New Grower BillyWu's first grow - Think Different autoflowering

Update: Seedling is just starting to show it's first set of leaves! It's broke the surface of the soil, although it's still curled up a little. It's not got it's seed hat on either :] Here's a picture, camera quality doesn't show the green I can see with my eye but I think you can see the two little leaves. This is 3 days from germination.

Another short update :] First leaves are up, and already the next two are growing on the sides. Growing nicely so far, quite pleased :]

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Looking good dude, reminds me of when mine first sprouted...nostalgic haha.
It's addictive :] If I'm not sitting here talking about weed, I'm reading about it or sitting looking into the grow tent lol. Hopefully tomorrow it'll be a bit taller, few days and it should be onto some bigger leaves.
Another little update. One day later, it's taller and the leaves are bigger and more green :] Growing quite nicely, surprised me a bit. Can't see any problems.

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Day two after sprouting.

Looking quite nice, it's definitely growing quite a lot better now, gonna start it on weaker strength BioBizz root juice & Formulex in a day or two when the bottles arrive. Here's where it's at.

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youll be able to make a time lapse video out of all these photos.

looking good :thumbs:
youll be able to make a time lapse video out of all these photos.

looking good :thumbs:

Hello I was wondering how to do that I have like five hundred photos......start to finish think it would be really cool,any info would be great or is the way to many photis
its pretty simple i did one ages ago of growing a beard out of boredom.
heres a good simple video on how to do it with photoshop.
if you dont have photoshop im sure there are others or you could geta copy somewhere.
ive linked to halfway in before that hes just correcting photos which wouldnt apply as these wont be perfect anyway and not needed.
i try to take photos in similar angles/positions so i can see the difference from day to day myself and have them in dated folders..
too many. might do one myself.

if your photos are huge they might take way too long to render depending on your pc so if you are correcting anything before following that vid make them whatever size you want the animation at the end beforehand with a bulk editor. probably fine either way anyway