Indoor Ash-A-Ton and the hybrid Hempy bucket

The myco covered soil. The good mold stuff. Lol.
When the hybrid hempy works. It kills it!!
Also will update the rest of the room in a couple hours. A few additions and new trials

My adult science project.
My scores. Either pass with excellent marks. Or f for f'd that sh$+ up.
Really really dense. Foxtails but dense. Guessing 1/4 lb ish dry. So far no rot or mold found.

Some purple leafs at the tips scared me a bit. But all good.
Awesome! I tried a Kratky with mud!
Me n bro were joking and saying you can grow with anything.
Hydro with a bundle of sticks to come.
Concrete crack.. lol.
It's really a weed. Grows anywhere. Quality and quantity depend on genes and grower. Medium.. not the biggest factor at all lol
Cheers pop
And the rest of the room
Starting with the new.
The mystery girls. One is a super skunk. One is northern cheese Haze. No idea which. Mixed em up during hash bash lol. Too high.

@derek420colorado @green genes @witchyhour
Here is ash a tons dwc trial
Using some pretty big net pots.