You folks sure picked the wrong forum to ask about flushing. I would be willing to bet you find a higher percentage of non-flush growers here than in most forums.
Here's Week 1's Questionnaire.
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.
Do you use any of these products? No
DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)? No
Do you flush? No
A>if yes, for how long? N/A
>>do you count days or 'waterings'? N/A
>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water? N/A
B>if no, why not? Flushing is a myth with no science to back it up. Starving your plants only stresses them and reduces yield.
FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:
Only thing I do before the cut is to turn off the reservoir and lights 24-48 hours before the cute. Not sure why, it’s just something I do. No science to explain it.