wearable (to where they wouldn't fall apart) so I went to the store to get another pair, but the store had caught fire (random right? lol) a few days prior and was closed, so I went to 3 other stores lookin for the right size for his little bitty feet (haha) but failed to find any. However came back with MORE stuff for your care package and spent most of the night working on it lol
lol - i did see the post about us skyping....I didnt ignore know how scatter brained I am lol

If its not distance trying t keep jack away from his spongebob flippers its bloomin fires! If the space gets filled with goodies f myself though maybe its f the best :-p lol.
I am free f a Skype tonight mate if your about? Just about t take jack t bed then the eve is ours :-D I must warn you though I had a rather manic night and have had approximately 2 hours sleep so don't expect me t make much sense.... Not that I do anyways. The word sense is looking mental t me now! Is it even a real word or is my mind just making it up? I don't know. Sleep deprivation has my mind more addled than yooj, lol.
Ps - how dya like my new pic? Tis {edited for privacy purposes} with some ganga pon de background. I have a thing f pirates... Reckon I must o been a swashbuckling buccaneer in a past life or sutin. My Facebook is in pirate too. I love them rapin, pillagin scallywags! Arrrrrrrrrrrr! Lol.

A joke. You probably know it, I learnt of it when I was about 4.....

Why are pirates called pirates?.......

Because they are arrrrrrrrrr!! Hahar. Avast ur scurvy sea dog! Land ahoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited:
RIP CC. You will be missed... Until I get you out the cupboard where we shall be reunited :- D Official age of death.... Day 73. Haven't got big enough digital scales yet but used my crappy kitchen ones and its saying 350g wet. Left quite lengthy stalk on their mind. Hopefully she won't shrivel up to much. I've said all along though so long as I get an ounce per plant ill be more than happy :-D
Stats in the drying cupboard are around 55% RH and 25C. I nipped a wee popcorn bud off her a few days ago which I sampled last night.... Bloomin lovely!!! :-D Such a nice change t smoke some decent stuffs as oppose t the crappy stuff I been smoking since the main man upped and moved to another country. Selfish whore! Lol. Can't wait t try some with a proper cure.... So long as I dont mouldy it up first!!!

I haven't got mason jars as yet... Seems the last couple o weeks have gone really fast and all this harvest malarchy has snook up on me. I do however have a lot o screw top jars... Will it make much of a difference to moisture loss? If so should i do somethbig with them? wrap them up or sutin? Should be able t get mason jars in a few weeks but I'm poor f the now... Although I will be saving monies on finally not having t pay f weed :-D £25 f 6 jars! :-o Ridic man! Also waiting on boveda paks, only ordered them yesterday and they've gota come from Canada cus they don't sell them here it seems :(

Was gonna leave APWC a tad longer but looked at her earlier and she's gained a couple o Amber's. Only a couple though. I must o bin up there about 40 mins checking every single bud. She's such a sexy gal! Hench buds too! Makes me wet hust looking at her!!.... true story! Lol. Can't wait t see what she weighs at the fat heffer! Gonna be a bit tight in my drying cupboard but should be all good. I did take pics but I'm banned from the comp f the eve so alas they shall have t wait til the moro to be gazed up on b your lovely eyeballs :)
F all you lovely lot who've stuck by my thread f the grow THANK YOU!! :-D Your input and interest has been immense. You guys are the bees knees! Special thanks t the wonderful magical amazing extraordinary Andy Botwin f being on hand t help me WHENEVER I've needed it... If not a tad late on occasions ;) ....every bit of advice as been spot on and saved my plants from some terrible fates! :hugs: :sharin one: I shall smoke my first spliff in your honour mr bot :-D

Hark at me getting all thankful and such the like... This thread ain't over yet bitches!!! There's still plenty o time f it t all go pets tong... And if it does I take ur all back! ;) lol.

Hey mz w!!!..... Don't think I forgot about you! :-D Not much help in the ol grow department but bloomin heck you've made my cheeks ache this last couple o months! My foreign bezzie... And only bezzie... I love you! :-D

Anyways, enough o this emotional twiddle twoddle. Reckon that CC may have effected me more than yooj... I hate emotions!! Lol.

My fellas moaning I'm taking long so I'm of t the shop g some celebratory cans o ale! Happy CC day everybody :-D :AFN smoke out:

....almost forgot. A massive thanks t this site obv. I'd be a lonelier weedless friendless less informed version of myself if it wasn't f AFN! AFN! AFN! Hoorah!!!!!! :AFN smoke out: .....f reals this time :-p Peace, Chandy.
kin-hell, Chandy!

Great job! You'll need to dry for a couple days, then just get them in a couple paper grocery bags with the hygrometer for a while...

Nice to have some high-end, personally grown stash, ehh?

