Calmag with hard water for autopots???

Hardness French
Hardness German
Hardness Clark
Hardness Level
StandardNo standard applies
UK/EU Limit
StandardNo standard applies
UK/EU LimitDegrees Clark
StandardNo standard applies
UK/EU LimitGerman Degrees
StandardNo standard applies
UK/EU LimitFrench Degrees

Google your local councils sanitation quality and it will give u a chart of all elements within the water I. E calcium magnesium sulfur and so on then u know where your at @Mañ'O'Green got me onto it and I learned that I didn't need any extra calcium as my water and coco nutes had enough already
Google your local councils sanitation quality and it will give u a chart of all elements within the water I. E calcium magnesium sulfur and so on then u know where your at @Mañ'O'Green got me onto it and I learned that I didn't need any extra calcium as my water and coco nutes had enough already
Its hard water for some reason it doesn't give me a run down it does but its huge. And doesn't list calcium you have to use the Hardness Clarke which tells you how much calcium in it, mines 201ppm calcium
Its hard water for some reason it doesn't give me a run down it does but its huge. And doesn't list calcium you have to use the Hardness Clarke which tells you how much calcium in it, mines 201ppm calcium
Should be something like that mate


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Should be something like that mate
Right I cannot get what you get off your supplier it goes off the hardness Clarke, mine is 14.95 between 14.95 and 21 it's hard water and its 200 to 300 ppm so mines about 215ppm that's the most accurate I can get. So can anyone help me out can I just nit add any calmag or maybe even just add epsome salts to it instead?? @Mañ'O'Green