Grow Mediums Barney’s Farm LSD-25 (photo) in 8.5L Autopots w/coco, TF nutrients, and AutoCobs


Autopot& Autocob Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Sweet Seeds Dark Devil, Barney’s Farm LSD. Yummy!
Started a new grow a couple weeks ago and wanted to share with my fellow AFN’ers.

Barney’s Farms LSD-25
Type: Feminised
Photoperiod: Normal
Cultivation: Indoor/outdoor
Genetics: Original Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] x Afghan Indica
Indoor Yield (g): 700 gr/m²
Flowering Time (days): 60 - 65
Height Indoor (cm): 100cm
Indica %: 70%
Sativa %: 30%
Medical: No
Taste: Intense flavour of earthy chestnut
Aroma: Musky smell

Grow Area:

4'x4'x5.5' Unbranded Grow Tent (right now just using 3 x 3 of it)
6" ventech Inline Fan and Carbon Filter
Hydrofarm AAPA45L 20-Watt 45-LPM Active Aqua Commercial Air Pump with 6 Outlets
Tent temperature & humidity 65-79f/18-26c, 56-65%

Lighting: 2 x PlatinumLED P300s (Veg 93w/Bloom 180w each)

Technaflora Nutrients along with some supplements such as Terpinator and Recharge.
Water is my tap water which is heavy with calcium and magnesium with a ppm around 200. I have found I can usually back off the cal/mag I have to add to the coco.

GH CocoTek Premium Coir 100% coco with no perlite or hydroton

Pots: 4 x 8.5L Autopots with AirDomes

I dropped the seeds into a shot glass for 24 hours and then stuck into some homemade starter cubes of coco in a small tray and threw under one of my LED panels at the furthest away I could raise it. In a few days the popped above the coco and were put cube and all into their pots on 2/27. Each pot was soaked with the TF seed and transplant starter solution at full strength.

Day 58 of 2018 equals day one.
Last edited:
March 7th
Watered with 2 liters of 1/4 strength TF Veg stage each pot which did have a small amount of runoff into the trays. They are looking good with the exception of the one, which I am beginning to think might be a male. Otherwise what could be causing the dramatic difference between it and its sisters

Day 19

Just a quick update pic of the four.

Any comments or suggestions about my one mutant would be appreciated. I still suspect that it’s a boy! It’s is developing a different leaf style and has that stretchy, skinny look that males get as they try to gain height on the females to better spread their pollen. While the other three look the same and are staying low and bushing out.

I have tagged many people, some that I know from when I use to post here and some newer autopot growers I have noticed since coming back. Feel free to pull up a chair, stump, or just a piece of the floor and shoot the shit about anything. If you think I left someone out of my tagging, please tag them in. Questions, comments, suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.


@912GreenSkell @pop22 @hillbillydeville @Blasting @MassMom @lunarman @2Stoned2Care @briman @James0807 @InexpensiveBeret @Nosias @Hinson @KonopCh @Roasty McToasty @Hansbricks @Wile e Peyote @Son of Hobbes @IzzyTheGrower @Sensi Jay @PolySizeCircuit @strakey @slimjim00 @autobeast @Rifleman @hippy71
Hey man,

Thanks for tagging me in your grow.

Subbed up brother [emoji113][emoji106]

:welcome:Thanks for subbing up. I’ve been away too long. Finally got down to my last couple ozs and realized I needed to get off my butt and grow something. :smoking:

Im in brother! Love me a good autopot grow! Wish I had an answer for you on the sickly little one. Maybe she will pull through! thanks for the tag in, or I probably would have missed it! :pass:
:welcome:Always glad to have you around. I was going to pull the scrawny one, but I want to see if my suspicions are correct and will let it grow for now. Only bad part is that I was going to try to Scrog this grow but now I’m going to be lopsided. :cools: