Dutch Passion Autoflowering 'Think Different' in DWC under L.E.D.

The ‘Think Different’ plants have really taken off, they are looking magnificent. The plant on the left is showing particularly pronounced growth, some of the fan leaves look remarkably large considering that the plants are only 30 days from seed. This has the hallmarks of a very special grow-in-progress Seymour. Man you have impressed us with this, and I can’t wait to see how the next few weeks go.

It’s interesting to hear your comments of low-odour characteristics in this strain so far. Please keep letting us know about that aspect, you would be surprised how much correspondence the Dutch Passion office gets about creation of a low odour/no odour strain. One of our traditional strains, Master Kush, is popular with some urban growers specifically for the low odour characteristics. Of course it is quite possible that Think Different goes on to stink like hell later in flowering.

At this stage I have a couple of thoughts that keep recurring. Firstly I wonder just how the yield will develop. Right now, assuming things go as well as they have so far, I think we will be impressed but the next few weeks will be crucial. Secondly, I wonder whether the girls will finish on time or whether they will eke out a couple of extra weeks like your AutoMazar’s did. I have a theory on that…

Anyway, keep it going Seymour. It’s incredible to see this grow unfolding, with two powerful LED panels on this it could turn out to be a definitive grow in LED history. I was reading another grow forum the other day where people were saying that LED is still rubbish. Man, some people need an education. And you are the guy to deliver it !
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cheers for the comments

believe it or not but the plant on the right is actually the tallest out of the 2 ,i shit you not , or maybe thats how much she has grown just today

i know the plants wil give off different smells depending on which stage of the grow you are in so im looking forward to the 2nd half of the grow and i hope i can impress the judges which will be you lot watching this grow ;)

ive raised my lights higher just so its like the rays of the sun bouncing onto their leaves lol what more could my ladies want , they have the full glow of both panels and they have their feet in a jacuzzi im so jealous right now

ooops my buckets are 4 gallons or 20 ltrs for the uk growers out their lol
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Yea overheads can be decieving sometimes. In your earlier photos the one on the right always looked bushier, taller and like it had more shoots. In your last photo update the one on the left looks like it has out grown it but that could just be the roundness of the overhead making it appear larger overall. Either way they are both massive for 30 days but I didn't expect much less after reading all of your other journals. They are both absolutely stunning and massive. I've had my popcorn ready since the start. :thumbs:
man that root ball.............a quick boil some homeade sauce and meatballs el dente!
at day 31 id say your doing very well mate..!!:drool: not even halfway into grow and u have plenty of budsites, have dutch passion told you how long they take to grow?? cant wait to see the next pics, u must be getting a real nice aroma going in there now..

ill keep watching the show dude.. merry christmas..



day 35 from seed

ive been trying to get an update on this grow but ive been so busy at work the past few days i now have some free time this morning so

both plants are looking amazing (biased opinion lol) they are drinking around 5 ltrs every 1 1/2 days so im just topping up both buckets as i go along , the aroma is increasing but a lot of this seriously depends on what ph im at, they love a ph of around 5.8 - 6.0 , i know its sad that i can tell from the smell of the plants if they are in or out of range lol

both plants are standing around 60 cm tall which is perfect for me at the minute because it means ill probably be able to flower them both :)

im guessing i still have 5 more days of stretch period left before they go onto to flower and show me what they got

i wont bore you wiith my waffle lol pics, these are meant to take 70 days to grow










Merry Christmas to you too seymour, have yourself a little break from work and watch your babys grow.. Progress is looking good.. You really are becoming at one with your grows, its a good show to be watching..

Have a gooden mate..
Merry Xmas to all marijuana lovers from Dutch Passion. We hope you are all enjoying the holidays. And we are enjoying seeing these Think Different specimens being grown so professionally. So it is a big Xmas 'thumbs up' from Dutch Passion. Things are looking excellent. You can see the sativa influence in the leaves, and for 35 days the plants are looking as good as you could expect. Just keep it going Seymour, it is looking like a dream grow. The next couple of weeks will see the buds really growing in size and this strain will give you serious resin production. You are in for a real treat ! Keep those lights nice and close and enjoy the show !
wow just wow symour...those plants are going to be monsters just like your mazar. Keep up the good work!