Boveda Wants to Hear From YOU!

Drrrrrrrum rooooolllllllllllllll !!!!!

Here's Week 1's Questionnaire.
(Please answer inside the quote that appears after you 'reply'.

Boveda wants to hear what you do to prepare for your harvest.

Most agree that there are 5 distinct phases in this last & final push of time, energy, & patience. All agree that much can be learned from those who have been doing this for years --that possibly being you.

Boveda wants to hear all voices.

Each week over the next 5 weeks there will be a new questionnaire. Your names will be recorded for each week's questionnaire and at the end of the 5 weeks I'll draw one name for each week. There will be 5 lucky winners getting a Boveda Butler!

Step One: To Flush or not to flush? That is the question that Boveda wants you to answer :)

As most know, the word "flush" is given to the action of feeding only water for a period of time before the cut. Yes, this step is debated online with the idea being that the time spent with no nutrients is too much loss in yield to justify the results. To others, it's about purity & safety.


You can answer inside the quote that appears when you click 'reply'. No time limit but new Q's weekly for the next 5 weeks. Boveda thanks you & encourages you to have fun :)

We're all ears.

Though my feedback will not be counted, I'll be the first to fill out the questions :watering:
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.

Do you use any of these products? Yes

DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)? Advanced Nutrients Flawless Finish

Do you flush? Yes

A>if yes, for how long? 73 hours

>>do you count days or 'waterings'? Days

>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water? Full DWC reservoir change

B>if no, why not?

FREE REIGN: I like Bovedas
Drrrrrrrum rooooolllllllllllllll !!!!!

Here's Week 1's Questionnaire.
(Please answer inside the quote that appears after you 'reply'.

Boveda wants to hear what you do to prepare for your harvest.

Most agree that there are 5 distinct phases in this last & final push of time, energy, & patience. All agree that much can be learned from those who have been doing this for years --that possibly being you.

Boveda wants to hear all voices.

Each week over the next 5 weeks there will be a new questionnaire. Your names will be recorded for each week's questionnaire and at the end of the 5 weeks I'll draw one name for each week. There will be 5 lucky winners getting a Boveda Butler!

Step One: To Flush or not to flush? That is the question that Boveda wants you to answer :)

As most know, the word "flush" is given to the action of feeding only water for a period of time before the cut. Yes, this step is debated online with the idea being that the time spent with no nutrients is too much loss in yield to justify the results. To others, it's about purity & safety.


You can answer inside the quote that appears when you click 'reply'. No time limit but new Q's weekly for the next 5 weeks. Boveda thanks you & encourages you to have fun :)

We're all ears.

Though my feedback will not be counted, I'll be the first to fill out the questions :watering:
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut. I don't use them anymore. But I'm a form believer in chemical nutrients needing them.

Do you use any of these products?
Not anymore, final flush with AN ph perfect.

DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)? Store bought

Do you flush? Yes

A>if yes, for how long?

I start when buds start to get knobby looking, then go till amber trichomes are right for me.

>>do you count days or 'waterings'?
Don't really count but usually ends up being 2 weeks.

>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water?
Feed water no ph down

B>if no, why not?
Keeps my dirt ready for next run. Makes plant take in water only and eat stored nutrients

FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:

When I see my buds start there first foxtail, they go on a strict water only diet. My reasoning for this is to lock out nutrient uptake but still have water to keep from going dry.

During this time they will begin to eat lower leafs after 24to48hrs in hydro 5-7 days in super soil.

Now you just water until you are happy with trich colors, don't hold your breath either. Autos take their time.

Okay now you have the colors you want... Well it's not over yet. The best time to cut is after lights off or right as lights come on. The reason I do this is they are the stinkiest, so I think it gives a better flavor.

Now the hard and stinky part... If you want a fast cure with the best flavor you can't box it in a closet. You must have fresh air to keep the hay smell away.
I hang mine in closet and close the door with fan on while suns out then at night open the door. Leave until buds are crispy enough that sugar leaves crumble but stalk is a touch bendy. Now cut buds off branches and bag in brown paper bags for 2 days then jar. Smoke when ready and enjoy top shelf buds.

Lastly thanks @Boveda for the opportunity
I Love Boveda packs! Won't cure without them!

There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.
Do you use any of these products?
No i do not,
I use no products other than my nutrient start to finish

Step One: To Flush or not to flush?
NO! flushing your plant to "clean out chemicals" is a myth and damaging to plants. I also grow with nutrients but do not till. the soil in my pots has not been changed out in almost 2 years. Its also never been flushed before or after. i merely cut out the stump and plant in the hole. I have no issues related to salts buildup as apparently when you don't over feed, this is not an issue.

I grow in auto pots and I feed right to the moment of chop. With auto pots your plants are always at an optimum level of moister in the medium.
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.

