There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.
Do you use any of these products?
---- If you mean "flushing agents" or wetting agents, surfactants, then generally no,... I'm a soil grower photo's outside, auto's tent/outside; I use a wetting agent, Coco-Wet which is just a simple organic based surfactant, nothing like the more specialized products that act on particle bound ions to free them up for purging (if one
literally flushes, as in copious amounts of water through the medium) or allow the roots to snag them up... My primary used of Coco-Wet is for foliar applications, and for occasional use in water/nute soln. to allow better, faster more even penetration into the soil.
I typically run a mix of organic and synthetic nutes, last OD season I used mainly synth. stuff....
DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)?
----- I use both Boveda and Boost 62%
, mainly for storage for intermediate time lengths; also to "tune up" a jar when needed....
Do you flush? .... if yes, for how long?
,... if I used mostly synthetic nutes, but not more than 5 days, usually less because I don't hammer the crap out of the plants with feeds, especially toward the last stages when demands are starting to taper off... I let the fan leaves tell me how tapped the plant is in general, and clearing out what's in the "pipes"-- the roots and vascular system, doesn't take anything close to a week... So between the light feeding and low stored nutes in the plant, 3-5 days of water only, sometimes a little honey or molasses (more for the microbe herd, to ramp then up some and make them scavenge lingering nutes up), plus maybe a couple more of nothing at all to dry soil and plant out some....
If it was organic/mainly organic, I just do the dry-out period, depending on when and how much the last feed was,.... In this case I'm using modest doses of PK boosters to fatten the buds up more... I also use Terpinator and insect frass to boost terps, and fire up that SAR defensive response, but that starts well before cleansing period....
>>do you count days or 'waterings'?
----- No, ready is ready according to my eye, not a schedule....
>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water?
-- (see above)
FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:
--- I think I tucked all those in already above,... As for dry and cure, I see a lot of back and forth about the use or non-use of humidity control products... Many of us are more or less at the mercy of ambient conditions during drying.. Typically I have decent drying conditions, ranging close to the sweet spots of 70F/50%RH... about a week is good to get them jar-ready. If the RH% gets too low, I use paper bags, thicker paper type, to create a buffering atmosphere between inside the bag and outside, so as to not allow buds to dry too fast... In regards to some other comments here, I don't think such products were ever meant to be used during this stage, buds MUST be in "open" air, not sealed up with a RH% control pack as a buffer, it can't handle that kind of duty IMO.....
My understanding is that a certain level of moisture needs to be retained initially to allow some of the "death throes chemistry" (pigment breakdown, sugar/starch conversion, etc.) to take place properly, which may not finish well after buds get past a certain point in moisture content... rehydration of over-dried bud (especially from a fresh state) doesn't seem to "turn the clock back" in effect that I've seen, over-dried bud can't be fixed beyond a certain degree,... longer term curing can help some further improvement though....
If the RH% is too high, I'm SOL!

-- just have to gut it out and watch for mold early on, but that to date hasn't happened after harvest,....
After jar ready, the packs may stay in for a week or two, occasional burps, then I remove the packs and try to let longer term storage jars be until refill time! I store those in a cool dark place. If they need a RH% tune-up, packs go in until ready... I may leave a small pack full time in a larger size jar on occasion,...