Extraction archie has a bash at a tincture

my bottle of vodka £50 750ml is 88% uk lingo 176 everywhere else. 37% Vladivar would be no good.ahh wait a minute.....if using kief/dry sift could we use Vladivar ? hmm :shrug: yes i think we can,just evap about 1/4-1/3 ? ish.with the good stuff if we start off at 88% boil away 3/4 the alc goes water and other stuff remains,we left with 22% alc and mostly water.the tincture seperates overtime,water and alc clear they float alc or water ontop ? the thc and other tiny particals suspended in the solution bounce off each other some stick to each other.then to heavy to stay suspended and sink over time.
gotta keep shaking them,another reason for short shelf life (for me)
i remember reading some place that when extracting minimum needed was 70% think that goes for the fat content for butters and oils,again the higher % the better:thumbsup:
some great threads on tinctures and green dragon hot and cold methods :coffee:
not just the tincture itself but the sublingual under tongue,and how different it is to ingesting,smoking,vaping etc.
Marvelous info Archie.
I'm readying myself for a crack at tincture and ice hash in the next week.
I'm meant to have the house to myself for a couple of days next week so I can do some science in the kitchen.
I've got some 95% spirytus to use for the tincture and plan to reduce then mix with raw honey :)

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cheers Swan :pass:not sure how much of the info is correct,or even close to it.just one persons experience shared.lots of tincture threads around pick bits from all of them to suit yourself :coffee: and a bit of bubble to :woohoo1:
yesterday i said id a bit of a sore knee,i moved funny or twisted it.
so i banged in 2 squirts 1ml under the tongue 10mins ago.tastes a hundred times better,not unpleasant at all bit of a sting and a tingle,wasnt reaching for a cuppa tea just let it dissolve away.no lingering taste and no dry lips.
cheers Swan :pass:not sure how much of the info is correct,or even close to it.just one persons experience shared.lots of tincture threads around pick bits from all of them to suit yourself :coffee: and a bit of bubble to :woohoo1:
yesterday i said id a bit of a sore knee,i moved funny or twisted it.
so i banged in 2 squirts 1ml under the tongue 10mins ago.tastes a hundred times better,not unpleasant at all bit of a sting and a tingle,wasnt reaching for a cuppa tea just let it dissolve away.no lingering taste and no dry lips.
Shall we say goodnight now? :shrug:
ive only found one weed to put me to sleep :coffee2: but i didnt find it as it was part of a mix pack :face:
it snuck up on me 45 mins,after an hour i played the same song twice in a row,then played the 2nd half of it right after :vibe:
and im gonna do it again just because i can :eyebrows:
2 hours later im :frog:i can still feel my knee,not much control over my legs though :woohoo1:
and i have to water the plants now :dizzy:
Sounds like it’s good shtuff. How long do you think the effects will last?
i was still half cut the next day last time from tincturing :coffee2:
kinda went a bit backwards there.packet of biscuits,bag of crisps then a sandwich :coffee: im tempted to take another 1ml but i dont want to ring in sick at 4pm 7 hours late not having woke up :nono: like i did one other time :haha:
wearing milk bottle glasses :dizzy:
You will have to try cannahoney if you haven't. It's so good in coffee and really kicks thecold n flu season in the arse!
i was still half cut the next day last time from tincturing :coffee2:
kinda went a bit backwards there.packet of biscuits,bag of crisps then a sandwich :coffee: im tempted to take another 1ml but i dont want to ring in sick at 4pm 7 hours late not having woke up :nono: like i did one other time :haha:
wearing milk bottle glasses :dizzy:
definitely need to plan a "head"