To chop or not to chop? That is the question, but what is the answer? I leave their fate to you lovely lot :Sharing One:
BOOM! :-D Ive only gone and done it! :-D Full update with big piccies and no issues

Now its time f a much needed spliff after all this agony and heartache! I cant take it anymore!!!!!!!!! Enjoy folks "AFN smoke out"
My Update FINALLY! Been trying t do it f about a week now so i sacked that one off and im starting again as them pics are well old by now!! Ive taken a lot less photos this time so hopefully it wont take long. These pics were taken yeserday. THE BIG QUESTION!.......... Is it time!??????!!??????????!???
Im trying Wairas way of pictures so i may have t edit it about 16 times before i do it proper but here it goes.........
Cream Caramel Day 71 (Beginning Week 11 today)
Heres a pic from up top

One of her buds. Shes got a fair amount o purps on her

Her trichomes through the 60x Loupe

Her trichs through 30x

Full pic
I flushed CC 12 days ago and have been giving her PH water since. Her trichs are all cloudy but ive looked hard and still cant see no amber. Pistils are pretty much all ginger and growth isnt really growthing anymore. I really probably should o done this update sooner because i was told under 2 weeks about 2 weeks but if someone could get back t me on whether theyre ready t chop or not id really appreciate it. Dont want t go over and ruin all my hard work.... ill almost officially be all the way t a complete come the chop :-D Her officially due date according to seed bank was 2 weeks ago yesterday.
Auto Pounder with Cheese now (Day 71 - beginning of Week 11)
Full pic

From above

One o the buds

30x loupe o trichs

60x loupe
Her official due date according to seed bank was yesterday. Trichs are the same as CC from what i can see, millions o cloudys but no ambers i can see. Pistils are pretty much all white still and seems to be growing some. I heard of something called foxtailing and have no idea what it is, what it does or what its for but i suspect AP may have it as i read that they will keep putting white pistils out even when its ready. And her buds seem t be growing pretty weird.... not that ive got a lot t compare her too. Could be that shes ready or could be that shes got longer left being as seedbanks usually lie about their due dates and she was due yesterday? Not that i have a clue.... thats why i need you lovely lot t tell me.. pretty please
Heres a few shots of my 3 Northerners. Please do not judge my growing abilities on these 3 as theyre a bit of a wreck.... especially the first 2! lol. Didnt realise theyd get so big so fast and its really squashed in my tent!... ive also neglected them a tad. Theyre all different ages and f ages i didnt have anything t keep them at the same distance from the light so theyve stretched ridiculously! Also i only just (about 2 days ago) got my knew yo-yos (Pop22-if they fall on my plants again you can say i told you so

lol) so theyve been stuck at the same height as the bungee cord alllowed. Perfect f the big gals but the others have most defo suffered. Theyve all also got a tiny bit o light/heat damage. The squashedness has definitely had the most impact me thinks... theyre all limp and lifeless and faggotty. They actually look like they want t kill themselves because theyre hating life so much, poor gals.
Ive also not fed them as well as i should have because i only had 2 10 litre things of dechlorinated water on the go so and after feeding the twins there wasnt much left so theyve suffered on te big uns behalf.
Next grow i will defo only be doing 4 and all at the same time cus its too hectic. The Northerns are all different ages aswell so theyre all on different feeding schedules. Too much effort f my liking. 4 of the same age are plenty enough me thinks.
Heres NL#1 Day 46 Shes the leggiest one o them all. Really warped aswell. One of her coloas was like wrapping round one o the others when i pulled it out, very dodgy.

Having pic issues again now. When i doulble click nothing happens on any o the photos so will just have t leave it be. An almost successful update wil do me it not post after writing it now! lol.
This is NL#1. Just a pic of one o her bud sites. Not much going on as of yet.

This is NL#2 - Day 38. Shes the limpest biscuit out them all! Shes been shoved proper in the corner compared t the others. Her leaves feel like theyre really thin and have no substance t them... tis as if theyre too weak t hold themselves up and are floppin about all over the show. Feel like a bad parent f what ive done t them but hopefully once the big gals are out the way and theyve got more space f themselves theyll perk up and come good... if not i shall learn by my mistakes and never mistreat another little lady like i have these poor buggars.

Heres NL#3 Day 36. Shes not doing as bad as her big sisters. She was the baby of the group and i had a spare 10 litre pot so i kept her on that. No ridiculous stretch and her bosom hasnt been kept too much in the shade as much as the others... when i kill my twins off this will be my favourite of the triplets. They say ya shouldnt have faves but we all do.... and its usually the one least retarded

And there we have it. An update :-D Didnt take me anywhere near as long as it usually does... although it still took long! Might o been because theres only about 1/8th of the pics i usually put on! Think ill have t try that next go round too. My issue is because im such a crap photoer i need at least 7 of one thing t show what im sayin. Nar meeeaaan kidz!
If you need better/different pics or more info t tell me what i need t know then get at me and ill get on it. Thanks a lot f taking the time to read and reply guys. As always its très appréciée

Look forward to your reply my homies "AFN smoke out"
PS - I should also say in regards to harvesting. Tis not f meds, im as fit as a butchers dog. Just wanna get hiiiiiiigh :smoke:
Thanks again gang.