Boveda Wants to Hear From YOU!

Thank you all for your responses! Here is the second questionnaire:

Step Two: Lights Out~ Thristy Plant?

As some may know, it's common practice to make the cut at first light. The theory here is that transpiration--water rising from roots to leaves--slows at night. Cutting in the dark or at very first light aids in drying and some say lessens harshness. Other growers even push the boundaries more by keeping the plant in darkness for longer than their normal 12 hour lights-out phase.

Week 2 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark?
If so, how many hours darkness & why?
If no, why not?

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting.

If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?)

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time?
My personal response:

Week 2 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark? Yes

If so, how many hours darkness & why?
12 to 14 hours ... looking to extend this in next harvest.

If no, why not?

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting.
Not purposely up until now, but it is something I'm more aware of now & will experiment with next harvest.

If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?)

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time?
Nothing special. I remove large leaves over the days leading up to cut.
Cut immediately upon opening tent. Hang to dry.
I did not know there could be a difference.


I do nothing different before harvest.
Drrrrrrrum rooooolllllllllllllll !!!!!

Here's Week 1's Questionnaire.
(Please answer inside the quote that appears after you 'reply'.

Boveda wants to hear what you do to prepare for your harvest.

Most agree that there are 5 distinct phases in this last & final push of time, energy, & patience. All agree that much can be learned from those who have been doing this for years --that possibly being you.

Boveda wants to hear all voices.

Each week over the next 5 weeks there will be a new questionnaire. Your names will be recorded for each week's questionnaire and at the end of the 5 weeks I'll draw one name for each week. There will be 5 lucky winners getting a Boveda Butler!

Step One: To Flush or not to flush? That is the question that Boveda wants you to answer :)

As most know, the word "flush" is given to the action of feeding only water for a period of time before the cut. Yes, this step is debated online with the idea being that the time spent with no nutrients is too much loss in yield to justify the results. To others, it's about purity & safety.


You can answer inside the quote that appears when you click 'reply'. No time limit but new Q's weekly for the next 5 weeks. Boveda thanks you & encourages you to have fun :)

We're all ears.

Though my feedback will not be counted, I'll be the first to fill out the questions :watering:
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.

Do you use any of these products?

DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)?

Do you flush?

A>if yes, for how long?

>>do you count days or 'waterings'?

>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water?

B>if no, why not?

FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:

There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.

Do you use any of these products?

I run a 10 to 14 day flush water and Herculean Harvest, and continue running photosynthesis + till cut

DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)?

Nectar for the gods line

Do you flush?
A>if yes, for how long? 10 to 14 days

>>do you count days or 'waterings'? Same thing.

>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water?
First time I look for about 20% runoff then just too.
B>if no, why not?

FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:
Pretty much it's just watching them eat themselves and checking trichs. Photos I'll decide to harvest the night before and catch them first up in the morning. Autos I tend to just watch and cut.
Week 2 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark?
If so, how many hours darkness & why?
If no, why not?

Too Lazy, I don't have a set time. Whenever the shears are clean and sharp I harvest.

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting.

If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?)

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time?

It is so dry here most of the year I often need to leave all leaves on the branches so it does not dry too fast. I also run a humidifier. My harvest is usually too big to use the paper bag method.

Week 2 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark? Photos yes, autos no
If so, how many hours darkness & why?
If no, why not? Really more about convenience than anything else.

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting.

If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?)

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time?

Pretty cut and dry here.... pun intended.

I try to initially hang as whole as possible, so it's just removing branches and placing them in a pile.
Week 2 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark? No

If so, how many hours darkness & why?
If no, why not? I run 24/0

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting.

If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?) yes nice dry yellow leaves and a very dry soil .about 5-7 days before chop I stop watering .

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time?

I too cut the bigger leaves closer to the end cycle .find the direct light help give the buds an extra glow . And some more color
Week 2 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark? Yes

If so, how many hours darkness & why?

24hrs no real reason..

If no, why not?

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting.
No, wet trim sun leaves and discoloured sugar leaves

If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?)

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time?
Nothing special. After initial trim I let hang branches until mostly dry then break down nugs into paper bags for approx 48hrs then into jars with a boveda pack! :thumbsup:

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark?

No, I cut whenever the mood strikes me. I water lightly 20 minutes before I chop. I want my plant nice and rigid. I trim immediately after stripping the fan leaves

If so, how many hours darkness & why?

this does nothing for your bud, its a waste of time

If no, why not?

test have shown this does nothing for your bud

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting.
Absolutely not! Dry trimming sucks!
If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?)

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time?

I keep a razorblade scraper handy and scrape the resin buildup off the scissors into a container to smoke after trimming. Or during!
I have a Trim Bin and use it always! make trimming easier.
Week 2 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark? No

If so, how many hours darkness & why? N/A

If no, why not? No reason to, from what I have seen over many harvests

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting. No

If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?) NA

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time? No