Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

gonna class today as day 1

What is that white tube on the floor to the right?
its a tube heater that i used to help keep the my tent warm at lights off, it only really gets used in the winter time

cheers everyone for all the past comments, its appreciated :thumbs:
Great grow seymour your grown inspired me to grab this strain.. You are really pushing the limits of what an auto can do.

Nutrient question ,, Hey Seymore,, impressive to say the least..

I am in the US a medical grower here I am not so familiar with the nutrients you used,, I was able to find them available online,, I am not sure if it is appropriate to ask but do you have any thoughts on using advance nutes. and start with the formulex and use the rhizotonic and use the master regimine starting the 2nd week, manybe with the iguana j. as a main nute. Everyone loves soil here without exception, and I did a hydro grow in '82 but am not familiar at all with the newer nutes etc. I am doing my 1st grow indoor in about 14 years , starting with 4 TD. under 2 600 watt hi par HID.s. I was going to follow your regimen exactly as possible but looking at the p h perfect stuff and how my friends talk over it I may have to go with that,, Thanks so much for your post and I found it on you tube,, congratulations and hope to continue to hear and see more from you,, I am counting hard on this grow and will post here or maybe that should be another thread,, Love from US :peace:
:drool:im literaly gunna puke. or smack the shit out of my momma. or both. i just read from start to finish on this and seriously its discusting how much those plants just produced. i will absolulty and most deffinatly pay for a plane ticket for you to come to myneck of the woods seymore. all expencses paid to come do that for my self. the fact of the matter is you do this becasue you obviously love it and find it o be fun. althogh ph and nematodes gave you a solid scare it had me shakin in my boots for sure. you amaze me with evertyhinyou do for the industrie and its alllll for the people to see. gotta love that. so much thanks to you for posting this thread and letting us all chime in and watch at will. i learned alot by reading..EVERY SINGLE POST on 47 fricken pages. but you know somthign it was worth the time. your one of the very few out there changing how people veiw leds and its amazzing. gotaa love technolagy. anyways. this is an absolutly outstaanding job keep growing the stankiest of danks!!!
I am in the US a medical grower here I am not so familiar with the nutrients you used,, I was able to find them available online,, I am not sure if it is appropriate to ask but do you have any thoughts on using advance nutes. and start with the formulex and use the rhizotonic and use the master regimine starting the 2nd week, manybe with the iguana j. as a main nute. Everyone loves soil here without exception, and I did a hydro grow in '82 but am not familiar at all with the newer nutes etc. I am doing my 1st grow indoor in about 14 years , starting with 4 TD. under 2 600 watt hi par HID.s. I was going to follow your regimen exactly as possible but looking at the p h perfect stuff and how my friends talk over it I may have to go with that,, Thanks so much for your post and I found it on you tube,, congratulations and hope to continue to hear and see more from you,, I am counting hard on this grow and will post here or maybe that should be another thread,, Love from US :peace:

i havent used advanced nutirents for a complete grow so i cant really give you any advice, if your friends are getting good results in the same setup that your using then it might be wise to take their advice, i could chat about nutrient ratios and additives for hours but its really down to you to find the one that suits your type of growing style and setup , plants will react different under different lights so my nutrient regime works good for me and my setup but might not work as well for some 1 using cfl or hps

hope this helps
I read your entire Think Different Post. Only your posts, text dense, and those of online AFN friends. Great Grow. Great documentation. You did quite a job.

Was there a grow journal for your Auto Mazar grow from Dutch Passion? I havent seen it.

Which do you prefer?

By the way the Nibiru Cataclysm is scheduled for July 26, but Im sure you knew that.
But its based on the The Babylon Calendar, so it may a little off, but you knew that, too.
But that obviates the Aztec or Mayan (Im not sure which) prediction
Are you sure thats where you are?
I read your entire Think Different Post. Only your posts, text dense, and those of online AFN friends. Great Grow. Great documentation. You did quite a job.

Was there a grow journal for your Auto Mazar grow from Dutch Passion? I havent seen it.

Which do you prefer?

if you click here <<<< it will take you to my auto mazar grow

tough choice between both plants as the mazar aroma is something special and not to be missed and the yield on the think different is insane, if i had to choose id choose both just for the growing experience and its nice to have either girl in you grow room