Outdoor Blueberry Dragons in the wild

How long do I have to cull the males down to be sure only the one I choose will be the daddy?

FG007 - things are looking good my man, keep it up.

From my experience and what I have seen, males grow quicker so do not be too worried to see the two biggest were males.. Watch carefully and when you start seeing the pollen sacs form I would cull one. I also would recommend trimming the one you want to be daddy down so you only have a small section that has pollen created.. One missed sac that opens prematurely is enough to cover all the plants you have out there..
Just pulling seeds out of my own first cross - 2fast 2 vast x mixed dragon pack.
Thanks @Woolly I want as many seeds as I can get from these this year. so the male I choose will be allowed to grow and make as much pollen as it wants. I will probability save some pollen for my photo plants also.
So..... I killed one of the males tonight and topped the other two I have not decided witch one is gonna be the lucky guy his pollen will also be saved for some of my photos whoever it is. here are the two I kept before I topped them any votes on witch one to keep? They seem to have the same terpene profile blueberry yumm.

Male #1


And this is the one I yanked.

thanks for stopping in.

Edit: day 25
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Well, I have an addition to the grow. One of my RCMC mix seeds is an auto. it is ten days older then the BBD so I put it in a pot.


now I wish I waited to top my photo plants.
Day 37
I went to see my BBD today. They are looking good.

Female #1 I put this five gallon smart pot in the 15 gallon smart pot that was holding the male it doesn't seem to be any biggest then the others

Female #2

Female #3


I'm happy with their progress.