Do you use any of these products?
I used to, but not anymore.
DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)?
Do you flush?
NO NEED TO! Simply put, flushing depletes your plants of nutrients it needs to finish/mature before chop.
A>if yes, for how long?
>>do you count days or 'waterings'?
>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water?
I feed right up to chop. Flushing is a myth!
B>if no, why not?
Flushing is a myth.
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.

Do you use any of these products? No

Do you flush? No

>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water?

B>if no, why not? I feed water for the last few days, 3-4 days max. I've never flushed a plant, I've never understood why it was 'a thing', nobody has ever convinced me with a scientific explanation to flushing.

FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:

BioTabs are a water only regime from start to finish, the plant takes the nutrient it wants, when it wants them. So you are more or less flushing the whole grow, just without the run off.

Anyone who grows with 'chem ferts' and seen the build up of crust you can get in the bottom of the res, or around the top of the bottles, it takes a scraper to get it off, you're not going to shift that from a pot with just water.

When I take apples off my tree, I don't pour a bucket of water on the roots first

I'm not convinced by flushing :thumbsup:
Awesome reply --- I hope you'll share those other details in the Questionnaires to come that will touch
more on the cut, the trim, and the cure :)
Awesome reply --- I hope you'll share those other details in the Questionnaires to come that will touch
more on the cut, the trim, and the cure :)
Sorry guess I took the reins and ran away lol.
Drrrrrrrum rooooolllllllllllllll !!!!!

Here's Week 1's Questionnaire.
(Please answer inside the quote that appears after you 'reply'.

Boveda wants to hear what you do to prepare for your harvest.

Most agree that there are 5 distinct phases in this last & final push of time, energy, & patience. All agree that much can be learned from those who have been doing this for years --that possibly being you.

Boveda wants to hear all voices.

Each week over the next 5 weeks there will be a new questionnaire. Your names will be recorded for each week's questionnaire and at the end of the 5 weeks I'll draw one name for each week. There will be 5 lucky winners getting a Boveda Butler!

Step One: To Flush or not to flush? That is the question that Boveda wants you to answer :)

As most know, the word "flush" is given to the action of feeding only water for a period of time before the cut. Yes, this step is debated online with the idea being that the time spent with no nutrients is too much loss in yield to justify the results. To others, it's about purity & safety.


You can answer inside the quote that appears when you click 'reply'. No time limit but new Q's weekly for the next 5 weeks. Boveda thanks you & encourages you to have fun :)

We're all ears.

Though my feedback will not be counted, I'll be the first to fill out the questions :watering:
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut.

Do you use any of these products? No

DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)? Use AN products tell last 14 days then just water.

Do you flush? Yes

A>if yes, for how long? 2 weeks

>>do you count days or 'waterings'? Waterings

>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water? I grow outdoors in 3gal fabric pots with FFOF soil, compost and AN line of nutrients. The last 14 days i will water every 1-3 days depending on tempatures with water only

B>if no, why not?

FREE REIGN: This is where we hope you'll expand on some of those tiny details subjective to each of you when preparing for the cut:
I have only grown 1 season with the Autos. I grow gurrila style. Depending on how the weather is depends on how often i see my plants. I use AN PH perfect Micro,grow,Bloom as a base line adding Carboload,Big Bud, and Over Drive during flower.Using a jewelers loupe i monitor the amber in glands when they are 50/50 amber/clear i water heavily for 14 days then then chop chop
There are products to add in the days/weeks before the cut. I dont use any but I have a friend who swears that giving them aroma therapy with oil warmers in the grow area exparting various essential oils whoch imparts flavor (which makes total sense).

Do you use any of these products? NO

DIY (recipe or how-to) or Store (which product)?

Do you flush? Nah

A>if yes, for how long? 0 days

>>do you count days or 'waterings'? Neither, I chop when its ready

>>>do you merely feed water or do you actually flush the entire medium with fresh water? I wait till its dry... does that count?

B>if no, why not? I dunno why or why not. I break the norms

FREE REIGN: i just feed her till the end. I havent ever seen anything that shows me definitive proof in my own growing that has shown any difference. In side by side grows there has been an advantage to plants fed till harvest in mine and my friends grows. Just makes sense to me to just feed. Plus I just want an easy way to do things. Easy and doable. When you have shoulder and other pain and problems you cant always spend all day on your plants even when you want to so you need an easy way to do it that's fast... so feeding every watering with a ph balanced complete nutrient regimen is what's needed for me. I think my growa are decent and my yields of recent averages in the 70g to 80g range I've averaged 50g on 10 plants in the last 90 days in a 0.76m2 space... so 625g/m2 isnt bad with a Mars hydro 300 and Mars hydro 600. I have found that those last few grams come from that last push at the end and my not starving it from a flush