New Grower BillyWu's first grow - Think Different autoflowering

Day 11 update

Last night, I had a little unexpected visitor in the pot. A little tiny set of leaves had sprouted towards the edges. I thought it might've been part of the root system that had been exposed to the light but after de-rooting it, I found it wasn't. Something must've been in the soil, but it's no big deal :]

Plant is still growing quite fast, no signs of sex just yet but I imagine it'll be soon. Still need to get my dolomite lime to up the pH a bit, mostly just because I don't want it to turn out to be male, but it's showing more signs of being female right now. Short and bushy as opposed to taller and spindly :]

Hey Billy, looking good mate,. How does it feel to get your first grow on?? I'm chuffed to bits, so glad I've finally taken the plunge. I shall watch yours with interest because you're about a week behind me...
Thanks :] It's great! Found a new hobby, something I can put my mind to and see results from. Really interesting, and my science background has been quite handy in growing so far too.
Just been having a look at the plant since the lights came back on. Seems we've got some stipules going on here. I was thinking it may have been calyx development, but it doesn't look like it yet. Node sites possibly? Just making sure that these are just stipules, not fully familiar with the plant's anatomy yet :]


I think they are the side branches billy. They grow out from the corners where the fan leaf branch joins the main stem.
Hope this helps
Ahh right :] Thanks. Still trying to learn all the anatomy correctly.
Exciting stuff hey! It's a real pleasure to watch these things grow. You will be hooked in no time haha
Glad you are enjoying it :thumbs:
Day 12 update

Final day of the Formulex feed today. Gonna be staying on Root Juice for a while longer to see how it goes :]

Upped the feed strength to 0.8mS (400PPM). People may think this is a little too strong for a young plant, but bear in mind Formulex is designed for use with young plants so it's not as strong as veg feeds are. It took well to two consecutive feeds of 0.55mS (roughly 260PPM) so I'm hoping all will go well with this one.

Next feed I'll be switching to BioBizz Flora (vegetative feed) then in about another 3-4 weeds, on to Bloom feed :]


(If some of those leaves look dark, it's just the shadow from the leaves above :D All of them are green)
Thanks :]

I spotted a few shiny brown spots on the surface on a few of the leaves. They're only tiny and there are barely any of them, but they're there. I don't think it's nutrient burn because none of the leaves have yellowed at all.
Probably just slight magnesium deficiency from the pH 5.9 soil. Sorting that out in a couple of days :]

Could someone tell me the best method to mix the dolomite lime into the soil? Just sprinkle on the surface and flush the plant?