New Grower BillyWu's first grow - Think Different autoflowering

Day 13 update

Thought yesterday I may've nute burned the plant, but surprisingly no. Thought I saw the leaves droop but evidently not :] This plant sure does like its feed.

It's leaf span is equal to that of the pots diameter, which is quite wide.

Just mix the lime into the top layer of soil and give it your normal watering. Dolomite is slow acting so don't expect to see immediate results.
Those girls are looking beautiful, Billy. Nice work. My grow started 5 days after your's did, and I have a similar set up in a DR90 II, so i'll keep following your grow.
Thanks :] Believe it or not that's only one plant in a 20 litre pot and it's two weeks old. Growing really fast :D
It was just an expression, couple of people say 'girls'. Just being picky :] Probably 'cause there's multiple photos.
Day 14 update

Two weeks? Thought it'd been longer!
The plant still hasn't shown it's sex yet. No calyx or pistils, just lots of new branch formations.

On the upside, it's still growing beautifully :] Beautiful green with no wilting, drooping, funny colours or anything. Very pleased and quite proud of how my first ever grow is turning out :D

Gave it a good watering today. In 2 days I'm switching to vegging nutes and coming off the Formulex, gonna start easy at an EC of 0.6mS and see how things go.


EDIT: I'm thinking that it's perhaps getting a little too dense in one spot. Should I raise my light up a bit?
You should get a Nice growth spurt in the next week or so. Looks good man
Looking good. Yes, I would probably raise the light a bit so they stretch a bit more. You probably won't see any sexing for another week or so, usually when they have about 5-6 nodes. The males usually show first, a few days before the females.