Boveda Wants to Hear From YOU!

Week 3 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you trim? If yes ... how much?
In the summer months when it is very dry here I do not trim anything; I may hang the whole plant. In the wetter winter months I remove all stemmed leaves and hang branches separately. In both cases a manicure is done when they go in the jars for curing.
2) When drying, do you do anything to aid in regulating the humidity in the ambient air surrounding your plants? ( this would slow down the drying time)
Yes, I have both a dehydrator and a humidifier I try to keep the drying room at 50% humidity and 70°F with mild air circulation. In the summer time the error is usually too warm ~80°F in the winter humidity is ~60%
3) Do you use a fan?
4) Do you dry for a set number of days?
No, the range can be from 3 to 7 days
5) How do know when your plant is dry?

Guesswork mostly. If I wait until small stems snap the buds will be below 50% I Have learned the feel of the stems when the buds are ~60%.
Free Reign: Is there anything that you do differently?

Bovida is a great tool to aid in curing. If you read the above, you can see I have challenges in drying. Hitting the sweet spot is not easy. More often than not I miss. I have a dozen or more little inexpensive hygrometers and one good one that I can calibrate. The cheap ones are calibrated against the good one by simple addition or subtraction; each marked with a plus or minus number. They go in the jars with the buds if just right I do nothing, if too low add Bovida, If too high spread on net for a few hours and jar again. After two weeks when the burping is mostly done I add a Bovida 62 for longer storage.


Step 3: The Cut Day
You have cut your plant. Now what?

Week 3 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you trim? If yes ... how much?
>>Yes. Wet trim to what i call finished and into bags.

2) When drying, do you do anything to aid in regulating the humidity in the ambient air surrounding your plants? ( this would slow down the drying time)
>>yes brown paper bags help the humidity when its hella dry outside and i lack a humidifier/dehum

3) Do you use a fan?
>>yes. Its in the general direction of the bags but a few feet away

4) Do you dry for a set number of days?
>>nope. Just check after a few days and gague it. But its normally ready for jars in a few days... But i do long burping periods the first few days (3 + hours)

5) How do know when your plant is dry?
>>my small humidity meter tells me its steady at 62ish with my boveda.

Free Reign: Is there anything that you do differently? Paper bags and then long butp times and boveda from day 1 in the jar. What it loses during burping it absorbs back during the closed jar time. I use the early jarred bud to revitalize my drier bovedas.

Sent by a weed nerd

Step 3: The Cut Day
You have cut your plant. Now what?
Week 3 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you trim? If yes ... how much?
Yes. The leaves that have turned brown plus any very large ones.

2) When drying, do you do anything to aid in regulating the humidity in the ambient air surrounding your plants? ( this would slow down the drying time)
I dry in my laundry/utility room that always is dryer then the rest of my house, mostly in winter months.

3) Do you use a fan?
4) Do you dry for a set number of days?

5) How do know when your plant is dry?
I judge my plant by feel. Until it feels dry.

Free Reign: Is there anything that you do differently?
I use a brown paperbag always. I judge whether I keep it in my utility room or just dry in another room by watching relative humidity 5 - 7 days before cutting. If it is high Rh I dry in utility room.
1) Do you trim? I trim all the fans off, and then I use 2 methods of drying. Sometimes I hang the whole branches untrimmed until dry, then take them down, trim, break into nugs, leave to dry overnight, then into jars. Other times, I like to wet trim the buds, cut into nugs, and dry the paper bag method, I like both methods, both have their pros and cons, I tend to wet trim if I have time, and the dry trim if I have multiple plants

2) When drying, do you do anything to aid in regulating the humidity in the ambient air surrounding your plants?
No need

3) Do you use a fan? Yes, placed under the drying buds, facing upward, gently moving air around, not a full blast of air

4) Do you dry for a set number of days? It's never less than a week, but never more than 10 days

5) How do know when your plant is dry? Touch, feel, practice :biggrin:

Free Reign: Is there anything that you do differently?
Step 3: The Cut Day
You have cut your plant. Now what?
Week 3 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you trim? If yes ... how much?
Yes trim off all big fan leaves.

2) When drying, do you do anything to aid in regulating the humidity in the ambient air surrounding your plants? ( this would slow down the drying time)
I dry in a dark closet for about the first 4-5 days, then trim buds from plant and place in paper bag.

3) Do you use a fan?
Yes but only closed circulation.

4) Do you dry for a set number of days?

5) How do know when your plant is dry?
When the stalk bendy but still breaks its ready for the jar.

Free Reign: Is there anything that you do differently?
Get impatient and smoke throughout cure.
Step 3: The Cut Day
You have cut your plant. Now what?
Week 3 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you trim? If yes ... how much?
Trim as much as possible .take my time cause I really care what my buds look like .

2) When drying, do you do anything to aid in regulating the humidity in the ambient air surrounding your plants? ( this would slow down the drying time)

No , I just go with the flow

3) Do you use a fan?
4) Do you dry for a set number of days?
Depends on humidity so has and no
5) How do know when your plant is dry?
When the buds are spongy , crisp on the outside
Free Reign: Is there anything that you do differently? I follow basic rules 1 day for every 10 per cent humidity plus an extra day .trim before I hang and just cut buds off into jar with a 58 or 62 boveda and little gage .as long as its below 60% I leave it for at least 2 months to cure .
:smokeout: Cheers Boveda!

Week 2 Boveda Questionnaire:

Step Two: Lights Out~ Thristy Plant?

As some may know, it's common practice to make the cut at first light. The theory here is that transpiration--water rising from roots to leaves--slows at night. Cutting in the dark or at very first light aids in drying and some say lessens harshness. Other growers even push the boundaries more by keeping the plant in darkness for longer than their normal 12 hour lights-out phase.

