Outdoor Blueberry Dragons in the wild

Yeah that's a big garden! I don't move my plants in and out every day, i start them in one of these they sit next to a window and get a few hours of sun every day in addition to the T5

thanks @tobe I am ready for some good weather.

Ah sweet. I have decided to build a 4X8' greenhouse to start our veggie seedlings. Just to make it easier. Moving them in and out every day is royal pain in the arse!
Lat 47 myself as well
Good luck with your grow
I have some photos in the green house now and should start my auto's in about a week or so for an outdoor grow
I look forward to watching your success
thanks @Jraven I'm at lat 47, doing the math just now I should be chopping these by the end of July and smokin' in August as long as I get enough to last me till my photos are ready I will be happy I got less then an ounce per plant last summer.
bet you get more this year
Nice...its too much for me to move them in and out of sun every day so I wait until outdoor days are warm enough to accommodate. Yeah its the same for us...warm weather veggies go in the same time as the girls on June the 1st. Good stuff on the veggie growing! My wife and I with another couple grow out around 80% of our yearly veggies, fruit and meat.(huge garden for that)
like your food trip
Lat 47 myself as well
Good luck with your grow
I have some photos in the green house now and should start my auto's in about a week or so for an outdoor grow
I look forward to watching your success

thanks, I have some photos started too, they are going out to the swamp as soon as the weather warms up
I probably would get a bigger harvest if I waited another week to start these but I'm ready to go now.

bet you get more this year

I hope so, and maybe a male or two so I can make some seeds.
Here is a little lesson for any of you that break your back mixing soil. Throw that shit on a tarp! Then just pull it from corner to corner, no sore back.

As you can see in the background, we are finally getting a little green.