New Grower Azad Grows RQS Gorilla,Bubble Kush, Cheese and Northen Lights automatic

I don't usually reply on threads for this reason... I'm only trying help set the guy on target I know it's off but. since you think it's fine then we'll say I'm wrong I can live with that I know I'm not though... read why humidity is so important...40-50% humidity is flower range not veg....

Humidity is expressed as the quantity of water vapor in the air. Humidity plays a necessary role in influencing how much evaporation occurs in cannabis plants. Your plant will take in more nutrition and water when the humidity is low. If for any reason the evaporation strain get to be too much, marijuana plants will guard itself against scarcity by closing its stomata. So naturally this will stunt the growth of your plant due to the lack of water absorption.

My point is , if that is in correct range then the plant will be less likely to struggle...It's struggling! the vapor or lack of caught up and the stomata have closed... I'm sure of it, his average humidity 45-50% I use that for flower not veg...
This is why you must have the proper humidity levels in your marijuana factory. When the plant is in the growth stage, it will need high humidity, unlike the blooming phase. This is mainly because the roots of baby plants are much smaller. Measure the humidity using a hygrometer. In the first stages of growing your plant, the humidity can be about 70%, and you can reduce it by 5 every week until it gets to 40%. Included in this article is a helpful schedule to assist you with the right information on humidity levels for both indoor and outdoor growing.

I honestly don't think the humidity staying at 50%, I feel it's been dropping more..I just think the plant ran out of moisture to pull out of the air and the plant going into protection mode, so many variables go on here not just the temp & rh, also air flow in tent out of tent, conditions of room tent is in, etc... many of these should be factored in...I honestly am not here to confuse the guy, I had thought that seemed to low to me for the plants age and other conditions I look for... He been giving rather high doses of nutrients imo and it just seems everything caught up..If leaves can't get enough water from air they will fold in like that...

and also we do not actually know the humidity is really at even 50%, it depends on location of meter/etc I factor everything in not just one thing...if meter is right near an inlet or fan obviously that changes things...I keep an open mind and think outside the box..if fan blowing at meter it could be showing higher or lower then it actually is, lots of variables.many of us have several temp/humidity meters in tent to get a more accurate readings, placement is everything...humidity at ground level may be 50%, but is it really 50% between light & top of leaves? I highly doubt it.....600w hps will certainly evap much humidity from heat that produces.. so I don't doubt below the leaves is 50% at the leaves I think closer to 40% just from that look.. I had seen this early on I didn't just come out and say it, I noticed in early on photo's that they were starting to turn up and in, I thought then it wasn't probably where he thinks it is... if that meter right near a pot it will pick of humidity from that and not what is in the air or if it's blowing across run off tray towards hard to believe the humidity is 50% at tops of leaves maybe below them sure I believe that...if meter hanging between light & tops of plants(not directly under or false readings)off to side some that should give the most accurate air humidity readings his set on floor right? so it's off...ground level not ideal place to monitor humidity...
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I don't usually reply on threads for this reason... I'm only trying help set the guy on target I know it's off but. since you think it's fine then we'll say I'm wrong I can live with that I know I'm not though... read why humidity is so important...40-50% humidity is flower range not veg....

Humidity is expressed as the quantity of water vapor in the air. Humidity plays a necessary role in influencing how much evaporation occurs in cannabis plants. Your plant will take in more nutrition and water when the humidity is low. If for any reason the evaporation strain get to be too much, marijuana plants will guard itself against scarcity by closing its stomata. So naturally this will stunt the growth of your plant due to the lack of water absorption.

