dear Boveda. thank you. for acknowledgment of my Opinion. I believe that your product is useful. when things go wrong. and for some, the best way to dry and cure.
I have used them in the past, when I made some errors in the drying process. only once. but it did work and saved the bud.
you have been using them for two years. I have been drying and curing bud for 56 years. and people have been drying and curing and storing bud for 10.000 years.
and I do believe that for some, it's the best way. people get upset when you point out their ignorance, we all have ignorance in specific areas. and it can be stopped very simply. learn.
I am ignorant in many areas. drying / curing is not one of them. opinions are like assholes everyone has one.
and being a cantankerous curmudgeon. I certainly have mine.
thank you for your time.