New Grower BillyWu's first grow - Think Different autoflowering

seeds only have so much eneergy to send out a root and get growing if you wait too long they will expend this i would plant now myself. i dont think there is any advantage to waiting just more time to accidentally breaka root etc too.
Yeah I was just reading about it, gonna go plant it now :] I'll post an update once it sprouts out the soil a bit.
Gonna get some root growth stimulator to get some big-ass roots for a big-ass plant. When would you guys say is the best time to use it?
Once it shows its first set of true leaves, depending on your product, I use superthrive for root growth for example, I use a very very small amount, like .5 ml per gallon. So about a drop per 4 ounces or so.
It contains no fertilizer just vitamins and stuff.. very good for transplanting. But your roots will go nuts, I have plants that are the youngest in my grow that are completely rooted to the top of a 5 gallon pot.. makes it very hard to break up the top of the dirt before watering. I used it when I transplanted at a slightly stronger concentration. They rewarded me too much. Go easy and you will be fine.
Got it, thanks :] Seed has been planted now, going with 20/4 lighting. Soil is nicely moist from watering 2 days ago, still sticks to a pencil so it should be fine. Might give it a top up tomorrow.
Now, quick question about light distance. I'm using a cooltube reflector and the hand test (putting my hand close to the light, if it feels uncomfortable then it's too close) but it's not uncomfortable at all. Should I just get my light as low as possible?
I do 8 inches with a CFL t5, I am not familiar with what type of bulb that uses?
Update: Still waiting on the sprout :] Working on my ventilation now.

I'll be venting into my attic, which unfortunately has no vents on it. I imagine with such a small grow tent and with all the equipment I've got, the humidity levels shouldn't build up enough to cause any damage to the attic. Can anyone shed some light on this subject please?
Keep your light raised up off that seedling till it gets a couple sets of true leaves. You want your node spacing (the space between the new sets of leaves) to be around 1". Too low and the nodes are too close together and you end up with a small, stunted plant. Too far away and the plant gets spindly, so adjust the height accordingly.

I wouldn't be concerned about humidity build up in the attic. Won't be an issue with the size of your grow.
Ahh that's grand, thanks Muddy :] Been very helpful with all my questions so far and I appreciate it a lot.
Adjusted the light, it's about 19 inches from the pot. Hopefully that'll be fine :] Ventilation's set up and the room is at a consistent 79°F - 82°F, which I think is quite ideal. It's about 60°F with the lights off too, which is also ideal.
That should be a good starting point on the light height. Lights on temps are fine. 60 is a bit cool. I'd suggest a supplemental heater with a built in thermostat.
Temperature is being a little strange. On my digital temperature probe, it measures at 81.3°F whilst on the stick on thermometer, it shows up at about 90°F. It doesn't feel 90°F in there, it's warm but not hot. I assume the stick on thermometer is wrong, so I'll use my temperature probe to get a proper reading. It was placed directly under the light where the seedling should be sprouting, stuck at 81°F.