Extraction archie has a bash at a tincture

erm yes all chemicals have a saturation point.thats the amount of dissolved solids that the solution can keep suspended before its ability to extract,or the solubiles form back into solids.
even if i knew what the figures were id have no way to measure them.
i do think over time the tiny particals of thc stick to each other and become too heavy to be suspended and sink.
as its only 120ml im going to try and avoid heat sources and just put it in a tub of hot water to reduce.
but now i think im goint to filter and keep the sludge to the side for another wash to see what happens.if it stays sludge its trich shells and plant matter,if it disolves my shits too strong :coffee:

cheers WW :pass:J :pass:
dumped the sludge back into the jar

with a squirt more vodka,quick shake and back through the filter.

very nearly the same again.
was 4am i had sleep and work and shit to do :coffee2:so i put a lid on it cool dark place.
the next day

looks more black but theres a redish purple tinge to it.
going in double boiler now to reduce to 30ml.
i forgot something...fats,waxes and is it lipeds ? anyways after its reduced im gonna whack it back in the freezer then strain it again.
had a look at the sludge with the scope looks like brown carpet to me not a sparkle.pretend ocd prevents me from posting round pictures.i will weigh it when it dries out,and subtract it from the 4g that went in.
keep er lit
:yoinks: no dont do that.
oops theres more.
i dont want to be different just for the sake of it,im just an odd fucker thats why i run 19/5
tincture/green dragon alcohol is both the extracting chemical and the transport method,leaving a green tinge.nothing against green or crlyorifil or any of the other properties in the plant material,just looking for an easier way for me to make the tincture.
this batch the thc was allready extracted from the bud i used kief/dry sift.the booze just had to melt the trich shell and absorb the thc/cbd,n,s etc.so its just the transport method.
have noticed the taste getting worse with age,fresh its not that unpleasant,upto 3 months its ok,so im putting a 3 month use by on this and even though its alcohol a preservative im still gonna keep it in the fridge.
getting to sciencey,criticism welcome dosnt have to be constructive :eyebrows:
the day after next
the stuff in the filters

first screen

the 2nd screen

the not tea filter

back to the 2nd screen again...musta turned flash off

0.03g in it

the not tea filter

0.02g loss

0.64g loss so 3.36g of thc.
out the freezer
i guessed i reduced to 30 ish ml turned out to be 40ml
sucked up

through the screens again and into a bottle

30ml bottles turned out to be 20ml :baked:

sideways :face:
more guesstimates 3.36g kief is the same as 33.6 g of bud if thc =10% green stuff 90% weight of bud.if 1g of bud =120mg of thc 120x33.6=4000mg total crikey that seems a lot :shrug:
started with 120ml of vodka added a 30ml splash then reduced to 40ml.thats 100mg/ml maybe 0.5ml servings be more sensible at 50mg/dose.takes 40 squirts to fill the bottle.

left with 40ml of tincture 2 bottles of 20ml each maybe 1/2 ml servings of 50mg be more sensible.
out the freezer
i guessed i reduced to 30 ish ml turned out to be 40ml
View attachment 1001466sucked up View attachment 1001467
through the screens again and into a bottle
View attachment 1001468 View attachment 1001469
30ml bottles turned out to be 20ml :baked:
View attachment 1001470
sideways :face:
more guesstimates 3.36g kief is the same as 33.6 g of bud if thc =10% green stuff 90% weight of bud.if 1g of bud =120mg of thc 120x33.6=4000mg total crikey that seems a lot :shrug:
started with 120ml of vodka added a 30ml splash then reduced to 40ml.thats 100mg/ml maybe 0.5ml servings be more sensible at 50mg/dose.takes 40 squirts to fill the bottle.

left with 40ml of tincture 2 bottles of 20ml each maybe 1/2 ml servings of 50mg be more sensible.
Great read Archie, It seems like a mental amount of work but the question is have you tried it yet? Is it worth the effort? Can I use 98% pure ethyl made with grain?
cheers folks :cheers: :pass:
hell no ive work in a few hours.but i seem to have twisted my knee,so if its giving me jip it will get a try tomorrow after work :coffee2: i will under the tongue it,full ml i dont do half measures :cheers:but if im awake and not at work im smoking,could say that just the way i roll :eyebrows: so it wont be a fair report,but i smoke before during after my last tincture report :thumbsup:
Great read Archie, It seems like a mental amount of work but the question is have you tried it yet? Is it worth the effort? Can I use 98% pure ethyl made with grain?
work...less work with kief than bud,by a long way.done it a few times along with iso and bho small batch got the tools wee buns :biggrin: no tried it i got work in a few hours.worth it ? im recreational can i answer that properly :shrug: as a weed enthusiast i recommend everyone med an rec try it,and every other form of cannabis possible.worth it in value in value out kinda way ? not if you buying it to turn into tincture.got some shake,trim,fluff or extra prime buds hell yeah give it a go :coffee:
can use any alcohol/eth higher the better %200 or proof 100 :paleo: or is it the other way round. grain is everyclear like what the mercans use.
not iso/isopropanol alcohol its completely different stuff and will make your insides come out if ya drink it:ill:
Glad you added the caveat about the ABV/proof numbers...would have thrown doubt into all those other elegant numbers :smoking: Lol that's one I've got down:rofl::rofl:
That is some nice looking tinc for sure I've never made any that clear
Great read Archie, It seems like a mental amount of work but the question is have you tried it yet? Is it worth the effort? Can I use 98% pure ethyl made with grain?
Yes, there is a thread or two here on how to. Green dragon tincture is wicked.