Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

day 45 from seed

im pushing this strain hard, ive upped her feed to 1.6 ec and ive not gave her the full dosage of pk 13/14 yet, im probably gonna run that next week but im still at the bud formation stage of the grow

she is drinking and eating loads and her appetite is crazy, its not been easy for me to get the ph and ec to remain stable as her ec is always dropping, ive upped her ec in the hopes that we come to some common ground lol

her true aroma has finally started to come through and ive got the famous ak47 hum going on with a creamy tinge to it :)

all in all its going well, cause its my remaining plant im gonna try and push her to the limits and see how she reacts ;)

ive still got the end of bud formation, weight increase and maturation to go through and 30 - 35 days left till harvest ( 4 - 5 weeks ) im hoping for a big finish lol










What strain is that?
It's called think different mate,it's a new strain from Dutch passion and soon to be released :drool:
Love the discussion but let's not forget this is a Test Strain Grow Journal.
If needed I could move the off-topic posts into a new thread for further discussion.
Let me know, Seymour

actually the journal did go slightly adrift lol you might wanna clean it up a bit as its linked from the dp website lmfao

this strain is absoloute amazing currently in her res she's got

canna aqua as her base nutrient
superior potash
sensi cal

i did a fresh res change yesterday and set it to 1.6 ec and ive checked on her today and its sitting at 1.4 ec, honetsly ive never seen feeding like it, i selected her because of her agrresive feeding and obviously the biggest root mass but these are crazy ec's for an auto especially with canna as i know its a strong feed

in a kinky kinda way its like shes begging me to push her to harder, i think im in love with this strain

obviosuly im at the point of no return here so what you guys reckon i should do, increase her ec to 1.7/1.8 and give her everything i got or just ride it out haha ??
actually the journal did go slightly adrift lol you might wanna clean it up a bit as its linked from the dp website lmfao

this strain is absoloute amazing currently in her res she's got

canna aqua as her base nutrient
superior potash

i did a fresh res change yesterday and set it to 1.6 ec and ive checked on her today and its sitting at 1.4 ec, honetsly ive never seen feeding like it, i selected her because of her agrresive feeding and obviously the biggest root mass but these are crazy ec's for an auto especially with canna as i know its a strong feed

in a kinky kinda way its like shes begging me to push her to harder, i think im in love with this strain

obviosuly im at the point of no return here so what you guys reckon i should do, increase her ec to 1.7/1.8 and give her everything i got or just ride it out haha ??

I vote to push the bitch. She's hungry so feed her until her greediness subsides some, then ride that ec out till the end?

what a beast you got on your hands there seymour!!
I think you already know the answer buddy. Seymour never settles for sitting back and waiting! Feed that hungry girl and ride it home!
Yup I vote same. I like to push the limits and from every grow of yours i have ever seen you do the same. Push her til she pushes back and take her home. This is the one to watch and I'm front row with all my necessities.
I'm sure it'll be interesting which ever way you chose, she's very well developed - quite a bit of plant mass there, so i wouldn't be surprised if she responded well to an increase. I'd run the course for now but if you have a feeling sometimes it's best to go with your gut.. The DWC systems run fast and churn out some very impressive results if done right. You have clearly demonstrated this :D
Seymour, you manage to pull me in two directions on this one ! I wonder whether a compromise of 1.7 is the right thing here. I thought an EC of 1.6 sounded high enough to be honest, but Think Different seems to be drinking those nutrients at an unfeasible rate for the age of the plant. Being somewhat risk-averse I wouldn't want to push her too far. Although right now the best judge is you, and I think you already know you want to push this new strain to the max. Just be gentle with her man. Go slowly with her and remember it is Ok to keep it at 1.6 for a day or two if you sense you need to.

I have been in touch with the experts at Canna nutrients in Holland, those boys know their stuff. Man I would love to know their thoughts on this and the previous comments on possible Ca/Mg deficiency. Lets see what they say, I will let you know. They are following this too.
tony im 100% with you all the way mate so i made a compromise

ive decided to lower her base nutrient and increase her addatives, ive kept her ec the same @ 1.6 but ive totaly changed all her ratios around and see if that curbs her appetite, honestly i aint no lion tamer and this girl is a ferocious beast

look at the root system on her , stunning , it literally fills the bucket

Man that rootball is just insane, no wonder she is drinking so much nutrient. I can't claim to be a world expert on deep-water-culture but you seem to have an extreme grow under way. Like you say, the rootball is almost outgrowing the oxipot system, it is unreal. You will need a bigger bucket soon. And I was staggered to see what you did with the AutoMazar. This grow is beginning to reach epic proportions. Just incredible. I really can't wait to see how this continues. You have all the Dutch Passion crew glued to this.
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