Outdoor Blueberry Dragons in the wild

I had enough soil there to fill three 5 gallon smart pots two 10 gallon smart pots and a 15 gallon smart pot so after the next cold spell my autos are going out weather they like it or not. before they lose their place under the T5.
Here they are at 18 days old, they will be going outside in a few days I gave them some fish and seaweed today.

I put my pots out today plenty of sum here.

I put my plants outside today, they are looking pretty good,

They are 21 days old today and got some fish and seaweed fertilizer,they will go out it their smart pots in the morning.
Looks like a nice spot, good transplant vibes headed your way!
Looks like a nice spot, good transplant vibes headed your way!
thanks pathway, I brought my plants out and put them in their pots about six this morning.

I transplanted just in time, the roots are perfect right now

I just remembered I forgot to put some copper wire around these plants. I will have to do that before nightfall
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My plants seem to have handled the transplant ok, I'm still afraid the soil might be a little hot but they look good this morning. They are all showing new growth.

That last one got knocked over somehow, but I think it will be ok
UPDATE! It is day 24 and I have three confirmed males :frog: and one I am kinda sure is female Last year out of five seeds I had one die as a seedling and four females so no seeds, I hope I don't get all males this year. Of course the two biggest plants are all males and these are my first autoflower males so I am exited. How long do I have to cull the males down to be sure only the one I choose will be the daddy?