Lighting Bigsm0 and the cob addiction

There is a way to get essentially all of the benefits of AutoPots with zero chance of ever having a flood, and maybe other benefits too. Take full manual control of feeding. Do not use a reservoir, plastic tubing, the AutoValves, etc. -- Simply regularly manually refill each AutoPot's reservoir as you see fit. I did that for multiple grows, and considered the results just as good as using the 'automated' reservoir/tubing/AutoValves system.

Manual AutoPot feeding also allows much more control of feeding, such as I would often add a day without any feed/water, to allow the coco/perlite to dry out a little bit before it gets saturated again.

I also much preferred feeding freshly-mixed feed, with reservoirs always turning nasty on me. I never saw any upsides in feeding days old feed. Freshly-mixed feeding also allows much broader freedom in use of supplements -- organics, even gunky carbohydrates, can be added with no concerns about tubing or valves clogging. And manual feeding allows much more customization for each plant - different feeds; supplements can be added individually, etc.

Otherwise, what clinched, pushed my decision, to go manual feeding was that I found it overall simpler and less work than messing with the reservoir/tubing/AutoValves.

Think I could adapt to that autopot method if I ever go to the autopot system. I find watering manually is my therapy. It’s free and satisfying!!

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Think I could adapt to that autopot method if I ever go to the autopot system. I find watering manually is my therapy. It’s free and satisfying!!

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That's how I see it makes me check my medium out when I'm down there, guess makes me more attentive to my girls personally than as group and mainly focusing on the top like I would if it's all automated under there. Although I would enjoy a electric automation system sometimes. Flip a switch while I'm in there then remember to shut off when I leave, think of it like plumbing a house u can never I repeat never have enough shut off valves. I've noticed some autos don't want much to drink and think the water sitting in bottom of autopot try could effect her, maybe she wants to dry out to stretch out, maybe her sister is always thirsty. I find most of my gains are from when my pots are almost completely dry top and bottom but a slightly damp feel then water just enough to wet it all, when I keep a airpot saturated she is slow like a regular pot, but slightly moist she zooms.
Think I could adapt to that autopot method if I ever go to the autopot system. I find watering manually is my therapy. It’s free and satisfying!!

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Oh yes me too. I used to get in from work around 7pm and go straight to my grow. The perfect temperature and humidity with the fans blowing was like being in the Bahamas. It is such a relaxing and wonderful hobby/job.
Oh yes me too. I used to get in from work around 7pm and go straight to my grow. The perfect temperature and humidity with the fans blowing was like being in the Bahamas. It is such a relaxing and wonderful hobby/job.

Ha! Hell yes. Now that you say that, cold beer does taste better in the room!!

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Hey big SMo @BigSm0 check out what couple 3500k and a 2.5 week flush one week cal/mg I'm testing I'm really loving it for the cons its 8.5%cal 4.5%Mag 2ml/gal is my test start rate. But any way 1.5 week cal/mg, boost, sweet candy, week 2 water and gave me this for Ghost Toof by @mephisto.genetics 292.03 wet and dense as both my mules ducks in the back 40.
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Not one smaller or less hard as a golf ball. I shit you not. Using as a foliar spray and its doing crazy wonders with 57% rh and 78F tempsView attachment 991751 View attachment 991752 View attachment 991753
My god man, she's a beaut!