raise your your lights up high! I an=m running only 2 autocobs in a 2'8" x2'8"x5' tent. I start them at 30" to get some stretch in veg and let them grow to the lightby end of flower they can be 12-14" from the light, depending on strain, some topping may be needed!
I start my AutoCOBs at about 40-42" or ≥1 meter above ground level, and let the plants grow from there. I hardy ever adjust much from that level throughout the grow. For example, an 18-inch plant (tallest mine ever get, or as tall I'd allow to it to get, with LST) would be about 24 inches from the lights usually with reflectors.
Still, like many, I try to do everything right, but my plants rarely ever stretch, never get tall at all. But I have 2 x Amare 150CR (Cree LEDs) in the same tent, so we can't conclude much from this about AutoCOB spectrum and stretch (vs. blaming the LEDs). I get high quality with average yield - a very good outcome in my view - now using AutoCOBs (supplemented with Amare 150CRs) and MegaCrop as my base nutes (at 1.5 g/L or 5.66 g/gallon, plus other complementary additives).
I don't want to trash BigSm0's thread here, but with apologies I'll quote long enough to redirect if you gents want to help me pursue this. I originally agreed with your suggestions of light height, but been there / done that. There's something else going on here.
Take a look at the Light Intensity thread in my sig. link below. I've grown fourteen rounds of autoflowers using HID and LED, and NONE of the LED grows have stretched, while ALL of the HID grows did. Some of the LED yields have been great, some have been shit. Some LED bud qualities have been great; a few have been shit (plants were SO dense as to have very poor color on the undersides and secondary buds). In short, inconsistent.
y original theory when starting that thread was that light INTENSITY was affecting my stretch. So there's two ways to effect change to that, altering power or increasing distance as you suggested. I have two "system" style LED's that run 325Watts at wall; pretty powerful for a 5 sq. ft. tent. But they are enclosed system style lights so I couldn't readily lower power. So for my last grow I started light height (and stayed) at 39" - pegged at the top of the tent. The plant, as always, was pretty & healthy, but NO STRETCH. 3" tall and staying there. That's when I realized there must be something more than light intensity at play, So I changed my chase to spectrum. To confirm my suspicions I switched back to my trusty dusty old 250W HID, and the plant went to 16" in no time. Just what I'd always experienced under HID.
But what I'm looking to do is to recreate that result under LED. And if this makes any sense, I don't "understand" everything I "know" about growing. Lots of experience, great results, almost never screw up (knock on wood). But I'm not a lighting engineer, nor a botanist. So until I get past this stretch / no-stretch thing, I can't consistently count on the results I have come to expect from my autoflower grows.
I've convinced myself that COB's are in my future, and
@BigSm0 has such a great rep on here that I already know I'll be purchasing a 4-pack from him. I just want to get closer to understanding the effect that light spectrum has on stretch before I pull out the old credit card once again. I know 2900 degrees kelvin generates consistent stretch with HID. But where should I be with LED? Nanometers to Kelvin conversion, any such thing? We'll see.
Stop by my thread and have a comment if you think of anything beyond light height!