This is why you must have the proper humidity levels in your marijuana factory. When the plant is in the growth stage, it will need high humidity, unlike the blooming phase. This is mainly because the roots of baby plants are much smaller. Measure the humidity using a hygrometer. In the first stages of growing your plant, the humidity can be about 70%, and you can reduce it by 5 every week until it gets to 40%. Included in this article is a helpful schedule to assist you with the right information on humidity levels for both indoor and outdoor growing.
No need to be defensive man, it's ok to have a difference in opinion. I'm not trying to dispute those facts you've mentioned. You're 100% right. What I am saying is, 50% RH is not the cause of those tacoing leaves and I stand by that statement 100%. Agree to disagree, if you like.
right temps are between 24c - 26c humidity 50-55% at day and 18.5c 22c humidity 40-50% at night.
where is placement of your humidity meter? and how sure are you that it's not below 50%?? like 100% sure? I want get a clearer pic whats going on here and it looks to me as if maybe below plants the humidity may possibly be near 50%, certain things standing out to me though that is being ignored no-one seems to mind your humidity been between 40-50% I guess that is just a number.... I honestly believe its even lower that just from certain looks I'm seeing...the space between your hps & tops of plants is the area you want to monitor humidity not at bottom of tent not at top of tent right in between....I think that area is lower then 50% I truly believe that... Maybe you can do me a favor and hang in that area and see?? please? I check mine at 3 levels, we do not know that your meter is accurate, we not know the humidity level at leave level & between hps, anyone who used an hps will know that will dry the hell out of the air so I believe in-between is lower then the 50%
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Meters are at more or less ground level i will move them and report back tomorrow with an average so much info to take in im still learning but ill get there with the help im getting here Anything you guys need to know just ask im grateful
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Meters are at more or less ground level i wil move them and report back tomorrow with an average so much info to take in im still learning but ill get there with the help im getting here when dhould you mistvthe leaves I haven't yet could this help ? Anythingvyou guys need to know just adk im gratefull
yes you should be! and I'm willing to go out on a limb here and say now with 100% certainty that if humidity is maybe 50% at ground level , that between the hps light and tops of plant will be more in area of 35%-38% lets see how much I'm off once ya adjust..of course if you start spraying plants and move meter then my guess will be off, but checked as is It will more then likely be right around there hps causes a lot of heat and will evap air rather quickly directly under that area...lower & higher areas of tent may be higher humidity and thats totally normal...your target is only between light & tops of pot where leaves are..that area is the focus zone...also your meter isn't logging over the 24hrs correct? so is quite possible during times when you seen 40% that it could of went even lower when you were not checking? The whole picture gives the best advice.. so I am not assuming you had it placed in the correct place, I figured being a new grower it was probably at bottom resting on floor or something... I also grown with hps for many years I know how dry the area gets between the light at tops of plant and unless being checked there, then safe to say it's low...I have 3 meters at 3 levels and not one is the same! so take what I'm saying with some thought..If that was from fan blowing at it, it would look much different the leave wouldn't have a tight look to it "picture a flag waving in the breeze" leaves with fan blown at them show something a bit different, thats not to say your not blowing at it and it's throwing me off a bit too, but leaves that are Healthy with proper humidity do not feel rough or course they feel, well healthy.... I'm sure that feels rough or course..It just looks it.. Mostly when fan blowing at leaves they will be twisted(like they being beat up) in many directions NOT just pointing up and in,they can-not discriminate like that...I noticed that on the plant when you were near 3rd true set of leaves it was already showing signs of humidity issues, you can see it's all over the place well I me the humidity number is not just a number it is vital during germ & through veg...I'm at 80-85% at germ, 75-80% through veg & into start pre-flower then drop 5% a week until plant finishes...that is a long way off from 40-50% a plant grown with low humidity will remain small and will be chasing tail through-out grow as plant struggles, it's can't take up nutrients like it once could, just throws everything off...thats why till a certain point things will be okay then just suddenly will be issue after issue as plant starts to show you she is struggling I'm only trying prevent that before it happens...
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try to add a wicking system(bucket with towel or something used as a wick) to help bring up if your really struggling to get past where you are, between spraying them and making a wicking system to add a bit consider using a delay recycler for your extraction in germ and early part of vegs really no reason to be using, that only fighting against you.... pulling out what your adding..I know we can get ya in range with a couple adjustments/tweaks...Lets see how your plants start to look once you fix them little things, I'm sure like 50% better...they will be happy when they happy it shows, it truly does...
my temps read 24 hours and was on the edge of the pot either side of the tent reading min/max
ill try the towel and bucket see how it works and might get a laser temp to give me accuracy on leaf temps I will be going LED next time in half the space with no more than 5 plants of one strain to make it easier until I get more experience
@Dudeski this guy unique is incredible thanks for that brother
hey man thanks for that! I really just want you have best advice you can get, the entire picture not pieces here & there...and I want help you understand why I say what I say... so it makes since..