Boveda Wants to Hear From YOU!

There is one in every jar from day 1 till its empty. Itll either be absorbing some humidity in early times or keeping it moist toward the end. 62 is my preference. But ill likely pick up a few 58s for summer.

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@Boveda :crying: You folks sure picked the wrong forum to ask about flushing. I would be willing to bet you find a higher percentage of non-flush growers here than in most forums.

Here's Week 1's Questionnaire.


There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.

Do you use any of these products? No

DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)? No

Do you flush? No

A>if yes, for how long? N/A

>>do you count days or 'waterings'? N/A

>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water? N/A

B>if no, why not? Flushing is a myth with no science to back it up. Starving your plants only stresses them and reduces yield.

FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:

Only thing I do before the cut is to turn off the reservoir and lights 24-48 hours before the cute. Not sure why, it’s just something I do. No science to explain it.
don't mean to throw shade here, but boveda packs should only be used if you screwed up your drying/ curing. not to throw in the jar for part of said drying/curing process. :2cents:
don't mean to throw shade here, but boveda packs should only be used if you screwed up your drying/ curing. not to throw in the jar for part of said drying/curing process. :2cents:
Also good for long term storage of cured product.
A buddyof mine will actually dry his out more and use boveda to bring back moisture. Taste pretty good and cures up fast.
don't mean to throw shade here, but boveda packs should only be used if you screwed up your drying/ curing. not to throw in the jar for part of said drying/curing process. :2cents:
I’m interested, list your sources on that please. I’ve been using them for years, not as part of the cure but for long term storage and have some jars from over 4 years ago that are almost as aromatic and fresh looking as when I put them in the jars. I’ve tried it without and even stored at a constant 60°f and no light in my fruit cellar, the bud was degrading at a more advanced rate than without the packs.
don't mean to throw shade here, but boveda packs should only be used if you screwed up your drying/ curing. not to throw in the jar for part of said drying/curing process. :2cents:

I use them from day one in the jar. It works very well.

Also good for long term storage of cured product.

I question the long term storage as I thought they may rob some Terps! so I have a test I am running with two jars of Monster profit one with and one without. It has been about 9 months so far. It is in another thread in this subforum.