Sawney's Beans Sawney Bean's - White Gen 3 - A Dalai Farmer Production, Brought To You In Glorious Technicolour

Thanks mate. Happy 2025 😆
When the gen4 is made let's hope it's more stable and less "funky " at times. It would be a shame if we lost it .
Hellraiser is there to fall back on pluss the ultimate white.
If you keep an eye out for more original white chem I can have another bash at a new stash mate.
If I remember rightly, the Mephisto Chemdogging was very much like the White in smell and appearance, but I'll have look around anyway mate and if I find anything else that fits the bill, I'll let you know :thumbsup:
White Gen 3 & White Ultimate
I had the electrician out to do an electrical safety check last week, so it was a case of chop and dry them as quickly as possible. Luckily they were all ready, but the other tent I had just started a few, but managed to hide them in my son in laws car so all good. I managed to get a few pics in between chopping.

White Solo Cup
I'm happy to say, I finally broke the 2oz mark with a Solo Cup :woohoo: I've come close before, but not quite until now.
I think I have found a new favourite with the Ultimate White :thumbsup: decent yield, smells great and none of the Whites funkiness.

The rest of the Whites turned out ok, although one was a bit seedy, but that was sort of expected, as that was the one with the nut sack :grrr2:
Some of the leaves were a little rough looking, which I think was because I never watered to run off this grow just to see if there was any difference, which there wasn't apart from the leaves.

Nice solo mate. 👌 a good yield indeed 👌
I have a couple white gen3 in at the mo and it's defo not the best generation I have made but the cross to the ultimate seems to be a belter 👌 gen4 of white needs to be made coz I'm down to a few seeds. Plenty ultimate white 👌
Always great to see yours feed back on them mate 👍 appreciated 👍 👏