Good on yah!
congrats on your first harvest! :clap:

Harvesting is always a bit of a double edged sword, IMO. It's like your sitting there with the plant, shears in hand, almost feeling bad for having to cut it down. Especially when they're so freakin pretty lol
How did you go about it? And by that I mean, did you trim wet or are you going to trim dry??
350g wet, eh? Not too shabby at all :) The buds will indeed shrink up considerably once they start to really dry...(remember when I showed you and J the bit I had hanging in the closet a while back, and J said something to the effect of it looking like poop on a string lol) If I recall correctly, I remember reading somewhere that the dry weight will become 25% of what it was wet. Which is 87.5g for you...then you gotta take account for the serious stemmage but you should still be in good shape (:
Do you have circulating air in your drying area/cupboard?
Seems the last couple o weeks have gone really fast and all this harvest malarchy has snook up on me.
....snook. hahaha <3
I do however have a lot o screw top jars... Will it make much of a difference to moisture loss? If so should i do somethbig with them? wrap them up or sutin? Should be able t get mason jars in a few weeks but I'm poor f the now... Although I will be saving monies on finally not having t pay f weed :-D
screw top an applesauce jar or something?? As long as it's air tight, it should be fine...obv. make sure you wash them out real good and, IMHO, I would let them air dry vs attempting a towel dry, I wouldnt want any moisture in the jar with my buds or any type of lint. I have a reasonably sized glass candy jar with a rubber seal on the lid that I like to use if my mason jars are MIA or occupado.
Makes me wet hust looking at her!!.... true story!
"Attention all shoppers, attention all shoppers. We need a panty check in isle 5...It seems we got a leaker..."
Hey mz w!!!..... Don't think I forgot about you! :-D Not much help in the ol grow department but bloomin heck you've made my cheeks ache this last couple o months! My foreign bezzie... And only bezzie... I love you! :-D
Ready for some MORE sentimental shit?? haha
Never once, since joining AFN did I imagine that I would find someone like youhere.
Someone who can not only understand but relate to almost every single thing I could bring up about (my) life. Someone you can have a genuine connection with, without having ever stepped foot in front of the other.
It just makes me sad that we live so far away from each other. Because in the few short weeks we've known each other, I feel like we've gotten to know one another on a level that can take a lifetime to achieve.
And for that, I will be forever indebted to AFN. :bow:
Funny to think that the basis for this friendship all started with an old womans uterus....and a dream :roflcry:
Ps - how dya like my new pic? Tis my Xbox gamer pic with some ganga pon de background. I have a thing f pirates... Reckon I must o been a swashbuckling buccaneer in a past life or sutin. My Facebook is in pirate too. I love them rapin, pillagin scallywags! Arrrrrrrrrrrr! Lol.

A joke. You probably know it, I learnt of it when I was about 4.....

Why are pirates called pirates?.......

Because they are arrrrrrrrrr!! Hahar. Avast ur scurvy sea dog! Land ahoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PMLMAO!!!! hahahaha - because they arrrrrrrr! I told that to K right after I read it, he chuckled shook his head and said ' babe. That was pretty bad' hahahahah.
Wait, you ready for this one?

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring??

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahaha. i love that one. wait wait wait - i got one more lol

What do you call cheese that isn't yours??

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mz. W, stop- you're killing me LOL

Anyway, lol
as for skype today, as much as I would love to see your sleep deprived self I, A- strongly recommend sleep lol and B-cant because K is finishing up the 24 hours of Le Mans where I would normally skype. In addition to that, since its not like I dont have 3 other floors of house to choose from lol, he's got the tablet occupied with some stupid app with different in car views and radio and crap. Hes such a nerd lol I used to think it was AMAZING that I found a guy who wasn't into sports like football and basketball (after living with my dad and brother for so long if i'd never heard the word football again i'd be ok with it lol), but I soon realized that with every LOSS of something, he makes up for 10 fold with something else lol. Ok so he doesn't watch football, dodged that bullet. But instead of football? Its racing....times 30 lol.
It (skype-ing) seems like it works out better when we plan on a day and time vs trying to wing it like there isnt a 5 hour time difference lol.

- - - Updated - - -

Ps - how dya like my new pic? Tis my Xbox gamer pic with some ganga pon de background. I have a thing f pirates... Reckon I must o been a swashbuckling buccaneer in a past life or sutin. My Facebook is in pirate too. I love them rapin, pillagin scallywags! Arrrrrrrrrrrr! Lol.

A joke. You probably know it, I learnt of it when I was about 4.....

Why are pirates called pirates?.......

Because they are arrrrrrrrrr!! Hahar. Avast ur scurvy sea dog! Land ahoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PMLMAO!!!! hahahaha - because they arrrrrrrr! I told that to K right after I read it, he chuckled shook his head and said ' babe. That was pretty bad' hahahahah.
Wait, you ready for this one?

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring??

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahaha. i love that one. wait wait wait - i got one more lol

What do you call cheese that isn't yours??

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mz. W, stop- you're killing me LOL

Anyway, lol
as for skype today, as much as I would love to see your sleep deprived self I, A- strongly recommend sleep lol and B-cant because K is finishing up the 24 hours of Le Mans where I would normally skype. In addition to that, since its not like I dont have 3 other floors of house to choose from lol, he's got the tablet occupied with some stupid app with different in car views and radio and crap. Hes such a nerd lol I used to think it was AMAZING that I found a guy who wasn't into sports like football and basketball (after living with my dad and brother for so long if i'd never heard the word football again i'd be ok with it lol), but I soon realized that with every LOSS of something, he makes up for 10 fold with something else lol. Ok so he doesn't watch football, dodged that bullet. But instead of football? Its racing....times 30 lol.
It (skype-ing) seems like it works out better when we plan on a day and time vs trying to wing it like there isnt a 5 hour time difference lol.

kin-hell, Chandy!

Great job! You'll need to dry for a couple days, then just get them in a couple paper grocery bags with the hygrometer for a while...

Nice to have some high-end, personally grown stash, ehh?

Good on yah!

Ya tellin me!! The small bit i had was so potent!... but not in a cant talk or brain kinda way. The word i would use to describe it is.... WONDERFUL!! :-D
Did you like my little attempt at cockney/Brit vernacular there? ;) (I had a roommate who's GF was from was always "kin-hell" this and "mingen" that...LOL:)