Extraction archie has a bash at canna honey

a bit of a conclusion
edibles do last a long time or can take a bit to fully wear off.to be safe i would set aside 24 hours,no operating heavy machinery or driving,balance co ordination is lacking.dont even ride a bike cause youl fall off.10 hours later i was still mangled.the next day 18 hours later i thought i was ok but completely missed popmaster quiz on radio 2 by an hour :shrug:
all edibles i have tried have been rancid.weed in a muffin mix,kief sprinkled on a pancake,proper decarb in coconut oil,diluted 50:1 with nutela,even this canna honey made me heave a couple of times before it touched my lips.i have a poor sense of taste and smell in general,but super sensitive to that warmish canna smell it turns my guts.
I made some honey tincture in March little before @Root posted it. I am having some issue getting it to reduce down. I put 6oz of honey to 24oz of tincture. I'm down to about 11oz so 5oz of tincture left. I have had it in a hot water bath twice and on a candle warmer. I am afraid im burning off thc at this point, but everclear is still way to strong. Why is it taking so long, because of the honey? Should I reduce before I put in honey? I thought it would have evaporated by now.
I reduced before putting in honey. About 50% but did about ⅓ tincture to ⅔ honey. Took about 3 days to evaporate off in a dark warm place.
I made some honey tincture in March little before @Root posted it. I am having some issue getting it to reduce down. I put 6oz of honey to 24oz of tincture. I'm down to about 11oz so 5oz of tincture left. I have had it in a hot water bath twice and on a candle warmer. I am afraid im burning off thc at this point, but everclear is still way to strong. Why is it taking so long, because of the honey? Should I reduce before I put in honey? I thought it would have evaporated by now.

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I reduced before putting in honey. About 50% but did about ⅓ tincture to ⅔ honey. Took about 3 days to evaporate off in a dark warm place.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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That's the opposite of my ratio, could be the issue too. May just have a lot to reduce 1st tincture I did so my starting amount may have been to high to evaporate as quickly as i thought it would. Still chugging along with it, to much alcohol still in it for me.
so started about 1/4 honey to tincture and now about 50/50 ? if it seperates you could phyfin cyphin siphin sp? off the tincture and reduce,then add back to the honey.
alc evapes at 86c ish ? just keep it below a boil in a double boiler
i think honey is mostly sugar and water and it could start to seperate at 50c and crystalize and turn to caramel no caramac no fudge no something else :shrug: at way over 100c

im known to babble at times so here goes
someones asked somewhere about the strenght of tincture,who and where who knows so il talk some here:shrug:all theory ofcourse.
the strenght dosnt change from the moment you know how much weed you put in.the concentration changes as you reduce the tincure.the amount of thc/cbn,d,s etc stays the same.the water from the missing % of the booze reduces by a smidge,we not getting over 100c but even at room temp a glass of water will vanish over time.its the alcohol thats being evaporated away.
eg. 30g (rough estimate that trichoms account for 10% of a buds weight) weed goes into 300ml booze at 88%.in theory we squeeze every ml out.we reduce that by 2/3 leaving the 30g weed in the 100ml of liquid of which now 30% is alcohol and 70% water.strenght is still the same 30g of weed but its now x3 concentrated.in theory if you keep on reducing you end up with a rick simpson type oil.and if you go even further you end up with a 3gram hard lump of like hash,and practically no alcohol.
one and only time i did a tincture i reduced closer to 1/3 than to 1/2 by accident.thinking the next time i run a tincture i will stop evaporating when the liquid only just starts to thicken up a bit.
i do like the tincture on its own,not so fussed under the tongue,seems a numbing dulling of the senses.i urge someone else to try raw vodka sublingualy,if its the alcohol that burns why did i feel nothing 88% should burn more than 30-44% ish of the final reduction ? i think it maybe the tiny particals of plant matter trichome shells and such erritating whatever tiny tubes take the thc into the bloodstream.i can see the medical values of sublingal tincture.tincture takin as an edible much more enjoyable experience for the average eejit stoner.
3:30 bit of a tingle,no lingering aftertaste smidge of dry lips mouth.
3:55 Bang came up like a bit of a rush from something i may or may not have done sometime in the 90's
4:20 i have a slinky for a neck.im hungry,finger food only i might stab myself in the face.
fuckingexcellent archie!