>>> not a theory, a fact... No photosynthesis going on, primary reason for CO2 uptake via stomata.... plus the other env. factors driving that,... Still, some water release can happen, usually droplets formed at edges/tips... guttation I think it's called? -- but that's a separate mechanism and "plumbing" doing that,...:biggrin:
I dunno about the aiding in drying speed, actually the phenomena of guttation would seem to debunk that....*(RE: 2nd question) -- Personally, I try to let the soil dry out significantly by harvest, lower the water content in the plant a bit for faster drying, also the stress is said to nudge resin production some... not sure how fast that actually happens though, if it needs to be dry-ish for days..?
As for harshness, there may be something to that,.. since PS is halted, the production of sugar has as well, so perhaps the temporary lower tissue sugar levels contribute to this?

1) Do you cut after dark phase & while still dark?
If so, how many hours darkness & why?
If no, why not?

For tent plants, I find the strongest aromatics are a bit after lights on... I may take them then, or park them inside, low light for half a day or so if I can't trim right then,.. seems the aroma stays nice and strong... This dark period holds a lot of unanswered questions for me,... I know certain floral extract plants are harvested at early light because the terpenes are at their peak then, and I think this applies to outdoor cannabis too,... Sun, wind, temps, etc. all take their toll on terpenes, and it's at night that I think they can replenish... At night, if it's sufficiently warm, the production of them can get caught up with losses during the day,... Note that I'm talking terpenes, not cannabinoids, which so far as I can find do NOT increase during the dark,... perhaps the (perceived) potency increase is therefore linked to the elevated terp' content.... It's the UV spectrum that's associated with THC elevation, not sure about CBD, et al,...
I haven't seen any research papers addressing the length of time in the dark vs. amount of increase, just anecdotal feedback.... I'm betting there's a point of rapid diminishing returns on this though! Past a certain amount of time, the stored energy reserves on the plant are going to be taxed, and such synthesis is highly energy consuming,.. having to break down and metabolize starches into sugars for further energy production breakdown is costly... So that said, maybe a full day or so is the best amount, beyond that I have serious doubts,....
For tent plants, this is less of a factor, the exposure thing that is,.... but I think it still applies- :thumbsup:

2) Though possibly mentioned in previous answer, do you purposely allow your plant to dry out before cutting.
If yes, how long & how dry? (eg wilty leaves dry?)

mentioned above, yes I do!

Free Reign: Is there anything different that you personally do at this time?
.... nothing I can think of not explored already above,....:smoking:
Step 3: The Cut Day
You have cut your plant. Now what?
Week 3 Boveda Questionnaire

1) Do you trim? If yes ... how much?

>> Oh yes,... I'm at the mercy of ambient conditions for drying, but Fall is usually OK for that... I try to keep it at around 70Fand 50%RH, on a mesh rack...
My climate can be mold conducive on live plants, so I tend the break the buds down a fair bit; density also factors in on that... I give a rough trim initially, leaving some "scruff" sugar leaves for protection,... final clean-up when jar ready usually,...

2) When drying, do you do anything to aid in regulating the humidity in the ambient air surrounding your plants? ( this would slow down the drying time)
>> If warm weather comes and heats up the room, I'll lower the rack as much as I can to avoid hotter air near the ceiling,... move altogether if needed! ..Heat kills terp's fast :nono:
For RH%, I've come close to buying a portable AC, but have managed to not have to for cooler air,... RH% can get high enough to really slow drying, but been lucky there too, not long enough, or bad enough to warrant getting an AC going...
If the RH% gets too low, I slip the buds into a med. size paper bag, which will trap some moister air inside, buffering the too low RH% ambient air and preventing over-drying....

3) Do you use a fan?
>> yes, an air filter, very gentle movement through the mesh rack...

4) Do you dry for a set number of days?
>> I like at least a week to give plenty of time for the moist bud to go through all those "death throes" breakdown chemistry changes, first few days is key IMO,.... and dry more evenly and consistently,...

5) How do know when your plant is dry?
>> main stems snap or nearly so, fan petioles snap clean....then it's time for big jars, leaving plenty of air space which will help final evening out of moisture inside to out, a day or two... burpy burpy! :smoking:... then it's cure time, test the RH% in the jar, burp as needed for a couple weeks,...
1) Do you trim? If yes ... how much?
>>Often yes, but not always, depends on the strain. With CBD plants I don't trim

2) When drying, do you do anything to aid in regulating the humidity in the ambient air surrounding your plants? ( this would slow down the drying time)
>>When the air is very dry, as in winter, I dry on a rack for 2-3 days then jar it up with a hygrometer. If humidty rises above 65% within a few hours, I place the buds back on the rack for another 8-12 hours then jar it again. This bring out the inner moister slowly. Wehn the RH is 65% or leas, it stays in the jar with Boveda and the hygrometer.
3) Do you use a fan?
>>yes, bowing to the side of the rack. I use no fan when the RH is below 40%

4) Do you dry for a set number of days?

No, I gauge by stem dryness. When the buds feel dry but the stem is still soft, I jar up as mentioned above. I feel I retain more terpenes with this technique of allowing the buds to regain moister in the jars then drying again. I have the most amazing aroma from my buds this way.

5) How do know when your plant is dry?
>> dryness is manipulated in the jars and gauged with a hygrometer.

Free Reign: Is there anything that you do differently?
>> my buds are dry to the correct RH, I leave them in the jars up to 2 months with Boveda 65%, then swtitch to 59% for long term storage. Other than that, I try to keep it simple.